
95. 2nd Round

The dust cloud dispersed after a minute and now the mansion has turned into ruins. Juan can be seen standing in the backyard alone with his longsword stabbed to the ground. As for Ben, he is nowhere to be seen.


Suddenly, 4 people come out from the ruins. 2 on the left side and 2 on the right side. They're Elfman, Mira, Herry, and Elise who got buried when the mansion collapsed.

They look around in confusion and finally spot Juan. Mira & Elfman get worried because they don't see Ben & Bella. While Herry & Elise get excited because they think Juan has won.

But Juan himself is not that excited and still keeps his guard up. Right when Juan pulls his sword from the ground, a crashing sound is heard from the middle of the mansion's ruins.

They all look at it and see Ben in his normal appearance. Ben holds Bella who is still in her barrier ball in his hands. He was rushing to Bella when the mansion started to collapse and protect her. He knows the barrier ball will protect her, but he didn't want to take a risk.

"Bastard, what was that for?" asks Ben while gritting his teeth.

"I won't be able to stop you if I didn't do that. You are just too fast," says Juan calmly.

"You might kill your friends with that attack, you know," says Ben while putting Bella down.

"They're not that weak to get killed by something like that. Besides, we are not friends, we are just business partners," says Juan.

"Whatever," says Ben while activating his Light Mode again.

Juan also activates his lightning armor with bigger power. The lightning zaps around him and covers a 1-meter range from his body. Ben flashes to Juan and they start their battle again.

The other 4 mages also look at each other start their battle again. Mira now can move normally after the smell from Elise's magic items is gone. The mansion's destruction has helped her in a way.

"I don't want to say this, but I must thank your Guild Master for destroying the mansion and taking us outside. Your magic item's smell will be less effective in open air like this," says Mira.

"Hmph, I don't need my magic items to face a little girl like you," says Elise.

"I won't underestimate this little girl if I was you. Satan Soul: Demon!" says Mira.

A dark magic circle appears above Mira and her body glows. Then she transforms into a demon with a red suit, black wings & tail, and she has sharp & tough claws. This is her Take-Over magic, Satan Soul: Demon.

Her transformation alerts everyone there, including Ben. Ben & Juan stop their battle to look at Mira because they can sense a big Magic Power from her. Elfman & Herry who hasn't started fighting also look at her now.

"Heh, she really feels like an S-Class now. It seems I don't need to worry about her. Your business partner is in danger now," says Ben while smirking.

"You don't need to worry about that. Elise is not that weak to lose from that little girl. I won't recruit her if she is that weak," says Juan.

"We'll see it later," says Ben before attacking Juan again.

Ben now doesn't need to worry about Mira because he can feel her strong Magic Power. She has more magic power than Elise, but Elise has her high-grade magic items. Their battle will be decided by their fighting skills now.

But Ben is rather worried about Elfman as he has many injuries now. It's very clear to Ben that Elfman is on the losing side against Herry. Ben can only hope that Elfman can find a way to win his battle as Ben is occupied with Juan.

Ben still can't find a way to break Juan's defense. The golden armor is very tough that he can't put a dent on it even after hitting it numerous times. His strikes using gravity-coated daggers didn't give any damage to the armor at all.

Just like Ben, Juan also can't find a way to hit Ben. He is too fast even for Juan who gets speed enhancement because of his lightning. Both of them can't injure each other so far.


A loud sound suddenly comes from Mira's location. Ben & Juan check it and see Mira is flying with Elise in her hands. They fly to the forest and that sound is the effect of Mira's jump. She wants to take her battle elsewhere so she can go all out.

'That's not a bad idea, Mira. I will do the same thing then. I won't need to worry about Bella's safety as long as this guy isn't here. Elfman & that big dude aren't strong enough to break her barrier, so she is safe,' thinks Ben.

"BELLA, STAY HERE!" shouts Ben to Bella.

"ROGER!" replies Bella while saluting with sparkling eyes. She doesn't know why Ben told her to stay, but she likes to answer like that.

"ELFMAN! I don't know what happened in your battle. But you need to keep yourself together! You want to find a way to save Lisanna, don't you? Then you need to win and return to her. Just do it and thinks of the consequences later. I'll always be here to help you," says Ben without looking at Elfman.

Ben doesn't say anything else and flashes to Juan. He grabs Juan's body from the front and runs to the forest at high speed. Ben pushes Juan onto the trees and breaks them in the process.

Elfman who heard Ben's words just now gets silent and widens his eyes. He finally realizes that he is too focus on his mistake that he forgets about his current priority, saving Lisanna.

"You're right, I need to win if I want to save Lisanna. I need to win if I want to protect my sisters. I don't want to feel that useless feeling again," says Elfman while gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

"What are you blabbering there? Have you given up already?" asks Herry with a mocking tone.

Elfman's body suddenly lets out steams and his body grows bigger slowly. "I won't hold anything back anymore. Even if I lose control, he will be able to stop me, just like what he did in the past. Even if I can't believe in myself, I will believe in him. Beast Soul: Lizardman!"

As he finished his words, green scales start to appear on Elfman's body. He transforms into a big green Lizardman. But he still has his clothes and his white hair.

"Your tough armor or my tough scales, let's put them in a test," says Elfman.

Herry grins and says, "Good, this is getting more interesting."

Elfman & Herry rush toward each other and start their close-ranged battle again. Now both of them have a solid defense and strong attacks. The winner will be decided on who breaks the other's defense first.

Bella who stayed near them can only sigh as she watched their battle. She is used to seeing Ben's battles that were flashy and have more impacts. Elfman & Herry never used flashy moves and just fight directly, so it makes Bella bored.

"Bella wants to watch Ben," says Bella while looking at the forest. She said that, but she still stay there silently because Ben has told her to stay here. She knows she can't help, so she will just stay here, and watch Elfman's battle.

Meanwhile, Ben has dragged Juan rather far from the mansion. He pushes Juan far away as he stops running. Juan crashes onto some trees, but he can get out unscathed and faces Ben again.

"You run very fast. My back will break if I crashed onto those trees without my armor," says Juan while cracking his neck.

"That will be a good result if that really happened, too bad," says Ben.

"I don't know why you take me here, but changing the location won't change the result," says Juan while getting into a stance.

Ben grins while getting into a stance and holding his daggers in reverse. "It will because now I can go all out."


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 125 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 136 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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