
Eruption of Wrath

Currently, Eridel's avatar was floating in the sky above the North Continent, having a conversation with living Storm Cloud, Cleo. There were some things that he wanted to make sure were put into motion before he finally met up with his self-proclaimed daughter, Ciera.

However, that was of course, not all he was doing. He was paying attention to many things at the same time and the turbulent events in the East Continent were certainly one of them. The ascension of the Sin of Wrath was something that he had always expected, so although it had managed to disturb Cleo even all this distance away, it had been nothing to him.

But contrary to the relief of Cleo, when the ascension process had come to an abrupt end, he was shocked. His brow creased and his smiling lips melted into a frown.

"Well, this is quite the predicament." Eridel muttered.

"What's wrong, Jonas?" came an innocent androgynous voice.

Eridel shook his head. The death of a Sin could result in some pretty disastrous results if not dealt with properly. But obviously, the residents of the planet weren't advanced enough that they knew how to correctly deal with such things. So for a moment, Eridel was tempted to deal with it himself. But in the end he decided not to.

This would be an important lesson for the World.

And as for Ghost dying? Well, although it was sad for such a talented figure to die, it didn't mean too much. Especially since dealing with Resentful Spirits was another thing that the World hadn't learnt to do.

The Resentful Spirit formed by the ex-host of Wrath was definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with. Eridel wouldn't be surprised if the entire Resentful Spirit stage was skipped and Ghost became, well, a Ghost. A true Ghost.

Eridel sighed. "Nothing's wrong Cleo…" He looked at the gigantic cloud that rolled about as lightning coursed through its entire body. It was truly an amazing sight to behold.

"So, are you ready to become one with the Heavens?"

"Run!" Gloria shouted out before flashing towards the 2 slowest people in her group, grabbing them by their necks and flashing away again. The others also didn't dare to slack and immediately followed after their Empress with their greatest speeds.

Naturally, the Fiends below that hadn't been incapacitated fled as soon as they grasped the situation. In any case, everything had already fallen apart. Their Progenitor had died and they were surrounded by death. The only option they had was to flee as quickly as possible if they wanted to live to see another day.

However, although they all shared the desire to escape the imminent danger that they were sensing from their progenitor's corpse, they did not share the capability to achieve such.

The Fiend Lords and those that were close to that level managed to run far enough, but before the others knew it, a loud explosion sounded out and everything faded to black. They had died without resistance.

But whilst they had fallen into darkness forever, those that had managed to survive could only see an endless crimson. Dark red light flooded the Forest and even spilled out of it like a tsunami, and the pressure that it released was so haunting that a number of weaker creatures that didn't die from the explosion ended up dying from fear.

But that was not the end.

For a few of those that were enshrouded by the dark red light, nothing really happened. They felt fear and worried for their lives but ultimately, that was all. They had a willpower that was stronger than others. But those that had a weaker will, and that was the majority (Beasts and Enlightened races alike but especially Beasts) ending up being infiltrated by the dark red light.

In other words, the Essence of Wrath seeped into their bodies without restraint. Which of course, resulted in some rather drastic changes.

A lot of them died, but those that didn't directly skipped the [Follower of Wrath] Stage and directly became something akin to Envy's [Creatures in Green], gaining random features that signified their attunement with Wrath like dark red skin or fur, dark red eyes, dark red horns, dark red hair, etc.

In a single moment, creatures all over the Southern Region of the East Continent had become [Creatures in Red], a few of the Blood Fiends and even a couple of the Fiend Lords that thought they had escaped included. Outside of that, the number of followers of Wrath across the world had increased dramatically.

Now, at this moment, that wasn't that much of a problem. The followers of Wrath and Creatures in Red barely knew how to use their new-found powers, talk less of knowing how to cultivate it. So at most, they only gained a sizable boost to all of their current powers. And more than that, thanks to the innate qualities of the Essence of Wrath, many of the beings that had been afflicted had lost their minds to endless anger, attacking anything in sight without finesse regardless of the power level of their target and dying as a result.

However, this would eventually change. Many of the followers of Wrath, especially the Creatures in Red, would begin to adapt to the new Essence coursing through their veins. They would begin to find the best ways to utilise their wrath, learn how to prevent it from taking over their minds and even how to use it to damage the minds of others.

Eventually, they would become a very serious problem, much more problematic than the other Sin followers that weren't under the direct control of their Sin source.

[Central Continent, West Forest, Dragon Mountain]

The Dragon goddess had claimed the highest peak of the 15 Dragon peaks for herself, everybody knew that. But what they didn't know was that 9 other Peaks had also changed owners. But once provided with such information, it didn't take much to guess which 9 figures were so special that they had taken the homes of 9 Supreme Dragons.

Without a doubt, it was the 9 Dragons of Destruction.

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