
435. Elentear

The 'veil' that blocks sunlight and empowers the moon, making this whole planet stay at night all the time, Ben plans to break it. He knows it must be the Dragon Gods' doing, so he'll mess with it. It's not that he needs to do this, he just wants to trouble them and tests his improved power.

There are 2 ways to destroy this night that he can think of. First, he needs to defeat the one who made this, which obviously is one of the Dragon Gods or even all of them. Second, he can destroy the 'veil' that covers the entire planet.

Defeating the Dragon Gods should be an easier task because he can feel the power of this 'veil'. It must've been erected years ago and has gotten more powerful as time passes. Destroying it will be more difficult than piercing the Dragon Gods' scales and killing them.

But he chooses to destroy the 'veil' instead of going against the Dragon Gods. His main reason is he doesn't know the extent of their power yet. He is a Sun Devil-Dragon-God Slayer, so his main source of power is solar energy. Even though he can eat fire, gravity, or even moonlight if he needs it, the power he gains from sunlight is still the best.

Without knowing the Dragon Gods' full abilities, Ben needs to be very careful and prepares all he needs including a source of power. He needs to be in his full power because based on Elefseria, he will face 5 Acnologia level Dragons. Even the current him can lose if they gang up on him.

"Well then, let's greet those self-proclaimed Dragon Gods. I can't let them use the title once owned by my Dragon Father without my concern."

Ben shoots himself into the outer space after taking a lot of air. He realized when he was in the outer space a moment ago that his body doesn't need that much oxygen there because the abundant solar energy is powering his body's metabolisms in place of oxygen.

Ben can hold his breath and be fine for hours in outer space. But he still needs oxygen, his brain especially needs it, so he can't just live without oxygen. It's a necessity for a human, after all, so he can't ignore it because he can't live without it.

A few minutes is enough to execute his plan though, he doesn't need hours, so he will be fine. Ben moves to the spot between the sun and the planet. He faces the sun and spreads his limbs as his body starts to glow brightly.

Ben points his hands at the sun as if he is grabbing it from afar. He is very far from the sun, but he can feel a very strong connection to it. Ben is using all his 3 types of Slayer Magic to form a connection with the sun which he gets quickly because of how familiar he is with the sun.

Then the plasma of the sun starts to swirl at the spot that faces Ben. A fiery pillar forms on the surface and it moves toward Ben. The firey pillar turns into a massive arrow that flies toward Ben at a very high speed, traveling the gaps between planets in mere seconds.

"I never thought the day would really come for me to use this spell that I thought would stay hidden forever."

The sun arrow's color starts to change quickly as it flies. Its center is pure black, surrounded by golden color and the outer layer is dark red solar energy. All his 3 types of Slayer Magic are fused in this arrow made of real solar flame.

This spell was not made by him, it was Escanor's spell, a Sun Dragon Slayer spell that he modified. Originally, it was just used to summon multiple powerful sun arrows that rain upon the land. Those arrows are powerful enough to obliterate the land, but they can't appear fast enough because they need to fly from the faraway sun.

Ben never needed to use the spell too and he doesn't like the long wait. This spell would also destroy the land, which is not his hobby. He simply doesn't like it, but he has made a few spells based on this like his Countless Falling Stars which shoots numerous solar bullets at enemies.

Now, he uses it as it is, but he only made 1 solar arrow to make it very powerful. Furthermore, he adds his 3 types of Slayer Magic on it to make sure he'll destroy the night 'veil' in one hit. He will get noticed too fast if he can't finish it in one hit, so he needs to succeed.

"Sun Evil Dragon God's Ultimate: Star Obliteration!"

The massive sun arrow passes Ben as he controls it and hits the planet's sky. It hits a dark magical layer and the 3-colored solar flames spread on the entire planet's sky. There's no explosion or great impact. Solar energy simply spread and covers the entire planet.

