
13. Bandit Search

Ben has turned 12, and his car have been finished. Now he can finally take job outside. Finally he can see the world and learn more about it. Wendy & the cats will also join the jobs, as they're a team. So it's not only him that will learn about this world.

"So it's time for you to take job outside, huh?"-Roubaul

"We've made a deal Gramps, don't try to stop me now!"-Ben

"I won't. But you know the rules right?"-Roubaul

"Yeah, you choose the jobs, one job in a week, and we start from the simplest job."-Ben

"Good, and remember to always prioritize your safety over your job!"-Roubaul

"I know, that's the first thing that i won't ever try to cross."-Ben

"Alright. Now for your job, it is to catch some bandits on Clover Town. They hide on the mountain near the town, which the exact location is unknown. They're not mages, just normal people, so the job's class is low."-Roubaul

"But there could be a mage behind them, right?"-Ben

"You're right."-Roubaul

"Alright, so we need to track & catch them while being careful of any possibilities that they have mages among them, roger that."-Ben

Ben take the job approval letter from Roubaul before leaving the guild building. He prepare everything he need and tell Wendy to prepare too. After they prepare everything, they go to their new car.

Ben & the girls put all their luggages in the trunk. Then they enter the car and Ben insert the key to the keyhole. Ben install a key for safety, and Ben make it even safer by putting something like password where the car can only be activated using his MP, like a finger print or DNA print.


"You guys ready?"-Ben


"Alright, let's go!"-Ben


Team Ben leave the village to complete their mission. They pass through the forest's ground among the trees. Even with the uneven ground, the car can move smoothly and doesn't jump around.

Ben raise the suspension because they're on the forest track, which is very uneven. The suspension was made using air suspension mechanism and can be controlled by the driver. He also make sure that the suspensions are smooth, so bad road won't be a problem.

The girls are enjoying the ride too, and they are very excited by it. They pass by the uneven forest ground smoothly. It's a lot better than their original magic four wheel vehicle. That thing is very bumpy and need to be drove slowly, unlike this one.

Ben follow the map and use his compass to navigate through the forest. After half an hour, they finally reach the road outside the forest. The road will take them to Clover City faster.

They follow the road, and Ben lower the suspension now. They pass by many horse carriages on the road, so they need to drive slower. It's just been some months since Ben's machine was invented, so the one who have it are just rich people.

They reach Clover town after 15 minutes and they go to the mayor's residence. In the town, their car really attract attention, and their attention also get attracted by the town. It's the first time for them to see a big town like this. They've just saw the village where they bought milk every week.

"Let's walk around the town after we finish the job."-Ben

"Can we?"-Wendy

"Why not? As long as we don't create any trouble, then a little exploration is fine, right? Or do you want to create trouble?"-Ben


"Then that's fine."-Ben

The girls are happy because they can explore this new place. But now they need to focus, so they go to mayor's residence. They arrive in the residence shortly, and see mayor's big mansion.

"Excuse me, did you have any business with the mayor?"-Security

"We are mages from Cait Shelter guild. We come here for the job that the mayor posted about bandits."-Ben show his guild mark on his back forearm

"Cait Shelter? Never heard of it."-Security

"Well, sorry about that, we're just a small guild after all."-Ben get offended

"A-ahaha, p-please this way."-Security laugh nervously

The security guard take Ben to where he can park his car. Then they go to the mayor's office which located in the 2nd floor.

"Cait Shelter?"-Mayor

"What? Never heard of it too?"-Ben is pissed

"*Cough* W-well, there are too many magic guilds in Fiore, and i can't remember them all. Can i see your Job approval letter?"-Mayor

Ben give the letter and the buttler open it before giving it to the mayor.

"Ah, so that's how it is, i understand now. Alright, i've confirmed your guild master's letter. Now i will give you the detail of the job."-Mayor

The mayor then give them the detail of their job and information about the bandits. Their job is basically to search the bandit's hideout and capture them. Killing is prohibited, they should focus on capturing the bandits.

"They always operate on the highway that connect us to other towns on Fiore. However, their operation time is random and the last time they operate is last night."-Mayor

"Last night? Then we need to go now so we can track them before their trails disappear. Did you have someone that know the exact location of where they operate last night?"-Ben

"Yes, Franklin can show you the location."-Mayor point at the security guard who escort Team Ben to the office

"Alright, we will go now."-Ben

"I leave it to you."-Mayor

Team Ben & Franklin leave the room and go to the location with their car.

"Master, did you think they can do it? They are just children."-Buttler

"Don't underestimate mages, Steve! Even child mage is stronger than most adults. Furthermore, Master Makarov and Master Bob have gave these kids their approval, especially for that boy."-Mayor


"Yeah, so let's just wait and see what they can do!"-Mayor


Team Ben plus Franklin have arrived on where the bandits operate last night. Ben & Wendy immediately search for any trail around the road.

"Ben nii-san, i find a footprint."-Wendy

Ben go to check the footprint that Wendy find, it's an adult shoe's footprint. They search around the location and find a trail that lead to the mountain.

"I think this is their trail. I don't think that any normal people will leave the highway and go to the mountain."-Ben

Team Ben follow the trail with Franklin following them. With Ben's experience in military special unit, tracking like this is easy. They follow the trail and it lead them to a cave on the mountain. In front of the cave's mouth, there are 2 people who guard it.

"What should we do? There are 2 guards there."-Wendy

"Hmm, Bella, let's use distraction tactic 1!"-Ben

Bella nod and then she go to another location. Bella then come out from the bush and act like a normal cat.


"A cat?"-Guard 1

"Hey, that cat wear clothes, so it must have an owner."-Guard 2

"So what if it have an owner?"-Guard 1

"Stupid, that mean we can ask for some money if we return the cat."-Guard 2

"Really?"-Guard 1

"Yeah, owner who lost their cat usually will post searching job on guilds, so if we return it, they will pay us. That mean we can get some extra money even if it's not much."-Guard 2

"Ooh, then let's catch it."-Guard 1

The guards then approach Bella and try to capture her. But when they get very close to her, Ben suddenly appear behind them. Ben grab their head and crash them to each other really hard. The 2 guards faint immediately from the impact, Ben's strength is no joke for non-mages like them.

"Stage 1 clear."-Ben grin


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I've upload Chapter 28, 29, & 30 there today.


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