
chapter 30 : The heist part-2

3rd POV

"Please don't kill me. I don't want to die. "The scientist 1 submitted to Kenta

"Me too " Scientist 2 submitted.

Scientists are the kind of people who are more diplomatic than aggressive unless they are named Kenta. So the scientists submitted to Kenta.

The scientists gave some files to Kenta. Kenta is still suspicious whether they are bonafide files he is searching for.

Kenta checked the file to check whether they are bonafide or not while keeping his on them. It looks genuine and there is information on pokemon clone creation

Also, people fear more when the surroundings are dark and not visible. People fear uncertainty

"I am a man of my words. I won't kill you but "Kenta exclaimed to the system.

The system absorbed the man. Storing the man inside.

"YOU Said you won't kill us, "The leftover scientist said in fear

"I won't kill you. I never said I will let you free "Kenta told the scientist

"Don't worry. You guys are capable people. You created the Mewtwo project after all."Kenta exclaims the facts

"You are more beneficial and useful alive than dead to me, "Kenta said

Kenta planned to visit them later.

Kenta opened the file and began to read the file glancing through it.

It has a lot of information about pokemon clone creation. It also described the very process Mewtwo was created. It is the final procedure in the creation of Mewtwo.

"Too bad. They have taken Mewtwo to another base before I came here. Although it would be difficult to control it "

"I can't give these files to professor oak. It is a bad idea. He either rejects these ideas of clone creation or he might become obsessed with the theories. Either way, it is not worth the risk

"Team rocket is really good. They managed to create their own stronger pokemon. It is a feat that none of the professors can do. Being ruthless really makes people more capable. They don't have limits or morals that stop them from achieving what they want. "Kenta exclaimed.

Kenta actually is impressed by the workers of the team rocket . They really did team rocket dirty in the children's show and video games

After deciding what to do with the information he has .kenta kept the files in his bag.

He has searched for anything the scientists hid from him in the room .

He had found, the experiments data the scientists had left. They are mostly basic ideas that are incomplete. They are titled 'Project Mewtwo'

"I will read these files after I exit from the base . Let's put some c4 charges here " Kenta told to himself

After making sure he didn't miss anything he wanted . Kenta put 'sea-four' charges on the room with the intention of destroying the research when he leaves.

What a nice guy Kenta is right, he is doing Giovanni a favor to hid the research of Mewtwo even for himself.

Kenta has began 'the cleaning of the base'

After cleaning the whole team's rocket base like a sweeper.Pikachu messaged Kenta through the phone.

Pikachu really became a phone addict.

A/n: Phones aren't that costly when you are rich . And pokemon have a high IQ to use them if the trainer trained them.

"[Boss , we got some shounen mc here ]"Pikachu said with a joking tone

Kenta is baffled and confused to understand what Pikachu is referring to .

He wanted to check whom Pikachu is referring to

Kenta checked where Pikachu is by checking his aura and moved towards him.

"Everyone regroup to where Pikachu and seadra is "Kenta ordered his remaining pokemon

Kenta and his pokemon reached to where pikachu is .

"Pikachu what do you mean by shounen mc ." Kenta went to the point

"[That guy over there is trapped and caged in a cage .]"pikachu pointed to a certain boy in cage .

Kenta saw where Pikachu is pointing at and found the pyro trapped in the cage asking for help .

"Hey who are you .Are you from team rocket . " Pyro asked the masked kenta .

"Names are for friends so I don't one . "Kenta told him .

He broke the cage Pyro is in with his own hands with the help of aura that boosted his strength .

"Tha-"Before pyro could thank him . Kenta knocked him out.

"Pikachu you found him so drag him outside " Kenta ordered Pikachu

"[Seadra found him too but okay I will take care of this kid ]"Pikachu dragged the pyro like a suitcase.

Pikachu hit the pyro to the wall accidentally.

"Try not to kill him Pikachu, "Kenta told Pikachu

"[Okay]"Pikachu exclaimed

"Oh no you are going nowhere "A voice called to them.

Kenta's aura didn't help to find there is another person besides pyro. He failed to find the number of people in the room.

Kenta planned to solve the mistake he did .