Strangely enough, all the living beings on the planet don't feel any heat because of the night 'veil' layer. But then strange things start to happen all over the world and people obviously notice it. They all can see the sky is burning and holes filled with fire are created everywhere in the sky.

The fire doesn't seep into the atmosphere and only burns the dark sky though. They can feel the heat, but not to the extent of being burnt, it's just like the heat of the desert at that moment. Ben is controlling the solar energy to only eat up the moon's energy veil, but it's difficult to prevent its heat from reaching the land, so some still seep through.

Well, as long as it's something people can endure, then it's fine. His only concern now is the Dragon Gods that obviously have noticed that it's caused by 1 or some magical creatures. They must be confused right now because there is a creature capable of this in a place they've ruled for years.

"Now, they should treat me as their biggest threat with an unknown identity. Let's hide for a moment to see how they'll react."

Ben goes to the land at the same time as when every bit of the moon 'night veil' finally gets destroyed. He hides his presence and magic power really well to hide among the humans here. Also, he disguises himself because if this place is like Edolas, then there must be a version of him here that might have an annoying identity.

So he transforms himself into someone who shouldn't live here, John Cena. Now no one will be able to see him, well, his real identity. This way, he can gather information about the Dragon Gods while learning a bit about himself.

Although when he finally reaches the land, in a quite big town, everyone's attention is on the sky. They have a lot of reactions from happy, afraid, worried, confused, etc. Something has just happened all of a sudden without their knowledge and it happened so fast, but the change it caused is tremendous.

These guys can finally see and feel what day is like and how it should be. This planet's normal time cycle should return to normal now with day and night. It might take them some time to get used to this change, but it's not a problem.

The only problems are the Dragon Gods who most likely will try to remove the day again. But it would be impossible for now because the lingering solar energy caused by Ben's attack would stay for a rather long time. The moon energy used for that veil will get destroyed and will break down while it's being created.

Now with all bits of solar energy that fused into the atmosphere all over the world, Ben's stage has finally formed. But he will wait first before starting his hunt. He is a hunter who always prepares everything before hunting his prey.

His priority now is finding them because since he arrived here, he couldn't sense their whereabouts at all. If they are truly stronger than Acnologia, then it should be easy to locate them. So it's either they aren't that strong, or they are hiding their presence.

Ben needs to find them before they try to escape, in this case to Earthland. He finds out that this universe is called Elentear and people here have a unique way to utilize magic power called Spirit Arts. It is an interesting topic to research, but Ben needs to focus on finding the Dragon Gods now.

He makes clones to spread all over the world, trying to find any Dragon's magic power. As a Dragon Slayer who has slain a lot of Dragons, Ben already knows well what Dragons' magic power felt like. As long as he gets quite close to them, he will find them even if they try to hide.

His clones are flying around the world with moderate speed to not miss any place. He thought it would be rather difficult, but it's actually very easy to find them. Easy by his standard though. Other Mages will have a hard time doing it unless the Dragons purposely show themselves.

He finds the Dragons one by one, hidden in various places. His clones can't get too close to them because they'll be discovered. But he can guess what those Dragons are doing right now. Amassing power and searching for a way to defeat Acnologia.

These Dragons are surely powerful enough to win against the old Acnologia if they fight together. But against the Acnologia that conquered all continents on Earthland? Not a chance. Maybe they can win after sacrificing one or 2 of them if it's just Acnologia, but there are many Dragons under his command.

"Hmm, they aren't as strong as what Elefseria claimed. Then this changed things. Let's get them out of their hiding places, shall we?"

Ben grins before going to the vast ocean, far from any civilizations. He takes a deep breath under the sun that's visible now. Then he shoots a powerful Sun Dragon's Roar to the sky, splitting the clouds and spreading solar energy all over the sky.

"They should notice this immediately. A Dragon's Roar from an unfamiliar Dragon, it should attract their attention and bait them here."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 483. Not A Negotiation (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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