
117. Demonic Craftsman

Ben & Bella build a camp in front of Morgbitt's cave. They don't want to sleep inside even though Morgbitt has offered it to them. Their nose is sensitive and the cave's smell is just unbearable for them.

The next day, they resume their exploration and Morgbitt joins them. He finally has friends again so he wants to enjoy this time before Ben & Bella leave. Besides, he knows this area very well and can be a good guide for them.

Morgbitt takes them to some interesting spots because that's what Ben aimed for. They go to a hot green lake that is full of sulfur. It smells very bad, but it is very good for health, so they plan to return there later.

Then they go to a giant tree that has grown to more than 200 meters high with 25 meters width. This giant tree is also a medium for the Ethernano to come out of the ground. That's why it can live for thousands of years and grew this big.

"Hmm, the wood will be a good material for staff or something. But it doesn't seem right to pluck a branch, so maybe a fallen branch will do," says Ben.

"You can make magic items?" asks Morgbitt.

"Yeah, although I'm not that good at it. But I think my creations are better than many crafters out there," says Ben.

"Oho, did you make this sword, then?" asks Morgbitt while pointing at the sword on Ben's back.

"No, I found this. My level is still far from being able to make something like this sword. I can only make something like this," says Ben while taking out his revolver.

Morgbitt looks at it very seriously while mumbling unclearly. Ben ignores him and starts to look for the giant tree's fallen branches. He still doesn't know what he'll make, but he can't ignore good materials like this tree's wood.


Morgbitt suddenly shoots the revolver at a tree in the distance. He wanted to test the revolver after inspecting it for a while. But his action surprised Ben & Bella, so he gets a scold from them even though he is much older than them.

"Well, sorry about that. I'm just intrigued by this magic weapon. You sure have a unique idea for this magic item. I would never think of using a spinning barrel to change the lacrima crystals. Installing different elements with one type of magic is also a good idea. But it still has some flaws, especially the output power," says Morgbitt.

"Well, I didn't make it for my main weapon or my battle. It's just for my backup when I run out of MP. But you seem to know about magic item crafting," says Ben.

"Because I'm a magic item craftsman. I went on my journey with Audrey to learn about magic items from all over the world. I've crafted numerous magic items since Audrey passed away. It is the only thing that I can do, after all," says Morgbitt.

"Heh, can I see them later?" asks Ben.

"Sure, you also can take them if you want. I don't have any use for most of them. As a crafter, I want my creation to be used rather than just sitting in a dark room like that," says Morgbitt.

"Why don't you just sell them?" asks Ben.

"Do you think I will need money when I live in this wilderness? Besides, I am a demon, so it will be difficult selling them to humans," says Morgbitt.

"That makes sense. Alright, I will take the ones that I like if you allow it," says Ben.

Ben continues his search for falling branches. He gets a lot of them because no one took these things except for Morgbitt who only took them once in a while. He also collects the fallen leaves, the green or even the dried leaves.

After that, they go to a canyon where many ferocious creatures live. This place also has a lot of minerals and herbs. But if someone wants to take those things, the creatures will attack them to death.

The creatures here need the minerals & herbs for their lives. The herbs are useful for their health, power, etc. While the minerals are keeping this canyon's Ethernano density high and it will make them strong.

That's why most of the creatures here have a high level of power. Ben even find some B-Class creatures become an A-Class here. S-Class creatures are scattered everywhere, so normal mages will die if they attempt to enter this canyon.

"Your Kingdom has attempted to conquer this place a few times in these 200 years. But none of those attempts succeed. They finally stopped it around 50 years ago after sacrificing many of their high-ranked mages. These creatures are too strong and their number is too high," says Morgbitt.

"Hmm, it sure doesn't worth the trouble. High-ranked mages are too valuable compared to these minerals & herbs. Many other places have these things, after all," says Ben.

"Yeah, and they couldn't go all out here because it will destroy this place. That's the biggest reason why they always lost," says Morgbitt.

They leave the canyon and return to Morgbitt's place because it starts to get dark. They have dinner together while Morgbitt tells Ben & Bella a story of his past. An old fossil like him always has many things to share.

Morgbitt's story isn't something like a movie or anime protagonist. But his story is full of messages about life and Morgbitt always gives them some good life advice in the middle of his story. Just like what people said, wisdom comes with age.

The next day, Morgbitt takes them to his magic items storage. Ben & Bella need to use masks though because of the cave's bad smell. But the storage room doesn't smell that bad because Morgbitt made special ventilation for it.

"Man, you need to make ventilations for your main rooms too," says Ben as he takes his mask off.

"That's too troublesome. Besides, living in such an environment for hundreds of years has made me get used to it. It's not a problem as long as I can use this place to sleep," says Morgbitt.

"Sigh, whatever," says Ben as he gives up telling Morgbitt about it.

Ben & Bella look around with Morgbitt explaining the magic items to them. He created many kinds of magic items from weapons, armor, utility tools, and even tools without any useful purpose. The old demon just likes to create things, no matter what they are.

There are many failed creations too in the back of this room. The number is even higher than the successful ones. This means that even a veteran crafter like him still can fail when creating new items with new ideas.

"Do you have some items that you like?" asks Morgbitt.

"Yeah, I like many of them honestly. But I don't know if I will take them because I don't have any use for them. Taking them with me will just waste their potential too," says Ben.

"Just take them. Leaving them here will be worse than that. You might need them later, no one knows what they'll face in the future. Besides, you can always give them to someone else if you don't need them," says Morgbitt.

"Are you that desperate to remove them from here?" asks Ben jokingly.

"Haha, yeah. After all, I don't have much time left," says Morgbitt with a solemn face.

Ben gets surprised and looks at Morgbitt, "What do you mean?"


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 147 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 158 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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