
Chapter 52

After a few minutes, a uniformed officer entered and lit her cigarette. He exited without a word.

Keep cool, she told herself.You’ve played this game before. You know what’s happening. Just relax and wait it out.She took a long drag on the cigarette and sat back to wait.

* * * *

Captain Shafer entered the small observation room and joined the two police officers who stood by the plate glass mirror.

“How’s she doing?” He asked.

“Ice,” the male officer grunted. Shafer watched Cam take a last drag on the cigarette and stamp it out on the floor. To his well-trained eye, she looked a little scared, but her body language betrayed that. She lounged back, relaxed and still. He knew that something had changed since she’d come back from vacation, but he’d never expected this. What had happened? What had gone wrong?

Officer Terry Koffman couldn’t take her eyes off Cameron. “She knew I was a cop. How? And if she knew, why didn’t she run?” she wondered aloud.

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