
Chapter 51

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I made the arrangements, and after buying a pair of casual trousers, jogging shoes, and a lightweight jacket for me—as I’d suspected, Mark was a big proponent of Sears, and he broke speed limits getting us to the nearest store and back in time—we went whale watching. Mark complained when a whale breached and he got a noseful of fish breath. Since it was a three hour trip, the boat returning shortly after one thirty, we had the afternoon to while away.

We whiled it away in bed.

I made the arrangements, and we went fishing in the tide rips. Mark was smugly pleased when he landed more striped bass than I did. That was a half day trip, and we had a similar problem in the afternoon.

We spent those hours in bed as well.

I made the arrangements, and in a sixty hour period, I had never fucked or been fuckedso much. I had to keep shifting in my seat on the flight home, and Mark was walking with a noticeable limp.

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