
162. Search and Rescue

The Alliance Mages are moving in some groups now. They spread to find Wendy, Happy, and Bella who have been kidnapped. Erza is left behind because of her condition with Hibiki and Lucy guarding her.

Hibiki also needs to stay behind because of his Archive Magic. With his magic, he can help the Mages to communicate with each other. It will help them a lot while they are spreading in a wide area like this forest.

While the others are moving in groups, 3 people are moving alone. They are Ben, Jura, and Ichiya. The 3 of them decided to move alone so they can cover more area. Also, Ben is more comfortable moving alone because he can move faster this way.

He left Carla in Mira's care and they move with Natsu and Gray because they are from the same Guild as Mira. With Mira there, he doesn't need to worry about Carla's safety because he knows Mira's strength really well.

To cover more area, Ben also made 7 clones that he spreads in different directions. He can communicate with them every time so he will know everything they find. With these clones, he is covering 7 teams' worth of works by himself.

Ben is moving fast while spreading his magic sense to find Wendy's magic signature. This forest is wide, so it is very difficult to find her. Even if Ben has explored this forest, it doesn't mean that he knows everything about it.

Sometime later, Ben is stopped by many people. They are Mages from Oracion Seis' subordinate Guilds. There are more than 50 of them and they are from 3 Dark Guilds. Brain has sent them to take care of Ben specifically.

"Move! I don't have time to play with you," says Ben to the Dark Mages.

"Don't worry, you won't have any time after this. Deadman doesn't need time," says a man while smirking.

"It's your choice then, so don't blame me. Just know that we are allowed to kill you, so don't say that I haven't warned you. Without my sisters here, I can kill without worry," says Ben while using Requip to use his Pendragon sword.

The Dark Mages just laugh and immediately use their magic to attack Ben. Ben sees the incoming attacks and doesn't move from his spot. Then when the magic attacks are about to hit him, he makes his move.

"Sun Dragon's Heat Roar!"

Ben shoots red heat energy from his mouth that has a very high temperature. It destroys the Dark Mages' attacks instantly and then hits them too. He moves the heat roar to hit every Dark Mage and defeat them.

When he finished, the area gets very dry and a lot of steam was generated. The trees that got hit are dried up completely and then crumble into dust. Luckily the Dark Mages aren't dried up because of their Magic Power. But they lost a lot of water from their bodies and get dehydrated which makes them very weak.

Ben ignores them and continues his search. He gets attacked again and again, but he can always defeat the enemies easily. Brain is very worried about his strength that he sends many of Oracion Seis' subordinate Guilds to attack Ben.

None of these Guilds can stop Ben though and they're just slowing him down a little. Right now, Ben has defeated more than 250 Dark Mages on his way to find Wendy. Then he finally senses Wendy's Magic Power and immediately runs there.

He finds an abandoned town and goes to where he felt Wendy's Magic Power. It doesn't take long for him to find the building where Wendy is and he breaks in immediately. Ben sees Bella, Happy, Brain, a man with short blue hair, and the unconscious Wendy.

"Wendy!" says Ben as she flashes to check her.

"Bella, and you blue cat, are you alright? What happened to Wendy," asks Ben.

"Fine, tired," says Bella while pointing at Wendy.

"So she's just tired, that's good," says Ben in relief.

Ben is relieved, but then he sees Wendy has some tear traces on her face and it makes his veins pop in anger. But he controls his emotion to not make the same mistake as before. He looks at Brain who is wary of him and the blue-haired guy that seems dazed.

"I will take care of you later, we have something important to do now. You better run now so I won't be able to find you or you will need to pay for what you did. The price for hurting my sisters won't be cheap, so get ready for it," says Ben before he teleports with Wendy & the cats.

Ben appears in the woods with the 3 and immediately contacts Hibiki.

"Hibiki, show me the way back. I've saved Wendy, so now she can help Erza," says Ben.

"That's fast," replies Hibiki.

"Also, tell the others to keep moving. Our aim now is purely to defeat the enemies," says Ben.

"Understood," replies Hibiki.

"What happens with Erza?" asks Happy.

"She needs Wendy's help," says Ben as he runs after Hibiki sends the route to route.

Ben just says that and then he tries to wake Wendy up. She wakes up a few moments later and looks around. She immediately hugs Ben when she sees him and he rubs her back to calm her down. Then he takes them to leave the area and go to Erza's place.

Ben explains what happened to Erza briefly to them while running. He carries the 3 of them so they can move faster. Wendy & Bella are used to his speed, but Happy isn't, so he is panicking and screaming in fear. It irritates Bella, so she knocks his head and makes him unconscious.

After Ben explains Erza's condition, Wendy explains what happened with them after being captured. Brain was asking her to heal someone, it is that Blue Haired guy. His identity surprises Ben because he is the one who saved Wendy in the past, Jellal.

"Do I make a mistake by saving him? Happy said that he is evil, but I am indebted to him," says Wendy.

"No, you are correct to save him. He might have changed after some years, but the fact that he has saved you will never change. Repaying someone's kindness is never wrong. However, when you meet him again and see him doing something bad, you should stop him. It will be your chance to save him from the wrong path," says Ben.

Wendy gets a little relieved and nods while being carried by Ben. They finally arrived at Erza's location after some minutes of running. Erza is unconscious while Hibiki & Lucy are still guarding her.

Without waiting, Wendy goes to check Erza's condition. She casts her healing magic on Erza to remove the poison. Everyone is silent to let her concentrate on her magic. Then soon, Erza finally wakes up and the poison has gone from her body.

"Good job, Wendy. You can rest now," says Ben while smiling and rubbing Wendy's hair.

"Yes," replies Wendy weakly, still thinking about Jellal.

Ben sighs seeing that but can't do anything. Wendy needs to solve it herself, he has done what he could by giving her advice.

"Hibiki, what's the situation?" asks Ben.

"Everyone gets attacked by enemies before. There are some Dark Guilds subjected to Oracion Seis that attacked them. Some Oracion Seis members also have attacked our comrades. It seems they are rushing things and I assume it's because of your presence," says Hibiki.

"Me?" asks Ben confusedly.

"Yeah, they are sending more people to stop you, so it's clear that they are very wary of you. I think it's because you've stopped their attack before," says Hibiki.

"Hmm, so the others aren't attacked by so many people like me, huh? That means their number isn't as high as I thought," says Ben.


Suddenly, a very bright column of light appears in the forest and gathers their attention. They all look at it and Ben widens his eyes in surprise.

"Nirvana!" says Ben alerted.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 197 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 208 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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