
Chapter 68

“Really, Papa?”

“I told you so last night, didn’t I? I’m determined to rescue your mother who raised you from the clutches of a woman who sounds like something out of Wizard of Oz. So you better eat hearty if we are to do battle with the Munchkins; because if you don’t eat everything on your plate, you’ll find it piled even higher at your next meal.”

“Yeah, I’m sure Aunt Mary could pose for both of the Wicked Witches at once, along with a few dozen Munchkins,” Brian commented snidely.

“Does she have a weight problem?” Bear asked, waiting for the punch line.

“No, she has a ‘see’ food problem.”

“Is she allergic to seafood?”

“No, she sees food and then it goes directly into her mouth.”

“Not too respectful of Aunt Mary, I see,” Bear chided. “She did take your mother into her home.”

“Papa, she took my mother’s money into her home. If she had a Harry Potter-like closet, my mother would be in it. I guess I better call the old witch and tell her we are coming.”

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