
A Reward

Gin slowly open his eyes with his vision slowly turning into a good one. Upon opening it, he could see a familiar face looking at him with a relieved expression.

"Uncle~ Time to wake up," Jasmin said as she poke Gin's blanket, seeing his expression was a little bit tired.

"S-stop poking me." Gin ordered as he slowly sits down from his bed with Jasmin completely stop poking him.

After Gin sits down, he looked at his lap and saw a blanket on it. He moved more and saw he was on a bed, a fluffy one.

Noticing that it wasn't right to have this kind of bed, Gin formed a frown on his face and began to scan the room he is in.

He move and concluded that he was in a room where he can rest well? Food and water are both placed at the top of an oval table with chairs that are enough for the group to sit in. There are also seven beds in other parts of the room, which is seven to be exact.

Thus, Gin finally concluded that he was in a situation where after he had fought those monsters, he woke up and was now in a normal room.

A clean, spacious, healthy room at that.


Gin looked at Jasmin and could see that she was healthier or rather become more beautiful as she was really clean.

"Haha... I must be dreaming. Yea, this is a dream." Gin spoke out loud as he nodded his head in agreement, "A room that is so clean and what, a food that is as clean as the water? Yeah, that's it. I must've hit my head really bad when I fall down. I need to lie down and wake up immediately."

Saying those things out loud, Gin lies down once again and closes his eyes. He counted for three minutes but after doing it, he felt he was not waking up as he was still inside in his so-called dream.

"Ah... did I die? Does Nash saving me at that time is... fake?" Gin spoke with disbelief before moving around his head to look at Jasmin, "This must be heaven but... why the hell are you here Jasmin?"

Jasmin let out a short giggle from his mouth before she began to explain what actually happen.

After they fought the claw monster, a screen had appeared saying that we should enter this room. At first, they were skeptical but the screen began to show another message saying it is safe. Although they have doubts in their minds, they entered the room with an alert stance.

Upon they entered, nothing had happened but it only took a minute before the screen appeared once more, saying that the outside was safe and it is finished.

They leave Gin inside the room and go out, only to see that the monsters that had scattered from everywhere just vanished, which greatly surprised them. In a span of only a minute, the outside was clean and rewards had been dropped on the ground.

Hearing those things in Jasmin's mouth, Gin concluded a thought on his mind and said loudly, "We really survived, huh. I'm glad."

He ended it with a faint smile and with Jasmin looking at him intently made her face flush slightly red, but she remain looking at that smile and thought it was the best moment in her life.

"Kuhum, it's because we're all strong making us survive, uncle." Jasmin let out a fake cough before continuing, "A-and, you should put your clothes on... it's also ok if you don't..."

She made the last sentence to be low as possible, afraid of Gin hearing it. A moment later, she gets a cloth from the side and hesitantly gives it to Gin, who saw her movement but he still gets it anyway.

Seeing Gin's well-refined body, Jasmin slightly bows her head, and her flushing face increased faintly.

Jasmin felt like she had accomplished something great and she let out a sigh from her mouth, saying inwardly, 'I will probably like uncle more in the future. Sigh...'

"Thanks," Gin said after wearing the clothes, "Where are the others?"

Jasmin removed the feelings for now and looked at Gin with a serious expression, "Kisha called them when you showed signs of waking up. They'll be here in no time, don't worry."

Gin nodded and the two began to talk about some kinds of stuff to pass time before they stop when the group entered the room with a smile on their faces. Nash still remained expressionless but the tip of his lips slightly curled upwards.

"Hi, I hope you're all okay." Gin spoke with a smile, his mind is agreeing with him, 'You better be all safe. What did I do all those for then?'

"Isn't that what we should tell you?" Kisha spoke with a cold tone before continuing, "If you die, others might be sad."

"Maybe not 'others' but you." Jia spoke with a tease as she continued, "When Gin fainted at the ground, you beg Nash while saying the words, 'Help! Gin is dying!'"

Jia then acted that she thought Kisha reacted when she told those at Nash, which made the group laugh shortly.

The face of Kisha slowly changed into embarrassment as she said, "J-Jia Noona... It was... our of reflex, okay? I-it's normal to behave like that when someone you know is in danger."

