
Chapter 22

“Hey!” I looked back at him to see he was grinning. “Behave.”

“Where would the fun be in that?” He arched a dark brow, and then, as I watched him, he added another finger.

I gasped and bit my forearm. He really was determined to make it difficult for me not to scream.

“You have the greatest ass,” Zach murmured. He’d said that before. And I shouldn’t have been surprised when he leaned down and sank his teeth into my left cheek, but I yelped. Zach laughed.

“Quiet. Remember? No yelling.”

“No biting, then.”

“I’m a biter, Michael. You’ll have to get used to it.”

I didn’t have too much time to get into my head to analyze that remark, because he wiggled his fingers inside me, sending shivers of delight up my spine. I moaned into the mattress.

“Somebody’s eager,” he said softly.

Zach withdrew his fingers and tore open the condom’s foil package. I kept my face buried against the mattress, though I could hear his every action as though I had super hearing, I was so attuned to him.

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