
37. Haze

AN: I want to add a non-consensual trigger warning to this chapter.. I put *warning* before it to stop reading if u want to avoid it


I woke up a bit later than usual. It was nearly lunchtime. I dragged myself out of bed and ate by myself at the kitchen counter. The rays of the sun were serene as they glistened through the window. The softness of dust particles floated in the air. Life was good. And as long as I was able to see its beauty, I'd keep going.

Was it strange to think such a thing so out of the blue? I chuckled inwardly. My mind drifted to the thought of Jin. I was expecting him in a few hours, so I'd better get the day started.

After freshening up, I slipped into a plain long beige dress and clipped my hair back loosely. The gorgeous pin Jin had bought me at the night market sparkled against my long blond locks.

I'd lounged on the couch with a book in hand when I heard the knock on the door. Jin had brought a bag of ingredients along with him for dinner tonight. As he set them down and picked me up in his arms, I broke into a smile.

"How's my girl?" He spun me around, gently before setting me back on my feet. "She's ready to give it all up for some of your cooking", I laughed. "How eager are we?" He joined in and chuckled with me.

"It's a bit early though. Should we relax a bit before we get started?" He suggested. I nodded, grabbed his wrist and pulled him over the couch. We lounged out under the warmth of the afternoon sun that cracked through the curtains.

"You're wearing that clip I got you" Jin's eyes soften as he reaches up and touches my hair gently.

"It makes your eyes sparkle." He smiles faintly. I felt my inside whirl around. "You think?" I looked down into my lap shyly. "Mm. I chose it so, of course, it looks perfect on you". Jin cupped and pushed my chin up before placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Who said you could steal a kiss, huh?" I pouted, all in jest, of course. The truth was I loved it. "Oh, so I need permission now?" He mused "I don't remember it working that way".

"Well, new rules starting from now" I giggled. Jin puckered his lips in thought for a moment before speaking. "Then, little miss bossy. May I kiss you?".

"And if I say no?" I teased. Jin was brazen in reply. "Then I won't bother asking" he tilted forward, stealing another kiss. His lips grazed against mine delicately.

I pulled away a little. "Maybe we should save it for after dinner?" I purred. Jin leaned back on the couch, letting out a playful snort. "Okay, if that's what my baby girl wants, I can wait".

After catching up a bit more, we got busy in the kitchen. I helped Jin chop the vegetables and prepare the ingredients. As though playing house, we joked and mucked around. I hadn't smiled this much in so long. It was like falling for him all over again. The little looks of surprise, his cheeky comments, everything about Jin was endearing.

They say time flies when you're having fun. This much is true. We'd been halfway through our meal when I noticed the sun disappearing. I noticed the dim glow reflecting on Jin's skin. He was too busy talking about spices to notice me admiring him, but that was okay. Let me sit in my happiness in this little moment, something just for me.

After we finished, Jin helped me clean up. I washed the dishes and he dried them. A small comment he made stood out. Teamwork makes the dream work. 

"It's getting late, I need to get ready for work" I'd just finished washing and clicked my phone on the bench to peep at the time. "Oh, That's right. Do you have any customers scheduled for the start of your night?" Jin asked.

"I don't. Why? Are you thinking of coming along for a drink?" I hoped that he'd say yes.

"Hm. I could come with you for a couple of hours." He drawled on as though contemplating the idea. "Okay. Yeah. I'm in. Let's get you dressed, shall we?" Jin clapped his hands together energetically. I jumped in surprise. Jin pushes me into my bedroom and plops me down on my bed. "Hold on, what are we doing?" I watched as he turned to my wardrobe and started flicking through it.

"Finding something sexy for my girl to wear tonight, obviously" Jin said, his head still stuck in my wardrobe as he continued his search.

"Should I be worried?" I joked. "Of course not! What are you saying?! This is me we're talking about," Jin exclaimed into the wardrobe. It looked like he was yelling at my clothes and I couldn't help but laugh. Then, Jin turned around, pink sparkly dress in hand.

"Trust you to pull out the most flashy piece in there," I toppled over onto my side in a giggling fit. The dress shouted extravagant, and it was just in such Jin fashion to pick it.

"What's so funny? This is gorgeous, just trust me. You need help slipping that off?" Jin threw the dress down on my bed and bent down over me.

"Trying to get a peek while using the guise of trying to help me, shame on you" I giggled, which only fueled the situation.

"And if I am? It doesn't change anything. I know you can't zip this dress up by yourself" Jin smirked, as though he'd won.

"Fine, just this once". I got on my feet. He gently slipped the straps off my shoulders and my dress fell to the floor. Our eyes locked, he leaned closer, pressing trails of butterfly kisses down my neck towards my collarbone. My heart flutters.

Jin pulls away and reaches for the dress on the bed. He unhooks it from the hanger, undoes the zipper and holds it open for me to step into. With one leg after the other I do. It's almost sensual the way he pulls it up over my hips and guides the straps as I slip it on.

