
Cat Fiasco

I yawned and then stretched my arms. My body groaned in protest, but it was still very nice to be able to relieve my muscles from sitting like a statue all day. Despite my every protest, I was still forced to stay home today. I thought my good deed of getting the Venue back would have won over Bastion enough to let me back into the office. But he strictly told me that I could come back for the meeting in three days. Until then, I was stuck behind my four walls unless Aaron came to get me. Although this was a great opportunity to check messages on the missing cat.

There was no success as of late. I check the emails, the social media posts, and still no one has claimed this poor animal. I mean it showed no signs of distress as it continued to roam around my house. It put me at ease knowing that it could adapt so quickly, especially after almost getting hit. But other thoughts started to enter my head. I wonder if this poor animal was a drop off. Who would hurt such a sweet innocent little creature?

An angry, and impatient yowl sounded from the down the hall. Weird, it never acted this way before, I wonder what made it so angry? Feeling curious, and also anxious, I walked down the hallway from my bedroom. I trailed the white walls with my fingertips until came to a stop in the living room. I carefully inspected the white sectional couch that sat into a perfect corner of the living room. The white fluffy rug was still intact on the floor. The large flat screen TV I never used sat snuggly hooked to the wall, still intact. The potted plants I kept by the door where still sitting up straight surprisingly enough.

Sighing to myself about this naughty cat, I walked to the high cat tower, and took a peek inside each hut. There was no sign of the naughty cat. I was starting to get frustrated. Where in the heavens, could this little itty bity cat be? When I was about to give up and search another room, the scared and angry yowl came again. But this time I heard it from above. But that was impossible. It was just a high ceiling, there was no way it could climb all the way up there. Right? Second guessing myself, I looked anyway and gasped in horror.

A tiny black cat was perched elegantly on an overhang close to the ceiling window. It stared down at me, shaking slightly as it continued to mew pitifully. It was scared, and I had no idea how to get it down. Staring dumbfoundedly at it, I pulled my phone out of my pocket, not exactly sure what to do. It's not like I had a ladder big enough to get up there. The over Hang was just there for decoration. I punched Aaron's number into my phone never once taking my eyes of it.

"Rosaline, I am in a meeting, is everything okay?" He whispered hurriedly. I looked at the time on my watch and cursed. I had completely forgotten he was supposed to be in a meeting with a possible new business partner.

"Never mind Aaron…I guess I'll try and call Bastion. It's not so urgent. I just need someone to come help me get my cat off the ceiling." I groaned. I guess I rather be home for something like this to happen, than me be at work. It continued to meow pitifully, never taking its eyes off me as it started to pace.

"Stuck on your ceiling? How did it get up their? Hold on, I am just finishing up this meeting and I will be right there." He whispered hurriedly again. I don't think I would have enough time though, from the way it was pacing and getting antsy, I had a growing bad feeling. Just as I was about to reply to Aaron's words, the cat stopped pacing, waddled its butt, and then lunged off the overhang. I yelped in surprise, dropping the phone, and launching myself at the cat.

I held out both my arms, ready to catch it as it came plummeting down. So many emotions crossed my mind as everything slowed down. Pain, fear, anger, and love. How the hell did I become so attached to this little fur ball? I knew that if I didn't save this poor feline, I would be devastated. There was no question about it, I couldn't let it go. Especially in such a horrific way. I caught the cat in the air, but not before we both landed, and a loud pop could be heard. I tried turning my body in time before I could squish the cat, but the only thing I managed to achieve, was turning my head to hit the end stand that the lamp sat on.

It came tumbling down, the lamp shade coming off and the light bulb smashed against the floor. The cat became enraged, howling dragging it's nails across my arms as it tried to get away. Blood started to drip everywhere as I let it go. Only when I released it, did I realize what had happened. It limped, nursing its right front paw as it tried to scramble away. I didn't want to further anger it, but at the same time, I knew it needed medical help. The only one closest enough to help, was Loui. Would he help me right now? I still didn't have a car, and with Aaron and Bastion being so protective, I wouldn't get one until the doctor deemed me ready.

The splitting headache I had just received, told me that I was now even farther from my goal of being released from my prison. Groaning, and trying not to scare the cat even more, I stumbled towards my phone. I could hear Aaron's panicked breathy words jumbling over the phone.

"Aaron I am fine, but I need to call Loui for help, the cat is hurt and needs immediate attention. I'll call you later." I quickly hung up the phone and listened to the ringing tone. With every ring, I could feel myself getting more anxious. The cat had stopped waddling and flopped down. It kept licking at the injured leg frantically. A huge wave of guilt came over me, knowing that I was the reason it was hurt.

"I wondered when you would call back. How are ya?" The thick southern accent of Loui came over the phone and I burst into tears. I told him what happened with the cat and that I needed to get it to the vet hospital. Loui, being the gentleman he was, said he would rush right over. With Loui now on the way, I had to wrestle this poor injured cat into the carrier without further injuring it.

Thankfully I kept the cat carrier by the door, and it was a huge one. I wanted there to be enough room for it to turn around if it had to. Close proximity always scared me; I couldn't imagine how this poor creature felt. With my head still throbbing and my arms still bleeding, I carefully walked over to the cat. Mid lick, it looked up at me, tail flicking and hitting the floor hard. It didn't look pleased to see me again, and I felt my heart shatter.

"If you hadn't gotten yourself up there, neither one of us would be hurting right now. So don't look at me like that." I got on to my knees, and slowly slid myself to its side. It couldn't hurt me worse that I was already feeling emotionally. It made no effort to move as came just inches of touching it with my knees. It just continued to stare me down, tail flicking angrily. I don't think it's anger was directed necessarily at me, but more towards the pain it was feeling. Which still didn't make me feel any better about myself. With a sigh and a tentative hand, I tried to scratch it's head.

It meowed and growled at me but did nothing to swipe my hand away. I gently pet it, hoping that it would somehow let me pick him up and set him in the carrier. After a few minutes of giving it loving's, I tried to gently pick it up, but it hissed and yowled in pain. I felt the tears prick my eyes, the guilt came ten times worse, and in waves. I couldn't leave him like this, and I knew I needed a new plan. So, I backed away a little and rose to my feet. I would bring the carrier to it, seeing how it wasn't moving. So carefully reaching into the closet by the door, I grabbed one of my old down jackets and stuffed it inside the carrier.

Then, I slid it over to the poor thing, eyeing me as if it was going to murder me. It might just do that after this visit. With another jacket wrapped in both hands, I knelt down to the injured cat and gently grabbed the rear, and just under the front paws. In protested and tried wiggling free as I tried to gently put it in. Now with the cat secured and locked in the kennel, I could set out to clean my arms. Still shaking and my head still hurting, I tried to walk into the kitchen. My world was starting to sway, and I had to hang on to the wall to keep myself steady.

I just had a few more feet, and then I would be in the kitchen. I can do this. It wasn't the first time I had to find my way around nauseous and confused. Gritting my teeth, I leaned against the wall and dragged my feet forward. It really did take all my effort not to pass out. Light from the kitchen blurred my vision as I passed the entry way. But at this point, I felt so weak my knees buckled underneath me, and all I could see was darkness.

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