
CHAPTER 46: Cultivators were right

" Eight thousand eight hundred ninety-eight! Eight thousand eight hundred ninety-nine! Nine thousand! "

I huffed, finishing my set of one finger diamond pushups. It has been a week since the (balance) came. I felt a decent increase in my power and intelligence. Currently on each limb, I could hold up to a little over 1000 tons on each limb now. Which was vastly slower compared to before but it was growth, regardless.

It was understandable. My training perks were removed for now... so I didnt grow massively everyday like before, but this was still decent growth, nonetheless.

But my biggest reap wasn't really in my physical prowess, though. It was actually my intellect that grew massively. I knew it had to do with my kryptonian bloodline, but my IQ has increased to a little over 520. A massive leap compared to before. I suspect that this was because of the (balance). It may have fixed/sorted issues going on within me regarding certain things. Possibly around me too.

But I wasn't going to argue over it. However, this made a bit of sense, to a degree... When I acquired the kryptonian bloodline initially, my mind never really grew according to the power I had. Like it had reached a soft-cap that prevented it from growing the way it should have prior... Now as I absorb solar radiation, my intellect grew at least a point a day depending on how much sun dipping I do.

In terms of before, in pure raw intellect, I could and would utterly destroy myself. The strategies I had in mind were mind-boggling, to say the least, especially at how fast I processed information now, and the jump was only getting much higher every day.

But I had a sub-objective today. I wanted to try something new. When it came to my energy, or rather, for example, my chi control, it was iffy... When visualizing my energy flow, it felt wasted... I didn't question it much when I didn't receive the boosting intellect, but now those questions became apparent. I was most likely having a epiphany of some sorts, but it all made sense.

When your energy is everywhere in your body, it just stays there leaking away, slowly but surely wasting itself. All my energy types were having this issue. It was never brought up for obvious reasons in any of the series because no one without my level of vision can spot these differences.

No matter your how much control over your energy you have, it will always be wasted, but at a very, very small rate. It's why in most series, people strive to have utmost control over their energy, but one cannot truly have "perfect" energy control... .

But, it is possible. With some examining my body, I found a counter to this issue, rather it has been under my nose all this time. It was the 'core' of the generic cultivation novels. Hear me out. It makes sense. Rather than wasting the energy all over the body constantly and it leaking, why not create a place for all that energy to stay when you need it most?

Without having the issue of it leaking too and being both stronger from sheer density? Initially, I didn't want to do it, because it's cultivation, why/who would you do it? But apparently they were right with this one.

It explained why persons after not training for a while, simply get that much weaker than their prime self and why cultivators remained so young for essentially forever. The only show that nearly grasped the concept. was Naruto (ironically).

" A shame, But I have to try. It makes sense too with the knowledge Barmis had accumulated. "

Sitting In a meditative state. I focused for an unknown amount of time. I was focusing so much that everything was slowly dissipating in the back of my mind... Feeling the energy round every crevice within my body, I slowly drew it to the centre of my body, just a little below the solar plexus.

Without my knowledge, my body started to sweat profusely. I must have spent an hour alone moving all the energy to the centre of my body, but strangely, it was getting easier and easier to control each moment that passed.

' Could this be my reactive evolution kicking in? '

I thought, But why take so long to trigger this effect? But this didn't matter. All I knew was that the process was not without its cost, though.

The moulding of my new core was getting more precise and accurate, with my core becoming a perfect circle. However, it was extremely painful, this only became more so overtime I spent condensing my own core.

Then the pain started to fade, while I condensed. My core, that was initially the size of a base ball was slowly becoming the size of a marble. The process was almost complete. I saw it shrank before my eyes, becoming more potent as time went on. Then, an explosion occurred.

My body glowed, while extreme winds formed within my home. Luckily, nothing much was there at the moment. I felt my a vast increase with my energy and its quality.

Opening my eyes, I felt as If I could destroy the universe, but I couldn't. not in base anyway. I used enhanced vision to see if any energy was leaking, and thankfully, there wasn't a singly speck at all leaving. Examining my core, I felt the energy in my body within one place, as expected, but this wasn't due to my efforts solely.

It was based on my 'reactive evolution' kicking in, speeding up the process vastly and how it well it was done.

" AMAZING! " I shouted.

I felt as if I had a new body. I felt as though I went through a minor evolution when it came to my energy alone. Looking up ahead of me. I started throwing kicks and punches, feeling no wasted energy. It was magical, to say the least.

" Not only did it make my energy control truly perfect, but it also made my stamina consumption perfect as well. "

None of my energy was wasted, it felt endless to how perfect it was. Not only that, I felt as if I could have more... Cultivators had many of them, and I don't believe I can't replicate the process, I just need time, and with my experience with the first one the next 21 or so should be doable, possibly easier than now.

But I had questions... This 'core' of mine wasn't really ordinary. I wasn't breaking into a new realm or anything, so I don't have any wastes escaping my body, which leads me to believe that I have something a little different from what ordinary cultivators have.

My 'core', in this case, it was comparable to a/the perfect 'energy storage and controller'. I had no increase in energy quantity, but I felt stronger that now I wasn't wasting it. I was like a highly optimized super-car at this point. My body responded to my thoughts and my reactive evolution granted the wish, and my body simply adapted to said wish, becoming a perfect machine.

Creating more cores, however, would be giving me more energy. But I will leave those for the upcoming days.

Stepping outside, I felt the sun hit my skin, but I felt a significant increase in my absorption rate.

" No... the rate hasn't really changed, it's just that I'm not wasting it any longer... "

This 'core' of mine shouldn't be anywhere near possible due to my elementary knowledge on this subject. But my body and the perk I possessed, coupled with my intellect, made it possible. Though barely.

" I can't waste anymore time talking. I need to exercise. "

I said, continuing my exercise, realizing my power was growing even faster than before.











I had fun writing this. Have fun as well

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts
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