The group let out smiles from their lips before they began to talk with each other. It was really a comfortable situation where you wanted to keep forever but it wasn't the case when you're in another world.

Slowly realizing that this wasn't the same world they live in, the comfortable atmosphere they had is still there but it is now mixed with seriousness.

"What's the plan now, Nash?" Gin asked after a few talks the group had for a few minutes, as he looked into his eyes.

As Gin asked the question, the others turned their gaze at Nash and waited for them to speak.

"Plan? Everybody had something they like to do and I respect it." Nash spoke with all honesty, mixing it with a serious tone, "So, I think you should choose what's the best for you all when we get out."

'This bastard... just say you want us.' Gin mused inwardly as he saw the desperation on Nash's face to come with him, 'I don't know about the others, regressor but I will surely go with you.'

Then, Gin began to copy others but he was only doing fake thinking, for him to convince otgers that he was really in deep thought about what he should do.

Sensing that the silence was taking too long, Gin had enough and began to speak out loud, "I think it's the best choice if all of us are together. Well, I'm not the only one thinking that way, right?

Gin ended his statement with a smile as he looked at the group in the eyes one after another. The group slowly agreed and smile back, before all of them looked at Nash after.

"I see…" Nash said in a low voice as he also formed a smile on his face but it seemed forced, making it feel weird for others to look at, especially Gin, who is currently looking at him.

Ending, the group inside the room look at each other with a smile on their faces like idiots.

'I-it's official, Shit. Does the luck on my side right now?' Gin mused inwardly but he knew it wasn't the work of his luck, but he didn't care as he formed a wider smile.

That smiles as they look at each other only stopped when Grey called Gin.

"Ah, Hyung. I forgot." Grey spoke to the smiling Gin, "You should choose the rewards we got. All of us had already picked a reward and it is only you who didn't. Don't worry, the rewards we got and left are all pretty decent."

'Decent, huh.' Gin mused before giving a nod at him.

Gin used his two hands to assist himself but suddenly, he felt weak and falls.

"Uhm… a little help and can you give me a food, please?"

Nash swiftly move beside Gin and assisted him. Laura, who was the nearest one at the food, picked something up before handing it over to Gin.

Receiving it, Gin gives his thanks before the group ventures outside the room.

As they slowly walk outside, Gin can't help but be amazed at how the situation inside the gigantic large is. The difference is, there really are no corpses of monsters are left which he heard in Jasmin's story.

Gin really believe that story but it was really impossible for the place to be so clean that even a speck of dust wasn't there.

Gin couldn't help but ask, "Isn't this too... clean? There should be something, you know. Just a bit is enough yet... the only thing I saw are rocks on the ground and crack at someplace. It felt like we didn't come here in the first place..."


Then, the group stayed silent with Gin having a bad feeling about it.

He waited for a few more but the group remained silent, making him let out a disbelief laugh, "Ha... hahaha... I must've really died. W-wait, are leading me to heaven instead of the items?"

Coming to that conclusion, Gin let out a gasp from his mouth, "Or... you all had died too? Jasmin, did you lie to me?! No, I don't want to go there right now. There are so many things I had to do. Let go of me, Nash's soul!"

The group formed a dumbfounded expression as they felt Gin completely misunderstood them. But instead of telling him right away, they murmured to themselves and decided to tease him a little bit.

"Uncle... it is true. I'm sorry..." Jasmin said with a low voice.

"Sorry, Hyung. We're so happy about talking to each other that I didn't a chance to tell you..." Grey followed up, also in a low voice.

"I-I'm sorry Gin, but it is true. This is the path to heaven where the ones who died go. You really are smart Gin. Even we are dead, you never fail to surprise me." Kisha said in a low voice.

"B-but... why is it dark? Am I going to hell?" Gin spoke his thought loudly before letting out another gasp from his mouth, "Wait, wait, wait! I'm a good guy! Let me go!"

Hearing his hoarse voice, the people at the back can't help but let out muffled laughs before laughing loudly. Nash, who is assisting Gin, also lets out a laugh but a small one.


Gin finally stop himself from moving after he heard the group laughing. He glanced half of his head and saw them still laughing.

