
ARCANE Chapter 14



I don't get what the hell is happening. Is everyone's life like this? full of surprises? Why the hell is all this happening to me? Why am I worried? Why am I thinking so much? Why are there so many mysterious things? AHHHHHHH. I started screaming internally while the bus was moving.

I looked beside me. The person who was sitting beside me was in a dilemma to call the mental hospital or not. So I look like a mentally unstable person if I think so much huh?

After some time the bus stopped at my station. I slowly got down of the bus and started walking towards the company. Man!!! What was the matter with my phone yesterday? It broke yesterday and after some time it started working with an unknown contact in it.

I was so afraid that I did not even touch my phone yesterday after reaching home. But the important thing is how did he know the existence of [DOOR]? How did he know the location of the [DOOR] before the IAA people even reached It?

HUMPH thinking questions doesn't get me a solution. Shaking my head I entered the company building.

"Rishi!!!! What the hell happened yesterday?? Are you all right?!!" Happi ran towards me with light speed and started checking me from head toe and from front to back.

"Why? What happened?" I asked calmly.

"What happened?!! Man yesterday we ran towards the explosion and we got separated. Where did you go? We searched for you in this whole building!!" So Happi was worried about me huh?

"Nothing, just some unexpected incidents started happening in my life. Hehehe" I said to him smiling while scratching my hair.

"Yeah yeah those unexpected situations are more likely life and death situations right?" he started tapping on my back.

"Um.... Excuse me everyone, please gather inside the meeting hall." a professor called us inside the meeting hall.

As we entered the meeting hall everyone was murmuring. Is there going to be another raid? I already experienced a life and death situation. The world I live in now is very very crazy.

"Everyone please calm down." it was Vigyan who was entering the meeting hall.

"So everyone is present here right?" he asked us and we nodded to him.

"Um... I don't know where to start but this is a very important topic which will decide your future....." as the professor said everyone started looking at him worriedly as the professor continued ".... As you all know that IAA is an organization which does not work under any government we recruit people with Arcane powers to close a [DOOR]. But as you know, it is a very risky job. This job is equal to you joining in any army, navy or air force. In the army the people all over the country are taking part right?" we nodded seriously.

"The people who joined the army are the people who are ready to sacrifice their life for the country. So what I am telling you guys is that your training is completed so it is now in your hands to join or not join in IAA. But I request you guys to join as the number of [DOOR]s appearing has increased which is dangerous to normal people. It's all right if you don't want to join though." as the professor said the hall was quite and everyone including me started thinking seriously.

"If you don't want to join all your Arcane power will be sealed and you may return to the normal life you were in. But if you want to join you can save thousands or even millions of peoples lives so please think about it carefully and tell me about your decision by tomorrow." the professor ended his speech and left us immediately.

Everyone started walking towards the exit of the hall thinking seriously and discussing it with their friends. Suddenly I notice Vigyan waving his hand signing me to come towards him. So I and Happi went near him.

"Um... Rishi and Happi I really want you both to stay..." we both looked at each others faces "... Of course it's your decision to stay or not but you guys are more talented to be some normal people. Don't mind me I was just ..." I noticed that Vigyan face was sad.

"What's the matter professor?" Happi asked him seriously.

"Um... nothing it's just that the number of people that would join our organization every year is like ten percent of the total people trained and this time because of the incidents and unexpected events I don't think even the two people will join in you twenty people so I was.....just a little bit worried." Vigyan said with a sad voice.

"You don't have to worry Prof.Vigyan because I am wit you!!!" "!!!?" I and Vigyan were shocked to what Happi said.

"It's not like I am not encouraging you but Happi, you need to think through it a little tough as I already said that this decision will change your future." Prof.Vigyan said but he was already happy.

"No I am confident that I made the correct decision." Happi said confidently.

"Are you sure?" I asked Happi as seriously as I can and he nodded like his heat would fall off rom his body. He is very confident in his decision so I smiled at him.

"Then there is some paper work to go through so, Happi come with me." Vigyan said to Happi and started walking towards the lift.

"Yes!!!" Happi shouted and started towards the professor. "!!?" He turned towards me and smiled as if he knew the decision I would make.

Shit!!! What should I do now??!! I started grabbing my hair. I bent down to my knees putting pressure on my mind.

Think....Think....Think... What should I do?? I am not rich like Happi or strong as Jeevan. Even if I decide to join IAA if I die because of an incident who will look after my family?? My brother is still in college and my father will be retiring from his job soon.

If I had a normal life I could at least take care of my family. Damn it!!!! This is hard!! Do the people joining the army feel this kind of pressure??

"Rishi?" huh? who is it? I turned towards him. Oh it's Mitra.

"Mitra? what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I heard that the professor asked for your decision." he gave me a hand to help me stand up.

".... Yes." I said to him a little bit of low voice. He was already an experienced Arcaner and also he always fights to protect the people around him. I feel a little ashamed that I am still afraid of what decision I will take.

"Hey you don't have to worry too much because what ever decision you make the whole IAA supports you." he tried to cheer me.

"...." I don't know what to say. My mind is like what should I do?

"Hey Rishi I heard..." It was Sara she was cheerful but after seeing me worried she didn't know what to say.

"Oh Sara you know him?" Mitra asked her.

"Yes!! he is one of my customers." She answered him. And again the mood became quite.

Damn!! I was never worried like this in my life except one situation where there were two of my favorite chocolates but my mother told me to choose one. At that time I was stood before the chocolates for about three hours to take one chocolate.

"Hey Rishi...." Mitra pulled my shoulder with his huge hand "... Lets have a practice match in the training room."

"Huh?.... Ok lets go." I smiled at him.

"Can I join you guys?" "Huh?" we both said to Sara said "Oh it's just see the match between you two." she said waving her hand.

I won't be surprised even if she fights against us. Just by looking at her I can tell that she can defeat me in a mere seconds.

As I was thinking I noticed that Mitra was talking on his phone. "Huh? who is he talking to?" I asked Sara, she signed me that she didn't know either.

After Mitra finished talking he started smiling widely "Hehehe. Rishi don't forget to bring your weapon. I want you to fight with your full power." he said showing me a thumbs up.

"Um.... Ok?" I said to him, just what is he planning?

"Weapons?!! Rishi is still new to this why do you want to fight with all your power?" Sara questioned Mitra.

"Don't worry Sara, I just called a high class healer. If anyone gets hurt he will heal us immediately." saying that Mitra started walking fast. Why is he so excited??

"Um... Sara, from when do you know Mitra?" I asked Sara.

"Mitra and I were both recruited at the same time so it's been almost one years. But I didn't see him this exited. What did you do to make him so excited?" she asked smiling at me.

"Um... I don't know too. We just met a day ago." I said to her, taking ot my sword which was in the locker.

"Let's see what happens. Hehehe." She was excited too.

Yeah let's see what will happen and what's his purpose for him to fight me.

TING "!!!" 

       <THE BULL>

       <LET'S SEE.....>

                                                       TO BE CONTINUED....

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