
Old Blood




Fredrick appears to be prepared for death as he leans back his head and looks at me. I can see a hint of fear in his eyes but he is doing well at hiding it.

"What is it you want me to say? You want me to bend the knee? Betray my master?"

His eyes are defiantly meeting mine as I sigh, "Theodore deserves a much better father than you. But I guess it cannot be changed, each person is dealt their own hand… If I were not friends with your son I would have killed you already."

I pause for a moment before I continue, "Though I can make you live the rest of your life in a vegetative state… I feel that would hurt him less in the short term, then I could just kill you later when he has accepted you are gone. What do you think of this plan?" I ask leaning onto my fist.

His eyes narrow as he peers between the three dementors, "I think that you are feigning your power. It is not just Voldemort anymore, he has companions now, HE HAS AN ARMY!"

I nod, "Salazar joined him? Odd."

Seeing Fredrick grin knowingly I skim his thoughts, 'He does not know about Grindlewald yet…'

My eyes widen causing his to widen as well, "You!?" He yells trying to stand up but is unable.

"Grindlewald is a dying old man locked in a small room without a wand. What do you mean he is with Voldemort?" My eyes turn serious as I imagine the implications.

Fredrick calms a bit as he smiles, "We will win this time."

I sigh as I shake off the surprise, standing up I step next to him, "I don't think you understand my proposition. They stand no chance against me, I am not someone who can lose to wizards."

He scoffs as he looks up at me through his bushy brows, "What makes you so confident that you can defeat three of the most powerful wizards to ever exist?"

Slowly I bring a hand down to his throat, gripping tight I lift him off his chair. His eyes widen in surprise at my strength. With a calm gaze, I lift him above me and my darkness begins to coat the entire room leaking from the roof like a heavy haze.

His eyes dart around as fear begins to appear in his eyes. I ignore it as I slowly cover myself in my shroud and shift into my dementor form. The room is tall but due to my massive size, I am forced to lurch over the man as my shroud slowly drops revealing my terrifying frame.

My fleshy pale white hand is far larger than his head so I must hold him with only three fingers. His face is now showing terror as he struggles to breathe, unable to use his body as it's tied down by my shadows.

I can also see Lucius has his head lowered but with my vision, I can see his expression shows fear, he is even shaking a bit.

'Nothing awaits those who oppose me but death.' I speak through my mind to those around me.

'... Recently I have been thinking… With all this speak of muggles being ruled over, or being killed off I began to think to myself. Why don't I just make my own world order? One where my family can live happily without fear of prejudice or 'dark wizards' such as Voldemort.'

I turn to face Lucius, 'It's a good idea, right?'

He looks up at my face and shivers a bit, "Y-yes Lord Reaper. I'm sure your world would be glorious."

I nod as I turn back to the gagging man, 'What do you think? Would you like to be a part of my new world order?'

Fredrick looks like he wishes to speak so I set him back into his chain, "I-I would b-be willing to hea-r you out," his voice quivers as he stutters out his words.

'That's what I wanted to hear,' I gesture my large arm to the table sweeping over it with my shroud. Slowly my shroud forms into buildings, they are large and grand, there are floating islands floating above the buildings with waterfalls infinitely falling into a lake below.

'I wish to create a world where magic fills and thrives all across the world, where muggles are just normal people. Where wizards are scholars who are looked up to, where no one starves and everyone is treated equally. A world where everyone is special… so no one will be…'

I notice a hint of surprise and happiness cross Lucius's face as Fredrick's turns complicated.

"You wish to give magic to muggles?"

I cock my head at him, 'Do you enjoy the privilege of being special? Have you ever wondered to yourself, 'What makes me special'?'

His eyes narrow confused by my words, I slowly bring my finger to his head tapping him between the brows, 'It is this, your soul. You are one of the lucky few who were born with a magical organ wrapped around your soul. Just like Lucius here, I am not the same. We are of different breeds.'

'You see. I created my magic, you were just lucky to be born with it. Now that I think of it that is a suiting punishment, isn't it… Take the magic from those who oppose progress…'


'Hah, you are quite funny, do you think you can control what I do? Can you stop me? Your choices are this: Join me as a leader in the push for the new order, or be left a living husk of a man with a narrow mindset of the world. Choose.'

I drop the shadows around him and await his answer he appears conflicted as he stands up and faces me. He turns to Lucius who has already gotten over his fear and is now staring confidently.

With a sigh, he looks upon the utopia of shadows I created on the table. Putting down his head he pauses before facing back towards me and slowly drops to a knee.

"I, Fredrick Nott will serve."

Shifting back to human form I stand in front of him and nod, "Lucius. Seal his vow."

Lucius appears surprised but still nods and comes around the table avoiding the dementors. "Yes, Lord Reaper."

I reach out a hand for Fredrick to take, no longer hesitating he takes my arm still kneeling. With a wave of Lucius's wand white streams of magic entwine around our arms locking them together.

"I, Fredrick Nott vow to serve the Lord Reaper faithfully until the day I die. I will never do anything to harm my lord's plans intentionally or leak any of his information."

"I, The Reaper, accept your vow." With my words, the white strings entwining our arms seemingly fuse into our arms and I nod.

"From this day forward you shall be known as the 'Old Blood'. You are the third servant after The First Servant and The Progenitor. I expect great things from you, Old Blood."

He lowers his head as he closes his eyes, "I hope to meet Lord Reaper's expectations."

I grab one of my enchanted seeker coins and hand it to him. As he takes the coin his eyes look up at me confused and seeking answers.

"You have one use, I will save your life one time. The location the coin is giving you is the fallback location, I have a village made there. Take your son there if you are put into a bad position and are forced to run, there will be a home for you there."

He nods, "Thank you, Lord Reaper."

I nod turning to Lucius, "First, tell Old Blood his duties as a servant, I will be leaving."

Lucius bows deeply, "Of course, Lord Reaper."

Just a clarification, Soren doesn't want to be a monarch to rule over humans and muggles. He just wants to turn muggle society magical and make magic a common thing. He isn't going to go on some war campaign across the world conquering the different magical societies lol. Althought that would be fun to write.

SirSykocreators' thoughts
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