
Chapter 25

Charlie took a step back. “Now. Your skills. Number one: trust no one. Is that clear? What’s skill number one?”

“Trust no one,” Cam repeated. “Does that include you?”

“Judge for yourself. You wouldn’t need to ask such stupid questions if you used your brain. Think it through. Why are you here? Why am I telling you this? What’s rule number one?”

“Trust no one,” Cam repeated.

“Do you trust me?”

“I trust no one.”

“Do you trust your Mistress?” he asked.

“I trust no one.”

“What about Maggie? Do you trust her?”

Cam stopped. Her eyes went to Maggie who watched her from across the room.

“What about Maggie? Do you trust her?” Charlie repeated.

Cam looked him in the eye. “I trust no one,” she said clearly.

“Do you believe that? Do you believe what you just said?”

Cam wet her lips. Didn’t she trust Maggie? Did she believe that?

“Not yet,” she admitted.

Next chapter