

"Yes, Ben, the movie was really fun, especially when it ended POWWW!!!" Maul said.

"Well, it's okay for an Indonesian film, it's pretty good, the jumpscare isn't cheap either." said Jackie.

"Yoi... Well, I'll sleep first, tomorrow we have morning class." Maul said.

"Oh yes, I forgot. Thank goodness you remembered ul." Saut Jeki.

"You go to sleep first, I want to watch KamuTube first then sleep. Usually you're my favorite YouTuber, I just uploaded a video I haven't watched yet." I said.

"Well, Ben jan, it's too late, you're tired when you sleep, it's hard to wake him up again." Maul said.

"It's already easy, just flush it if I don't wake up haha." I said laughing.

"Okay, I'll flush your bucket haha ​​haha." Saut Jeki.

"Ha ha ha ha ha dealll!!" I said.

Jeki and Maul went to bed first because there was a morning class. I also watch Kamu my favorite Tuber.

Horror content, my favorite content. Seeing him create horror content makes me want to share the things I love too.

I also intend to be like him, which is to create horror content.

but I wanted to be a little different from him. I thought about it all night. And I came up with an idea.

"Hmm... What if I just make content explore it to a scary place? There hasn't been anyone who has made content like that..." I said.

"Well, that's my idea, tomorrow I'll talk to them. It's going to be fun..." I continued.

I turned off my computer and immediately went to sleep because there was class in the morning.

The morning came...

Jeki woke me up with a splash of water because I was quite difficult to wake up.

"Nyet wake up !!, you're crazy if you sleep it's really hard to wake him up." Jeki said while shouting at me.

"What the hell, Jek, it's still late, you're already noisy." I said still sleepy.

While splashing water on my face Jeki snapped again.

"Your eyes are green, it's still night, don't you see what time it is, really." said Jackie.

"The clock is broken, it's already time to go to sleep, I'm still sleepy." my sauce.


Jeki was so upset that he watered a bucket of mine.

"Jek ass*t*t you ye!! So the mattress and my clothes are wet." I said annoyed.

"Haha haha ​​haha ​​you're dead, your clothes are wet, you're a rock, you're a kid. Remember last night's agreement?" Jeki said with a laugh.

I'm trying to remember last night's agreement...

"Oh, that's right, why did I promise that damn thing." I say.

"Remember you too, who asked me to challenge haha ​​haha ​​haha." Jack replied laughing.

"Yeah yeah... well I'm going to take a shower first, because you're getting wet." I say.

"That's really stupid. Sono you take a shower, your body smells like slush." Said Jeki with his characteristic ridicule.

*fyi: Prengus smells like goat.

"Haha haha ​​damn you Jek if you say you like it right." my sauce.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!" Jeki laughed in satisfaction.

I quickly went to the bathroom .... and it turned out that in the bathroom there was Maul who was also taking a shower.

I banged loudly on the bathroom door.

Bang... bang... bang... bang...!!!

"ul hurry up ul take a bath, want to fuck me..." I said while shouting.

"Ben is shampooing in a minute." Saut Maul.

"Ah, you've been at the end of this for a long time but I want to get out!!" I said.

"Yeah, just a little bit more, wait a moment." Maul replied.

"Well, don't be long...." I said.

While waiting for Maul to finish bathing, I went out of the room first to enjoy the morning air.

Oiya btw we stayed in the upstairs room on the 2nd floor.

The air this morning was very cool, and soon came out of my neighbor's room which was two rooms next to me, namely Fani.

Fani is the same age as me 20 years old too. She works at the Bandung Regional Hospital as a nurse.

I'm quite familiar with him because we're pretty much on the same frequency. Fani also likes horror and mystical things as much as I do, and she is quite sensitive to those invisible creatures.

"Want to go to fan work?" I said hello to him.

"Hey, you're Ben, yes, I'm going to work. You always wake up early in the morning, usually late in the afternoon hehe." Fani replied with a smile.

"Usually morning class fans, if not because morning classes are also better for me to sleep haha." I say.

"Ahaha, your habit is lazy to be a child." Fani said with a laugh.

"Haha I'm not lazy Fan, I'm just saving energy hehe. Btw, is there a new story in your work?" I asked.

"What story do you mean. Jurig?" Saut Fani.

"Yoi is the time of our love story haha ​​haha." I said while teasing him.

"Hope you can tell us our love story haha ​​haha. There's a new Ben story, it's a funny story." Reply Fan.

"Wow, what is Fan? Tell me, I'm always excited to talk about horror hehe." Saut I'm curious.

"Well, I'm going to work Ben, how about when I get home, what do I do?" Said Fani.

"Oiya, it's already at this hour, you could be late. Hmm... how about having dinner, Fan outside? I'll treat you, how about..." Ask me.

"I'll take a look at the schedule first, I'm afraid there will be a conflict so it's not good for you. I'll let you know this afternoon, Ben." Reply Fan.

"Okay Fan just let me know, I still have my number right?" I asked.

"Still crazy... I'll go first, Ben, it's already this hour because." Saut fan.

"Be careful on the road..." I said.

Fani rushed down the stairs and went to work on her motorbike.

After talking to Fani, I went straight to the bathroom and immediately rushed to take a shower.

Turns out Maul had finished taking a shower earlier...

After finishing bathing, Jeki, I, and Maul immediately headed to campus due to limited time.

We went down the stairs and took our motorbike which was parked in the boarding house parking lot.

Because Jeki didn't have a motorbike, Jeki went with Maul and I brought my own motorbike.

On the way, we stopped at a food stall for breakfast to fill our stomachs.

After eating we quickly went to campus.

When we arrived at the campus, we immediately followed the class. After a long time of class, the class is finally over.

After class was over, we immediately took our motorbikes and headed to the restaurant for lunch.

"Mas paceng is 3 as usual hehe." Say me

*paceng means package shake.

"Ready Mas..." Saut Mas - Mas is a food stall.

As I had planned earlier, I also spoke to Jeki and Maul.

"Jek, ul, I have an idea, how about we explore a horror place and then we video and upload it on KamuTube? How about we make horror content that is different from the others." I say invite them.

Next chapter