Everyone makes mistakes . Kenta assumed that everyone is cleared in the base.In haste, he failed to check the remaining person

Everyone turned to see a young woman in her 30s with red lipstick and her tank top which is revealing her busty cleavage and her mid-off with the symbol R on her chest. She is wearing a short skirt that is uncommon . She has green hair and tan skin . It looks like she is from team

"So aren't you sneaky little boy ~ " The female team tried to flirt with Kenta

"Aren't you a pedophile? Flirting with little boys "Kenta countered back.

The young woman is surprised to see a comment from an 11-year-old.

"Oh my! It hurts to see such a cute boy saying that. Don't you want an adult big busty woman to take care of you ~ "The women continued.

"If I wanted that.I would have ordered a better prostitute at pokeshop online" Kenta countered back

"[Apply burn to the damaged area]"Pikachu said while throwing a burn heal.

"[Even that is useless for this ]"Pidgeotto exclaimed

The women became enraged for this

"YOU . I am one of the executives of the team rockets. I am the hot Nakura, the sexiest girl a man could find . HOW DARE YOU TO MOCK ME LIKE THAT ."The women used a passive-aggressiveness tone.

"It seems I have to discipline you "The executive said taking out a Pokeball .

Before she could do that .

Kenta has other plans

"Charmeleon use flame thrower . She will be 'hot' like she wanted "Kenta ordered charmeleon

"[Gladly]"Charmeleon replied with a sadistic smile

It seems like Charmeleon didn't like how an old hag like her thinks she is in the same league as his master.

Charmeleon used a flamethrower on the confused Nakura, making her 'hot'

"S-Stop it.I w-will d-die "The 'hot' Nakura muttered those words while being on 'fire'

"No it seems like you are good ."Kenta said without concern .

"Congratulations Miss Nakura it seems like you are officially the hottest woman on earth.Hats off ,you will be remembered" Kenta said in a Englishman accent

Nakura's clothes burned off revealing her naked body and limbs . After some time her body is completely burned by charmeleon's flamethrower . Making the women hotter than the sun.

"It seems like we have fulfilled the wish of women. We should leave the place. "Kenta said

The women burned ash remained in the room .

After leaving the team rocket base and reaching the pokemon center and going to his room . Kenta activated the long range c4 detonator and


A small explosion sound is heard.

Kenta naturally went to check where it is . And went out of his room.

It seems others have heard the sound and they came running out of their rooms as well.

"What happened. I heard an explosion "Nurse joy exclaimed.

"Sir Kenta are you okay . I may have misheard but I think it's the sound of an explosion "Erika exclaimed to Kenta.

"I don't know what it is but . Scary stuff happens in the night. "Kenta told them.

"It's not wise to go outside .It's dangerous at night "Kenta said with caution

"[yes , who knows.What Mikado sannoji might do to us .Right master ]"Pikachu exclaimed with rolling eyes

"You know , sir Kenta . Are you okay with staying alone in your room "Erika said with concern?

"I will be fine . My pokemon will be there with me "Kenta told Erika

"I-"Erika tried to speak to Kenta

Before Erika could speak Kenta went back to his room

Kenta has pulled his bed covers and he is ready to sleep and begin his journey tomorrow.



Until he is interrupted by a knock on the door.

Kenta opened the door to find a fidgeting Erika.

Erika opened her mouth to speak "S-Sir K-Kenta. Would i-it okay.If I s-slept with you "

Kenta is beyond surprised to hear Erika's words . He didn't find any reason for Erika to act like that.

"Sir Kenta.I am so scared of the Explosion.So I am wondering If I could sleep with you. I feel safe in your hands.So can you "Erika requested kenta .

Kenta understood the situation and replied

"And what I get from it "Kenta told Erika

"W-What" Erika exclaimed with surprise.

"What would you do if I accepted your offer ?"Kenta asked Erika

"I Would do anything you ask "Erika exclaimed without any hesitation

"And why are you not asking Nurse joy and why me "Kenta asked Erika.

"I-I don't think I-I can sleep peacefully beside nurse joy .It is no better than sleeping alone "Erika blurted out

Erika is too much nervous to sleep alone .As she has never slept alone before

Kenta gave Erika a list of paper

"Here is the thing you should do .If you want me to agree with your offer " Kenta told Erika


Our mc is not the type to rescue maidens and protecting them .

He is the type to gain benefit from anyone even a child.

He will spare no one to achieve his goals afterall

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts
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