

Prologue was great in the movie, but actually expierencing myself is a problem, I do not remember the exaxt details, but fortunately I do remember the main ones, I was a huge fan of Sonic, but I just had one question, and still had one question that was not answered, what the hell is he doing here!?

I had enough of that from Rose, and yes, while I do love her, she can, or her origins can be the most frustrating thing in the planet.

Right now I was staring at the guy I recognize instantly at Gero, who was staring at me with a fake smile, his eyes landed on the hedgehog who hid behind me and his eyes widened, before his, smile turned real dangerous.

There were red ribbon army soldier's next to him, around him, and I could sense some in the forest standing still.

There power levels is, extremely low.

"Now," The doctor said, "we can do this the easy way, or the hardway-"

"No." I said, "no you come in my house in my territory, unannounced, so you have no right to say anything," I stared him in the eyes, "leave now, or I'll make you, and that little army you have out here and hidden in the forest leave."

"Are you cra-!" Bulmas mouth was covered by Rose.


"No ms briefs is correct.It's too bad you don't have the same sense. Hard way it is." His glasses glinted as the soul diets from the left and the right went to subdoe me my family and bulma.

I glanced at Rose and Grandpa from the corner of my eyes, once the both of them made eye contact with me, my eyes went to bulma, they immediately understood and acted quickly, Rose dashed towards bulma who was pleading for them not to do this, and punched the soildier in the gut causing the soildier to spit out blood before he field unconscious.

"Kuro!" One soildier shouted and rushed to aid him, but fell toward to the ground unconscious, as Grandpa appeared with behind him with his hand raised, before he elbowed another soildier who came behind him, before he punched him really hard in the gut.

Hundreds of shoulders came out of the forest to fight, but to my disappointment they were weak, Rose and Grandpa were holding there own easily.

As the Rose and Grandpa were fighting taking out the soildier s, left and right Gero and I stared at the battle, Gero with a scowl on his face, and me with a smile. "Useless. To be defeated by a little girl, and an Old man."

I ignored him, and focused on his fight, within moments everyone that was in the red ribbon army visible was seen unconscious.

Gero was stunned, for a moment and struggled to get himself together, he turned to me and smiled it wasn't a genuine smile, it was fake, even a blind person could tell, he was feeling Rage embarrassment, and humiliation

"Impressive, however-" my hand lashed out and punched him in the face sending him flying towards a tree unconscious.

Sonic and bulma just stood there gaping

Rose walked toward me and leaned on my shoulder, glancing at them with a small smirk,

"I think we broke them"

I nodded, " they'll wake up soon." I glanced at the unconscious soildiers."

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