Maximus was not slowing down and it seemed like he will strike the pageboy. Someone with his skillset should be able to slow down once he sees that the one approaching him is not a threat.
Felixa stood up from her seat as she didn't expect to witness a death right now. Maximus' sword is swinging at maximum velocity at the neck of the pageboy.
Felixa looked at Maximus' eyes and she saw something familiar in them. something that she has seen in many of the veteran warriors – the need to be alert even when they aren't in a dangerous situation.
Max is young but he was in the frontlines of many wars as she has heard from others. It is not odd for him to develop this condition. It made her wonder if this is the reason he wants to be on the battlefield rather than him fighting "to conquer" or for "the glory of Lethusia" like others say.
Fighting sometimes becomes a habit and some warriors cannot rest even at peaceful times. And someone with authority like Maximus might push on for more wars for the same reason.
[But the poor pageboy…]
She saw Julius blocking Maximus' sword with his sword. Felixa was relieved to see Maximus gaining his composure and he drew back his sword. The pageboy who escaped death by a whisker slumped on the ground on his knees.
"I told you not to walk like a cat behind His Majesty!" Julius' harsh voice made everyone stop.
The pageboy looked young around the age of twelve. He started to whimper and his eyes reddened. Felixa didn't feel much pity for the boy because he needed to learn this lesson.
"I'm sorry," he accepted his fault and Julius helped him up and patted his back.
Felixa saw Julius having a restricted smile for the boy. This is the first time she is seeing Julius with something resembling a smile in front of someone other than Flavia. The pageboy then walked to Maximus, gave a bow, and handed him a small container, probably some message sent through a carrier bird.
Maximus swiped off the container from the boy's hand and the lithe boy took a step back and stood closer to Julius. Maximus took the rolled paper out and threw the container at the pageboy and it missed his eyes by less than an inch.
Felixa could for certain infer that Maximus didn't like the boy. While Julius tried to hide it, Julius was a little concerned for the boy and liked him. And Maximus looked like he wanted that boy dead.
[Could he be Flavia's son?]
It made her curious. For someone to become a pageboy to the Emperor, he must be from a noble family of the highest orders. But why would Maximus hate a boy?
Maximus read the message and gritting his teeth said something to the boy. The boy wanted to smile but looking at Maximus he controlled his smile and stepped closer to Julius.
But that made Maximus madder and there it was… the ribbons of lightning. Everyone got scared and knelt in front of Maximus. In a moment, the mood of everyone around has turned to fear.
[Ah… what a short-tempered warrior…]
Felixa's lips curved to a smile. Pouring a cup of tea, she walked towards Maximus to the surprise of every soldier.
"Max," she called him with a smile. "You must be thirsty."
As usual, looking at her made Max's mood better and he calmed down immediately.
She saw Julius rolling her eyes at her and she smiled to provoke him more. Shaking his head he looked away. She saw the boy fixing his eyes on her and she smiled at him.
"Let's go to the shade," Maximus brought her away from the others to the other corner of the training ground. But she knew it was mostly because he didn't want her to interact with the pageboy.
Well, she didn't want to pry more about that boy although she found that boy adorable. Some people just make a good impression without even trying. That boy was like that for her.
"The tea tastes good," Maximus said and Felixa smiled.
"I knew you'd be thirsty."
"I was… thirsty," Maximus pressed his lips to control his smile. "What did you think of this?" he asked.
"I enjoyed watching…" her face started to blush as she looked at his amber eyes. "…you," she finished her sentence bowing her head. Her heart started to beat fast as she saw him take a step forward.
"What part of me did you enjoy watching?" he asked.
She was greatly relieved when someone interrupted. It was a soldier and he wanted to say something to Maximus and he excused himself and walked to that soldier.
She patted her chest and turned towards the other side. There was a small gate to her front. It seemed to be where the vendors delivered the supplies as she saw many carts with food supplies entering. Some guards were checking the vendors and the carts before allowing them inside.
"Show your face and your identity document!"
She heard a rather loud voice and her attention naturally turned there. A guy was standing beside the vegetable cart with a hood over her head and he was having his hand near his waist. He was a little defensive in showing his face and Felixa got curious.
The teacup she had in her hand slipped and she got down to get it. Thankfully, it didn't crack as it fell on the sand.
She got up and her eyes ended up near the gates as she felt like she's being watched. That guy with the hood on was looking at her. His hood cast a shadow on his face and she couldn't see his face. She walked forward to have a look.
But she was not left to wonder for long. As he stood there stunned looking in her direction, the guard pulled down his hood. The guard then proceeded to check his hand and collected the papers he had.
The first thing she noticed was his eyes matching the clothes he was wearing. Looking at her, his face bloomed to a smile.
Having a good look at his appearance, Felixa dropped the teacup. This time the cup dropped on a protruding root and shattered to pieces.
When his eyes met with hers, she forgot where she is and what she is doing as everything else in front of her blurred and everything stood still. For a moment, she felt like she and that man are the ones left in this entire world.
With hair golden as the ears of wheat ready for harvest, eyes fresh as a mysterious forest, sharp jaws, and broad shoulders…
[Am I seeing wrong? Am I hallucinating?]
[But… That smile… He is Tubby!]
Her knees went weak as blood rushed to her brain. She felt like she's reached her destination. She wanted to run to him but she couldn't gather the strength in her legs. She tried to take a step forward but she tripped at the hem of her skirt.
She was about to fall on the ground but her eyes were fixed on him.
Well, what do we have here... Did she find Tubby?
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.