
Chapter 37

“Will you tell me something, Quinn?”

“Of course.”

“How are things going with you and Mark?”

“Very well.”


“Truthfully. I’m very happy with him. The only thing I could wish for is to marry him.”

Bryan looked wistful. “It would be nice, wouldn’t it? Would you want children also?”

“Yes. That was why Tony married Cara Mia.”

“Although it didn’t work out.”

“No. Still, she lives on the grounds, and he can have vicarious children.” In addition to Sunday, Cara Mia’s first child, she and Cisco were expecting later in the year. I glanced at my uncle and observed his saddened expression. “I’m sorry none of your babies survived.” I’d have liked to have had cousins while I was growing up. Unfortunately, his wife had miscarried almost every pregnancy except for one. That infant had been born prematurely and was the closest they’d come to a term birth.

“That damned factor X.”

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