
323. Tag Battles

Fairy Tail B : 68 points

Fairy Tail A : 53 points

Mermaid Heel : 37 points

Sabertooth : 30 points

Blue Pegasus : 28 points

Lamia Scale : 18 points

Scarmiglione : 14 points

Quatro Cerberus : 10 point

The scores after the Naval Battle becomes like that. Fairy Tail B & A are more or less the winner & runner-up already with such a big point difference. It might be able to change if the 5th day's event has a different format, but it will still be difficult to chase that score.

So the other teams need to use this battle round well and gain more points. Today's battle round is also different from the previous battle rounds. It won't be a 1 vs 1 battle again, but 2 vs 2 which is named Tag Battles.

The Tag Battle round starts with Blue Pegasus vs Quatro Cerberus. Ichiya & a guy in a blue rabbit costume are chosen from Blue Pegasus. While Bacchus & Rocker are selected from Quatro Cerberus.

Everyone is curious about the blue rabbit and it gets revealed soon. Much to everyone's shock, the guy in the rabbit costume has the same face as Ichiya. The only differences are his cat-like traits and smaller body.

Fairy Tail members who went to Edolas are the most shocked. The identity of the 2nd Ichiya is none other than Nichiya, the Exceed who served the Queen. They never met the Exceeds from Edolas again since 7 years ago, and now one of them suddenly appears here.

Their surprise turns into disgust soon afterward though when Ichiya & Nichiya start telling how they met. Not only the storytelling is really bad, but their interactions are also strange. The 2 of them don't care about others' reactions at all and just keep going with it.

But before they can get into the part where they really met, Bacchus attacks Nichiya as the battle has started. Nichiya gets slapped in the cheek and flies quite far. It makes Ichiya surprised because he thinks that Nichiya is as strong as him.

Nichiya passes out soon, so now Ichiya is alone against Bacchus & Rocker. They attack him immediately and don't give him any chance to counter. Then he gets injured quite badly and lays beside Nichiya who then passes out.

Ichiya gets determined to win and uses his signature spell. He uses Power Perfume and his small body becomes a lot bigger. He towers over Bacchus and Rocker, but they aren't afraid just because of that.

Bacchus & Rocker jumps at Ichiya and Ichiya uses a strong technique that stuns them. He smiles 'handsomely' and makes them stunned in the air. Ichiya then sends a strong uppercut at both of them and knocks them out.

Blue Pegasus gains 10 points by defeating Quatro Cerberus. Ichiya might be eccentric & strange, but he sure is strong. He isn't the Ace of Blue Pegasus for nothing. If not for his eccentric behavior, he will become far more impressive.

Sometime later, the 2nd match starts, and it's between Lamia Scale & Scarmiglione. Lyon & Yuka get chosen from Lamia Scale while Dean & Glock gets chosen from Scarmiglione. The battle doesn't last long though as Lyon defeats the 2 Scarmiglione Mages using a Snow Dragon which is not made of snow, but ice.

Then the 3rd battle starts soon afterward with Fairy Tail B fighting against Mermaid Heel. It's the battle of women as Mira & Cana get selected from Fairy Tail while Kagura & Milliana get selected from Mermaid Heel. This match really makes the male spectators happy.

Both Kagura & Milliana are quite wary of Mira & Cana. They've seen what Mira & Cana could do in the previous days. So they need to be careful and serious as their chance of winning is not that high.

"Milliana, try fighting that drunk woman, I'll handle Mirajane," says Kagura.

"Alright, I'll give my best," says Milliana while taking off her cape.

"Be careful, she might seem sloppy, but she is strong," says Kagura.

Milliana nods and looks at Cana who gets scolded by Mira for drinking while the battle is about to start. Cana doesn't listen though and when the match starts, she gets attacked by Milliana's sudden attack.

A long whip wraps around her hand and pulls her strongly. She gets flung very fast and crashes onto the wall. Mira sighs seeing that and suddenly she catches a sword that comes from her left side using her right hand that has transformed.

"That girl is really hopeless. Don't you think so, Kagura-chan?" asks Mira while smiling at Kagura who swung the sword at her.

Kagura clicks her tongue before backing away from Mira.

"Who are you calling hopeless? I am just enjoying my life," says Cana while standing up.

Her bottle of alcohol has been destroyed though, so she sighs and throws the broken glass away. She then gets caught again by Milliana's whip and now she gets pulled toward Milliana at high speed. Then when she gets close, Milliana jumps to attack her.

Milliana sends claws attacks at Cana who can't dodge it. Kagura smiles seeing that, and so is Milliana. They're sure she has landed some clean hits at Cana, but then they get surprised when they see Cana standing there without any injury.

"Hey, can't we start by talking like the previous fights?" asks Cana with a helpless tone.

Cana used her cards to block Milliana's claws, so she is fine. She covers the area that Milliana targeted with her cards. The cards get ripped into many parts though because of Milliana's sharp claws.

Milliana doesn't get discouraged and starts attacking Cana again. She is very agile & fast, but Cana can see all her movements. Cana moves according to what she predicts and evades all of Milliana's attacks.

"She is strong, isn't she? She might not look like it, but she is really good at close combat," says Mira while still smiling calmly without transforming fully.

Kagura attacks her again but Mira dodges it by jumping backward. Then Kagura attacks her again, but Mira can keep dodging them. Even without transforming, Mira is fast & agile enough to evade Kagura's fast attacks.

"Tsk, why aren't you transforming? Are you looking down on me," says Kagura.

"Ah, no, I never look down on you. It's just that I haven't decided on which form should I take," says Mira while pondering.

Kagura points her sword at Mira and says, "Use your strongest form. I want to see how strong the famous Mirajane is, and I'll show you what I'm capable of."

"Are you sure?" asks Mira.

Kagura doesn't budge, so Mira says, "Well if you insist."

Mira then uses her Take Over magic and transforms into her current strongest form, Sitri. She used it in her battle against Jenny, so Kagura has seen it once. The power that Mira shown in that battle is overwhelming, so Kagura knows she needs to use all her power too.

Kagura gathers her magic power and starts to attack Mira. She moves very fast and her blows are very strong too. However, all her sword attacks are getting blocked by Mira's hands which are protected by metal gauntlet-like claws.

No matter how fast and how strong Kagura attacks, Mira can always block everything. Mira hasn't even moved from her initial position, meaning that Kagura can't even push her. It surprises everyone in Mermaid Heel and Kagura is getting frustrated too.

Mira catches Kagura's sword again and says, "You said you would show me your power. But you are still holding back even after attacking me so many times. I don't know what you are planning now, but I don't like being played around like this. You know my nickname, right? I'll show you why I was called The Demon."

Ben sighs seeing Mira getting pissed. She has become much calmer than years ago, but she still has that personality inside her that comes out rarely. Now, that personality appears again because of Kagura.

Mira finally moves and she is very fast, faster than when she defeated Jenny. Kagura can't see her movement at all and she only realizes it when Mira catches her face. Mira then slams Kagura onto the ground very strongly and causes a big impact.

"Cana, stop playing around, I'm tired," says Mira who stands beside the unconscious Kagura.

Cana looks at Mira and laughs nervously. She is playing with Milliana using a cat tail and Milliana keeps chasing it like a real cat. When Mira calls Cana, Milliana finally realizes that Kagura has been defeated, so she gets surprised.

Milliana wants to attack Cana seriously now, but 4 cards have surrounded her already. Magic ropes come out of the cards and bind Milliana's body. She tries to escape, but the ropes don't even budge. The referee then concludes that both Kagura & Milliana can't resume the match, so it's Fairy Tail B's win.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 358 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 369 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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