"Turn around baby." I did as he said. He pushes my hair aside, and I felt the thin fabric tighten as he zips it up.

"Hm, is it pretty?" I turned back around and faced him. The way his eyes graze every inch of me, I feel so vulnerable. "So perfect. As pretty as a doll," Jin gave a smile before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, you do hair and makeup there, right? Should we get going?"

"Yeah, let me just grab a few things" I said. Jin nodded and walked back into the lounge room. I quickly gathered a handbag, then slipped on some heels and a coat.

Jin and I left for the club. I went in first, hair and makeup didn't take long, and I was ready and seated cozily in the lounge with Jin within an hour. We started the night off with a bottle of champagne. Rina and Wynnie added to the excitement coming from our table as they join us.

Just as my time with Jin was coming to an end, someone I hadn't expected approached our table. It was Dae Sung.

"Jia, babe. Are you ready? I have a surprise for you tonight," I stood and gave a short bow. "I'm just finishing up. Rina, can you please escort Dae Sung-Nim to his room," I shot Rina a look which she picked up straight away. Wearily I watched as she redirected Dae away from the table and towards the VIP room.

A deep sign unintentionally left me, as I sat back down. "He looks like a handful. One of your regulars?" Jin questioned. "Yeah. A handful, hah." I laughed. "More like a low-key psycho."

"Hm. Just be careful."

I escorted Jin to the door, embracing him momentarily. Letting go of him was bitter. I didn't want to, but I had to. Afterward, I went to the VIP lounge to find Dae, who was nestled between two girls on the sofa. He flashed me a smug expression before tipping back a shot, then, he proposed that I go with him to another club for the rest of the night. Cece and Serina were apparently already there. And, even though he'd asked, it was deceiving, because I couldn't exactly decline. So, I agreed to go. 

Dae led me through the back door, and we got into a black sedan that he had been waiting for us.

The car stopped right outside the front of the club, and the line for entrance trailed around the street corner. Dae opened the door and held out his hand to help me out of the car. As we approached, we were ushered straight in. His security trailed closely behind us. We slipped in so quickly that by the time anyone noticed him, it would've been too late for the girls to break into hysteria. Dae briskly walked, his hand tightly wrapped around my wrist as he pulled me deeper inside. The pumping electro beats vibrated in my chest.

We entered a cordoned-off section where a large group of people lounged. Among them, I spotted Cece, Serina and the other boys from Big Bang. The two of us joined the party. I took a seat on the end of the white leather couch beside Dae, and he poured us drink after drink, but I felt distracted. My gaze traveled out over the club, and from the VIP section, the dance floor was like a sea of blurry colours. To the side was the long bar, then suddenly, my breath hitched in my throat. Was this real?

Jungkook was there, and there was some girl laughing and touching his arm as they stood at the bar. Stings rippled through my chest. Did he hate me that much? Then, the unthinkable happened and his gaze locked with mine. From across the club, sound seemed to drown out, and time slowed down. He stared blankly. I had to tear away from the sight of him, instead focus on the cocktail on the table before me. Once I poured down the glass, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. My chest wouldn't stop swaying, and it was like seasickness. The figure of a lady on the door blurred as I got closer, but, suddenly, something felt wrong. Very, very wrong.

I started to feel weak, the door to the bathroom was so close, but my legs were giving way beneath me. My shoulder collided with the wall, and I clung to it. Just a little bit more… The music blared, vibrating in my chest so deeply. My knees finally buckled, and I slid down to the floor. What was happening?

"Oh babe, what are you doing down there? Here. Let's get you up," The voice was familiar in my ear, though, it was low, dangerous, and sent an icy chill down to the bone. In a flash that was dizzying, Dae Sung hoisted me up and roughly threw me over his shoulder. The view of strobe lights and people faded and was replaced with long, dark corridor walls. There was a sharp turn, my vision was blurring to the point that I couldn't see at all. The jolting of his steps meant he was climbing upstairs. Another. Then, another. Fuck. Where was he taking me?!

"You know, you're good. You nearly had me fooled. Never had you pinned as the type to meddle with gangsters. Always putting on that sweet innocent visage, it's too bad you messed up. Bringing around that sorry excuse of a dealer to feed your Coke habit wasn't smart." He seethed, every word burying me deeper in panic. Was he talking about Yoongi? My mind twisted.

I'm trapped. I could barley hear the music from the club anymore. How far had he taken me? My senses were distorting. Would anyone hear me if I screamed? Would anyone notice I was gone?

I tried to struggle, tried to claw at his back. I tried to fight. Where was he taking me? Trepidation of the question only sunk in deeper as the seconds ticked by. I couldn't move, my arms and legs were so heavy. I couldn't move at all. 

"You know, these days, there's a drug for everything. Ones to escape reality, intensify our emotions, or even numb the pain. The one I slipped you just numbs everything. It's so much more enjoyable for me when you can't fight back." His laugh was twisted, unlike anything I'd ever heard before. "Please. Let me go," I could barely speak. No words had come out.

