
374. Eradication

Mira and the others who are tasked to attack Avatar branches in Fiore finally return 3 days after Ben built the dungeon. They finish their task very fast considering the number of bases they needed to attack and their lack of information.

After arriving home, Mira immediately spends her time with her children because she missed them so much. She even sleeps with them, so Ben doesn't get any 'quota' for a few days. Well, he is also busy because he has a job to do.

It's his turn to attack Avatar now, but he will attack the branches on other countries. He has told Draculos that he would do it himself to finish what Fairy Tail has started. With all information he and the attack team gathered, Ben already knows all the bases' locations now.

He leaves to eradicate Avatar completely the day after Mira returned. Bella joins him because she didn't join the attack team, so she is quite jealous of Carla. Besides, she also needs some training and those Dark Mages are perfect tools for her training.

Ben goes to those bases by flying because it's a lot faster than using any vehicle. He also enjoys flying a lot recently to travel long distances. But if it's just traveling across towns, then he still prefers using cars.

It only takes a few minutes for Ben to reach the 1st base in the closest country. He could move faster, but it would be dangerous for Bella. Also, he couldn't enjoy the scenery if he moved too fast as everything would be blurry.

"Me attack?" asks Bella while pointing at a bad old building near a swamp.

"Hmm, alright, I don't sense many people inside and they aren't that strong. Be careful," says Ben while still floating quite high.

"Oki," says Bella before she flies to the building.

Bella knocks on the front door and politely says, "Hello, I'm sorry."


She shoots many rounds of magic bullets using her new Magic Gatling Gun at the door. It breaks immediately and some people who approached the door when she knocked also get shot. The magic bullets are very strong they can pierce the Dark Mages' bodies easily.

"WHAT THE-?! WHO THE F-," shouts someone before he gets shot too.

"No bad words!" says Bella with a cute pissed expression.

She then shoots everyone there without giving them any chance to fight back. They all need time to prepare their magic spells, but Bella only needs to pull the trigger. So before they can finish their preparation, Bella has shot them already.

In a short time, she has shot everyone in the room and immobilized them. No one died, but their injuries aren't light either. Bella moves deeper to find more enemies before suddenly someone who lies on the floor gets up.

His body glows as he shouts, "GLORY FOR AVATAR!"


The man's body suddenly explodes like a bomb and it is strong enough to destroy the whole building. He intended to kill Bella because almost all of this branch members have been defeated. There were only 3 remainings and they were weak, so he chose to use his suicide explosion magic.

Too bad, he didn't know that Ben was watching them all the time. Bella is now in Ben's arms after he took her out of there when the man exploded himself. Bella is quite surprised, but she is not afraid or freaked out, just surprised by the sudden explosion.

"Done?" asks Bella.

"Yeah, it's done. They took out their own comrades, making our job easier. Good job, you just need to be more careful," says Ben while patting Bella's head.

Bella smiles and then they go to attack the other branches. Their strategy is Bella will be the main attacker for now. Ben will watch the fight and interfere when Bella is in danger. But except for the first base, the next 13 bases don't pose threat to Bella.

She finds it getting more difficult as she attacks more bases though. Ben deliberately searched for stronger bases as they go on. So the enemies are getting stronger each time and Bella also gets more tired which makes it harder for her.

After defeating 14 bases, she finally gets exhausted and stops attacking. From now on, it is Ben's turn to attack the bases, and he does it with ease. The most annoying part is the distance between branches, but the attack itself is easy.

None of the Dark Mages poses any threat to Ben as they are much weaker than him. Even if every Avatar member gathers and fights him, they won't stand a chance at all. But Ben still attacks them personally instead of giving the job to someone else.

He wants to use these Dark Mages to try some spells he made or modified. They are used for his research, so they are his lab rats. This way, he can test his spells while also eradicating the group that threatens the continent's peace.

Also, as Avatar is Zeref's worshipper group, Ben thought that maybe he can get some Books from Zeref. They are very useful for his Devil Slayer Magic and Mira's Demon Take-Over Magic. Not only that, those books are the only sources of Curse that he can get to improve his Curse Power.

It's also a kind of vacation for him after he worked hard to build his Pandemonium. All the planning until the construction was quite tiring, so he also needs a rest. Besides, there are benefits that he wanted, so Ben does it himself.

Ben finishes his job much faster than the attack team. He destroys all Avatar branches in other countries in just 3 days. Although he could finish it in a day if he did it seriously. He took his time and also gave Bella chances to attack the bases for training, that's why it took longer.

But it's still very fast and makes people understand why he is the number 1 on this continent. People feel like if Ben makes a move himself, then everything will be fine. Well, if there's a threat that Ben can't handle, then no one in Ishgar can handle it.

Anyway, Ben has destroyed Avatar completely with their HQ being his last target. A lot of Dark Mages have gathered there waiting for Ben, but they got defeated so easily. None of them stand a chance against Ben and get destroyed in a short time.

Ben is now sitting on top of the rubbles of the destroyed Avatar HQ. Many Dark Mages are lying on the ground with half of them being dead. Draculos has asked Ben to not kill all of the Dark Mages, but their number is too high, so Ben only left the higher-ups and those who could survive by luck.

While sitting on the rubble, Ben is checking his exploits. He gets a lot of money and valuables from Avatar's bases. But the best rewards he got are magic books and magic items even though all of them are Black Magic and there are even some Black Art books.

He doesn't get any Book of Zeref though. Well, he already got quite a lot from Tartaros, and these Magic Books & items are enough for him. Also, there are some illegal items that are hard to find even for him, so he is satisfied with his haul.

"Alright, let's go home," says Ben while Bella sleeps on his head.

He has seen Magic Council's airship approaching, so he will leave the aftermath to them. Ben disappears as a streak of light and he goes home immediately. His job has finished and there's nothing else to do, after all.

H arrives in Magnolia just in a few minutes and he is surprised by the town's current state. There are so many people in the town that fill the streets. It confuses Ben because just 3 days ago, this town still hasn't had this many people.

"Did something happen in the town?" asks Ben as he enters the guild.

"Oh, Ben, you've returned. Yeah, something did happen," says Macao seriously.

"What is it?" asks Ben worriedly.

"Well, there's this new building that stands so high. It makes people from other places curious and come to visit. Sigh, it's been very busy lately," says Macao while smirking.

Tickmarks appear on Ben's forehead and he knocks Macao out with a hit in the head. Then he sighs and says, "Well, it's good that nothing bad happened."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 409 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 420 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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