
Happy News

When Xavier saw his sister's back disappear from his sight. He took his cellphone and sent a text message to Prince Eleon.

He wanted to check if his sister said the right thing? Afraid, she tricked him.

[Xavier] Prince, how could you allow my sister to go to the Downtown district?

[Xavier] What if last week's incident were repeated?

A few minutes of waiting and no reply from Eleon made Xavier annoyed. He could only curse Eleon in his heart. And finished his breakfast in a hurry. He will follow his parents to Moon Island.


At Prince Castle.

Leon stood still near the big glass window in his study room, motionless. His vision looked straight at the Moon castle. His mind was disturbed by thinking his fiance was going to the Downtown district. Ever since he left her bedroom, he immediately regretted his decision to allow her to go to that dangerous area.

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