Even Nash lets out a small one as he enjoys watching Gin. For the first time throughout the week knowing him, Nash thought that it was his first time seeing Gin being genuinely scared.

Gin, on the other hand, watches the group at his back before giving them a glare, but the group laughs even more after seeing it.

'These bastards...' Gin mused inwardly before looking forward again, 'I was really... hmm?'

Aas soon as Gin looked forward, he saw shining and shimmering lights coming from the side, which he now knew why the whole place has a light, enough to light up the whole place.

Gin squinted his eyes and upon closer look, he could see pieces continued to produce the sound of metals as they fall over even though no person was touching it.

It was gold.

Lots and lots of gold.

Gin could also see the items but the gold was so shiny that he can't take his eyes off it.

'Hahaha... I'm rich. No, wait. Before that...' Gin mused inwardly as he keep his stoic face before asking the person beside him, "T-this is ours, right? This gold, items, and gold is ours, right? We're not sharing it with anyone, right??"

"Yes, Gin," Nash replied curtly, "This is ours and ours alone."

Gin asked Nash to let him go before he moves towards the rewards to look at them. He took a mouthful of saliva from his mouth but he still remained his rationality nevertheless.

"What did you pick Nash?" Gin asked as he also can't wait to pick what he loves too.

"I pick a master rank sword." Nash answered, "It has a sharp edge, perfect for a swordsman role like me."

Gin nodded before glancing at the group, "What about you guys?"

"I got a wand also master rank."

"Shield and its elite rank."

"A book of healing and supporting. Elite and master rank."

"Strategy book Uncle and also dagger, both master ranks."

"Axe, a silver one. Also a master rank."

Hearing those things felt beautiful in Gin's ears as he nodded, "Nice choices. But, are those the only things you wanted? Why only one or two?"

"We already find the things we wanted, Hyung. And we all think it is good for us." Grey answered with the group nodding as an accord, "Now it's your turn to pick."

Gin nodded as a sign of answer before looking at his front again, 'Geez, just how much gold do we have here? Some of the items are almost covered by it.'

Gin then began to find a suitable item for him. Apart from the names and ranks of an item, Gin could be now able to see the description of the items, which his eyes don't have.

As Gin continued to search, the thing he wanted to find wasn't there and mused, 'I can't find a bow in this rewards? Tsk, what a bad luck. Should I just make one then?'

Seeing Gin finding a certain item, the group knew it was a bow for him to use. Earlier, as they were finding the items they wanted, a bow wasn't there. Not a single one.

The only thing they could do is stay silent and wait for Gin to pick something aside from a bow. After a few seconds passed, they suddenly saw Gin had stop from moving.

The group quickly prepare themselves and would swiftly move if Gin showed signs of fainting but as they look closely, they could see Gin smiling at some item.

All of them move their heads to the item and saw it was also smiling back at him.


Gin gets himself up and picks the item with his hand.

'I would gladly have this one instead. Wearing this would probably make me avoid unnecessary attention when they saw my eyes,' Gin mused inwardly before forming a faint smile, 'What a jackpot.'

[Joker's Mask] [Master Rank] [Category: Mask]

[Description: Used by the trickster Joker. He tricks his people while having a smile on his face. He then died while also smiling. Wearing this and the people can't tell what expression you have on your face, as all they can see is the smile on your mask.]

'That mask and you are perfect.' O interjected Gin.

'Shut up.' Gin answered back.

"Is that the thing you're getting, Hyung? Maybe we can find something better. I think a mask is too cheap," Grey voice his concern with others agreeing with him.

"No, this is perfect. It has its uses too. You know me, I wouldn't pick something useless, right?" Gin said before putting the mask on his face.

Gin wore the mask getting the frown expression from his group after. For some reason, they felt the mask was really weird to look at.

"How do I look?" Gin asked.

"It's good on you Gin but a little creepy and intimidating." Laura voiced her concern.

They all nodded at Laura's statement but it only made Gin happier about picking it.

"Well, that makes me like more of wearing this," Gin answered curtly.

Although they could see the smile on the mask, they felt like the person who is wearing it has also the same expression on his face right now.

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