

'That was easy', I said to myself, it didn't take more than a minute to get a grasp on the language, I could speak it as if I was Native of the planet. Thank goodness I have my level of comprehension and intellect, it really pays off.

I looked around her home a bit more to see f I could spot anything interesting , and noting was found of the sort, I felt as I was being watched as well, but there were no signs of cameras or any surveillance system I could Identify at the moment, but this was based on my knowledge on how Earths cameras looked, or the ones here could be small and invisible as well, so I stood still, not doing anything. Incase of revealing anything I did.

'Ding Ding'

I heard the system sounds go off, checking out what was going on, since I had nothing better to do.









I stood up, reading what was there. I paused and read again just to check if I was going insane. But I wasn't, I for some reason had a mission on earth, and it was to save it too. I was happy since I was going to head back but I was terrible weak right now, and I had no idea how powerful these aliens were either. I cant refuse even if I wanted, but that wasn't an option either way.

" So how am I going to get there ", I said to myself, " I have no abilities or technology on use as of right now that would possible help me, much less to know what earths coordinates are! ".




"Arghh! fuck it, I'll improvise somehow".


I felt myself getting teleported once more.



Metal hitting metal, sword hitting armor. We see the heroes fighting on ground, flash speeding and disarming the aliens Infront of him, with the black widow blasting the aliens with their own weapons. "It's like there's no end to em' ". The flash said, taking a break, after fighting off and disarming 1000's of aliens, black widow nodded while blasting down the last alien in front of her.

"I know!", Wonder woman said, defending against and slashing down the brute before her. While hal projected defenses for civilians who were in danger of falling debris, and helping when he could to fight against the sudden invasion.

Superman above, destroying one of their ships and throwing it as far away from the city as possible. He was infuriated, he didn't know why they had been invaded, but he knew it couldn't have been Darkside, or Thanos. Their egos would have made them show up for the occasion themselves, with the other reason being that the invaders sought nothing more than to destroy anything in their path.

It was strange, extremally so... .

On the ground once more, we see the heroes defending against more of the aliens, growing tired of their never ending assault on the city and citizens that they had to rescue with even the the god of thunder himself and his partner hulk had trouble dealing with.

Spiderman and both cat women helping him wherever they could with the the helping of civilians as well. Batman planning a possible strategy on how to deal with the problem at hand, racking his brain on how to deal with that the heroes faced. He was running out of options, the portal that the aliens came through couldn't be dealt with properly due to the aliens coming through constantly.

With fury helping as much as he could, thinking of strategies as well. While directing the heroes to be as optimal as possible.

With all the chaos going on, the mothership, which superman was slowly trying to destroy echoed with a distorted and monstrous voice.

" HuMAns... YoUr TimE haS ComE, ThIs PLaNeT WiLl. bE. OuRsSSss!!!!!!!! "

This didn't help boost the heroes' moral at all. But obviously dealt the opposite effect.


Finally being teleported. I looked around, confirming that it was earth or what was left of it, I saw a mask on the ground next to me, putting it on to hide my identity, it would suffice by now. Looking around a bit farther, I saw dead bodies everywhere, with the innocent children half squashed by fallen debris and their heads soared apart by visible shots to the head... .

I looked down. Angry... NO! Now furious at the sight before me. I asked myself ' Why wasn't this quest issued before the the invasion? Why now? 'Tsk' '. I shrugged the thought off. Right now I was enraged, a level of anger even worse than what I had initially thought possible.

I turn, hearing a weapon reloading behind me. Seeing an alien smirking after kicking a dead childs body Infront of me, taunting me. Its biggest mistake it made in its entire life. Pointing its weapon towards me. My anger tipping over its boiling point. I blitzed towards it, grabbing and crushing its head with my bear hands without effort and mercy.

The expression I had was unknown to me, with my thoughts solely on destroying them. Having to want them suffer for what they did here. I felt myself black out once more, allowing my now focused anger to rip and tear them to shreds.



A bit shaken, the heroes had heard something... and what happened next surprised them. Flash caught on, on the opposite side of the hoard of enemies his squad had to face, They saw enemies flying? And extremally quickly as well, taking a closer look, they saw a man thrashing around the aliens like they were toys, throwing them into each other with force enough to turn them into mashed flash.

10's, 100's no, 1000's fell at the new comers might, all within a span of a minute, withering down the army by a significant amount. The masked figure from what they could tell, seemingly had infinite stamina and in some even though his strength was growing while he fought, almost like he was going berserk.

Both batman and fury in the head quarters both, stared from their monitors with a bit of confusion, one side of them liked the help but the other was the complete opposite, with both thinking about who or what this man was and if he was a danger to earth too. Him and batman stared at each other then looking back, studying the new variable they had to deal with at the moment.

" Shit! ", fury said outload, wondering what he and batman had to deal with now.

Now we see the heroes the man decimating the forces easily, with shockwaves of his punches leveling buildings and crumbling at his sheer strength, staring with a bit off bewilderment for a moment, wondering who it was, with flash making the first comment.

" Holy guacamole! that guy's a machine! ". Not with his usual cheery tone, but with a surprised albeit a little monotone as well, appearing to be more in shock than anything.

With the others staring on, with curiosity and wondering about how to approach the situation itself. They had a new arrival, with whoever it was helping, but after it helped them, would it target them after it's finished? But the thought left as quickly as it came, now remembering power houses such as superman, hulk, wonder woman and thor to help if it came down to it.

After reaching his tenth thousand defeated alien and near flash's squad. The stranger simply looked at them, before heading of to a different direction, continuing his assault on the aliens, like they were his most hated enemies. With the heroes witnessing his onslaught, hoping this mysterious masked figure was a friend rather than a foe.








I think i liked how this chap turned out, a bit sudden, but that was the aim. Hope you all liked it

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts
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