
Chapter 63

Just because I was involved with Mann didn’t mean I’d suddenly gotten stupid.

Although this time I’d have to make sure the results weren’t quite so disastrous, not to whoever tried to break into my apartment, because they’d fucking deserve whatever they got, but to the apartment itself. I liked my future landlords, and I didn’t want their property unduly damaged. Maybe I’d talk to Theo about having a sprinkler system installed, on my dime, of course. Yeah. That sounded like a good idea.

It should spare the building the wrath of the DCFD, at any rate.

With Quinn off wherever he was doing CIA stuff, this would be the ideal time for me tomove. By the time he came home, I’d be out of his house and settled into mine.

I made arrangements to have some of the furniture I’d ordered dropped at the apartment on Friday. And what the hell, since I was running my department, I’d delegate everything and take that afternoon off as well.

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