Without warning, my body jerked as he took another sharp turn, and then we stopped moving. My heart beat like rapid bullet fire in my chest, then my body hit something hard. Was this a bed? I pressed my eyes shut, desperately trying to focus on my vision. For a split second, through the dark, and the loud beating of my heart in my ears, I could make out the window and floor boards of a bedroom. Was this place a brothel?? 

The fabric of my clothes was ripped off me, I could barely feel them clinging on anymore. The scream I let out didn't make a sound. Why couldn't I hear my own voice? Pain sharply sears the side of my face and sound drowns out. In slow motion, haze sits still in this smoke-filled room. I can see it now, and it's choking me. As he forces himself between my thighs, it sets my insides on fire. Desperately, I fight myself to move, to breath. But, it doesn't come. I needed to find a place to hide, somewhere safe, that's solely mine. My cries seemed so distant. 

 I'm forced back into reality, and he's smothering me. I can't stop him. The pain is threatening to split me in half. I needed to find a way out. Please, fuck. Please. Someone, anyone. I'm still here. I can't escape. Can't stop it. 

Up above, there's a gap in the roof, moonlight fills in. Are these the bitter truths of this world?

I needed to survive. But his weight is suffocating me, and I'm terrified. He could kill right now. What a mess of a life I'll leave behind.

A loud crack snapped me back as it echoed against the walls. The weight bearing down on me suddenly disappeared. I struggled to peer up, but, as I did, the door was unhinged. Jungkook stood there, his dark gaze meeting mine. Jungkook.. 

My heart fell apart, and as I gasped for air, the tears spilling burned my eyes.

 "I'll fucking kill you. You piece of shit." Jungkook voice sounded almost unfamiliar, and through blurs I could make out his silhouette move forward into the room. 

A bone-chilling laugh followed. "What a funny turn of events. It's even funnier that you think you can kill me."

Reality was distorting, and I couldn't hold on to what was unfolding. Jungkook lunged forward, and Dae dodged, only to catch Jungkook around the neck. But, he slipped out of his hold...They were fighting? 

I was still so weak from the drugs, Fuck. I needed to move. Right now.

With all the strength I could muster, I dragged myself to the end of the bed and threw myself off of it. The floor hit me hard, and my tattered clothes clung to my body. The chill of the cold wooden floorboards beneath me was like a shock that pulled me back into reality. And once I peered up, I saw that Dae and Jungkook were so caught up in the fighting. Had they noticed me? Think later. Keep going. 

I reached out and dragged myself forward, my bare skin scraping across the floor.

Voices shouted in the distance, and my heart was racing a million miles per hour. Two burly men in black burst in. They were Dae Sung's security.

One grabbed Jungkook off of Dae Sung, then Jungkook was pinned by the man with his arms behind his back. A loud crack split the air as the other man's fist collided with Jungkook's face hard.

"You little fuck. You've gone and done it now" Dae Sung stumbled up to his feet, wiping the blood from his chin. Jungkook struggled, trying to break out of the grip he was locked in before glancing over at me. His eyes were so cold.


One of the men in black dropped hard to the floor. Red flowed from his head, his limp body lay there. He wasn't moving... A figure stepped in to the room, metal gleamed from his hand. The gun he held pointed directly at Dae Sung. Had I lost my mind? 


"That's enough. These two will be leaving with me."

I tried to understand. To piece this together. I couldn't. Everything went dark.


Why did these arms feel so familiar? Without opening my eyes, I knew they were the same ones that had carried me from near death before.

I felt him wipe away my tear stains. I lied to myself. I don't feel the pain. I just wanted to lay down and sleep. Had we somehow walked away?

Nothing made sense. Silence. 

Jin and Jungkook's voices talking like white noise. The creaking of stairs snapped me back. My arms were still weak as I struggled to lift them to my numbed face.

"Jia. Can you hear me?" Jungkook's softly asked. Nothing like what I recalled in my nightmare.

"I don't know. I don't know anything right now. Was it all real? I-" forcing my voice out was painful. I doubt he'd even heard me through the cracks.

"Just hold on. We're nearly back."

"Where are we?" I peered around. I was in bed, we were in a small studio room. The flight of stairs were in the corner, and the surrounding bed sheets were red. Red, like the liquid that had oozed from that limp body.

"We are at the club. The studio above the club, to be more exact," Jungkook pulled back the sheets and covered me entirely with them.

"What happened? I can't tell what's real anymore" I muttered. Jungkook remained silent, doe eyes fixed on me.

"You've been through enough tonight. Try and get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning."

He was right. My mind was in a haze. Even if he tried to explain anything, I wouldn't be able to make sense of it. I gave in to my weary eyes and my tired mind.


Wow okay so that happened 😗 Thoughts, feelings, predictions? 🥺🔮

Thankyou so much to everyone reading and leaving comments and feedback and power stones it makes my day ! THANKYOU 💜💗

I'm sending you lots of love, always <3 Stay happy and healthy ~

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