
CHAPTER 49: Realization


" Come on Diana. faster! "

" higher! "

" Proceed less!! "

" Strike in the centre! "

I said to Diana, we have been sparring for the last hour.

I had already learnt how she fought within the first 10 minutes, and it only took so long because I wanted to grasp every bit of her sword skills.

However, to keep it short, her way with the blade was 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲... She always used the best opportunities given to her after each and every strike. The problem with this kind of swordsmanship, was that it depended on how your opponent reacted to said strike.

Essentially, she had the skill and experience to outperform most of her foes with her raw techniques alone, which was indeed good, but said skills depended on the opponent's experience or lack of it, and I would be eliminating said flaws from her swordsmanship.

Honestly, anyone with a high enough sword talent and grasp of the blade could outdo her, albeit with decently high difficulty. So I slowly started telling/teaching her when to strike and where to strike, allowing her to see the error within her own form.

Initially, she ignored me, but after a bit, she started following my advice after the 40 minute mark, most likely dropping her pride when it came down to her skills. It was understandable why she would even hesitate to change it, especially since she took decades, if not centuries, to hone them.


~ A bit earlier ~

' Just how is he doing this? He parries every strike with utter ease with his hands behind his back, and now he is telling me how to swing my blade? '

' I am well over millennia years old, and he thinks he can instruct me?... An abrasive and Commendable action, but it's still far too early for him to think he is my superior in battle, even if he is having a little edge as of the moment.'

' I am no longer going to keep myself at bay. '

~ 10 minutes after ~

' I swung with more velocity, pushing myself a little past my very limits, thinking of everyway to strike him at least once, but nothing worked. To say my pride was wounded would be an understatement.

But after each and every swing, seeing how he was no longer struggling, as in the beginning of our bout. I saw that I wasn't the problem. It was Zane... He was simply a 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 among monsters... A true prodigal genius, only heard of in fairytales. Being able to see clearly see through my sword arts with nothing but a simple glance. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little envious of his talent. If one could even describe it as such... '

~ 10 minutes later ~

' After following multiple corrections from him, I slowly realized the flaws in my own swordsmanship. My swings were showing signs of more purpose. No longer was I reliant on my opponent's inadequacy, each and every swing I made was meant to lead my opponent to their own demise, whether they were experienced or not. '

' I had truly fallen for a great man. If only he knew I wanted him even more now... '


" I think we should end it here. I had my share of fun, and it looks like you did as well, D. "

Diana was smiling ear to ear. It was crystal clear that she had fun, much more fun than I. But, I was happy to see her happy, so it all worked out in the end.

" You know Zane. We should do this more often. You really taught me a significant amount within such a brief span of time... I am, eternally grateful to you. "

" Thanks Diana, and sure. We can make this a usual, once like every week. I am going to be busy for the next month, cause I want to get some things sorted out. "

Disappointed, but not revealing so, she responded.

" I see... well I a fine with that, now shall we head inside and change? "

"Sure. "

I said, but while she started walking back with me, her body suddenly gave out. I rushed towards her immediately, with her gently landing on my chest.

" It seems someone is tired. I think I should carry you. Princess "

"... Yes... I think so too. " She said, hugging my frame tightly.

It made sense why she was exhausted. She was going full power for the last 20 minutes of our spar, and not only that, she was pushing well past her own limits to challenge me.

( If anyone says this is BS doesn't truly know how energy really works, the more power you use the more energy you require supporting it. Think of Usain Bolt. He can run 23 mph for a little over 9 seconds, maybe 15 seconds max, but after that, he's out for the day. But most series and fic authors simply don't acknowledge this, but I will. )


" Thank you zane. It looks like I truly pushed past my limits today. "

" No problem D, just be more careful next time. " I said, hurrying to try something I thought of.

" Zane! Wait, a moment... I didn't ask earlier because I maybe coming of as rude... but why are you wearing a mask? Is your face alright? "

"...Yes, it's fine, it's just that... I am having issues regarding personal things. "

I couldn't tell her that it was because of my attractiveness. I would have sounded narcissistic as hell. So that excuse should buy time for the month at least.

" I see... carry on with whatever you were going to do... "

Now I could sense her curiosity oozing off of her body. So I quickly teleported to the forest area to test a theory I had.

Sensing if anyone was close. I was ready to start. Throughout our fight, I had been thinking about a solution regarding my 'core' modifier. Regrading its capacity. If no normal training could fix this issue, I opted to use my forms instead.

I thought of this method two days ago, but the danger of it was extremely high. In worst-case scenario, I would explode due to my energy having nowhere to go because of its influx. But giving a thorough inspection, I realized just how effective this method could 'potentially' be if I was correct about it.

My theory was simply, transform and see how my 'cores' would react to a sudden leap in chi. In theory my regeneration should be high enough now to survive the whiplash of said energy.

Sitting down, I was ready to commence the plan. Slowly, I powered up to my legendary state. Why try the most unstable form with ever-increasing chi? It was simple really, either go big or go home, plus. I believed in my own intellect, theory, and body to let me survive the ordeal.

" Here goes nothing... "

Opening my status, I now initiated my transformation.

Immediately after this, I spat a mouth full of blood, and it wasn't stopping.

I clenched my teeth to prevent myself from screaming in pain. My body muscles didn't know what to do with the excess chi, and my 'cores' were now enveloped in a bright emerald green aura, vibrating millions of times per nanosecond. To say this process was painful would be a lie. It felt like I was bathing in flames.

Even with gamers' mind activated, it was hard not to scream in pain.

But I persisted. I hoped my theory would be true, and slowly but surely, I was proven correct. My 'cores' were now wriggling. A warm sensation spread throughout my body as the incessant bleeding slowly stopped. I saw my 'cores' slowly stabilized. I saw as my they slowly changed in quality and quantity.

It was like my 'cores' tough marbles, unable to be changed and unable to gain anything. Now they were akin to elastic balls made of muscle, as they grew in their quantity. Slowly, yet exponentially.

Looking at my modifier section, I saw my cores quantity slowly rise higher and higher, absorbing the excess energy my mitochondria were releasing at rapid and still growing rate.

1 trillion...

1.2 trillion...

1.8 trillion...

2.7 trillion...





18.9 trillion

My modifier quantity was growing every 10 seconds to accommodate the excess energy this form generated. Once again, I smiled to myself. 'Reactive evolution' played a massive role in my new cores. My energy modifier was seemingly expanding endlessly. My strength was unfathomable compared to before.

Now my goal was to remain in the form whenever I want to increase my modifier. Pausing for a bit, I looked beside my modifier only to see the multiplier affect solely my lifting power/striking power.

After waiting about ten minutes of remaining in my legendary state, my storage per energy core was a little over 200 trillion. No longer did my transformation multiplier affect my energy output, but only my physical output, which thankfully was used to calculate my max power.

Standing up, I brushed off the dirt. Looking towards the ground, eyeing my next victim.

" Well, mister/misses ant, as the wise king Solomon said. ' Go to the ant, and learn her ways.', I'll be making use of your genes soon.









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