
311: Kurai’s Journey to the West (5)

Chapter 311: Kurai's Journey to the West (5)

Volume 2.5 – Omake 5

This country, and possibly most others in this continent, wasn't as large as the Elemental Nations that Enma and Kurai knew of.

Kurai wasn't surprised by this discovery. After all, she had lived in a world where modern weaponries were common—and therefore knew such things when mixed with the wicked mindset of humans, division amongst people was unavoidable; so multiple countries in a small radius wouldn't be a surprise to her.

While chattering on these useless manners, Kurai and Enma traveled on their Nimbus Cloud towards the southernmost part of this country—where Drakes were reportedly present for everyone to see.

Drakes, also known as Lesser Dragons whom Kurai had fought before in the countless dungeons she and her Papa had raided. Personally, she would say calling them 'Lesser Dragon' was an insult to the Dragon Race entirely, as she was familiar with a Dragon herself—three actually, if she counted Nejire and Ryuko too.

Enma broke out laughing when she shared her thoughts on this name.

"Is that so? Your father is a dragon? Let's make sure we are talking about the same thing; the dragon you are talking about is those serpentine creatures who roam over the clouds. Right?" Enma asked, seeing her shake her head. "That's what I thought—"

"Those are eastern dragons. My Papa is a western dragon. The two are different as one is a snake's final evolution and another is a lizard's final evolution. Lesser Dragons, the ones I am talking about, are the ones who are more lizard-like than serpentine, am I correct?"

"Huh… Yes, indeed, that's a Drake. I didn't know this. So there are two types of Dragon…" Enma muttered under his breath before slowly shaking his head. "It seems you know more things than me in some certain fields, haha, good going little cat."

Kurai looked proud, enough that she decided to let the 'little' part slip this time. "Anyway, we are close I think."

"You are right to think that, I do sense thicker chakra around the parts ahead of us." Enma nodded. "We are here."

Just ahead of them, the lair of mini dragons rested as thick fiery nature chakra was dense around the area.

"Let's g—"

Kurai was about to speak, just as she vanished in thin air—leaving a confused Enma.

* * *

Kurai returned later, and explained to Enma what had happened earlier—that her Papa had called her for some help with souls, and that she had to meet with another God named Jashin in that situation.

"Whatever, let's get going." Kurai said as she nudged Enma to continue going, and Enma agreed to do so with a soft shrug.


Since the hot dog shopkeeper didn't strongly suggest not visiting this area, it meant that it was fairly safe until some point. That point was probably here, where the human villages ceased to exist.

Beyond this point, as the two animals traveled, no human civilization existed and rather a thick fiery aura was dancing in the air.

Enma, with his Sage senses, could feel multiple strong lifeforms living close by in the few mountains that were spread across the area. However he couldn't be sure where his friend, if alive, was located. So, he decided to call for him first.

Pausing the Nimbus Cloud in the air, in a pot that was surrounded by four mountains, Enma took in a deep breath before he shouted a name.

"Kundras!" A boom left his lips that shook the trees in the far. "Fire Drake, Kundras! I Enma, the Monkey King, have come to visit you!"

Even Kurai whose senses weren't as sharp as Enma—not unless she drew in Nature Chakra into herself as well—felt the air shift after the two shouts. The drakes who were living around the mountains, all at once had their attention turn to Enma.

Enma didn't yell any longer after that since he was sure the receiver should have received his call. He crossed his arms and waited, the cloud gently floating in stasis, as Kurai decided to stay as well.

Indeed, after just half a minute, figures of huge lizards (with wings) started to fly in this direction. Two drakes from each four of the mountain, with the exception of one where three drakes were coming together.

Soon, the duo was surrounded by nine drakes, with different skin colors, whilst the one looking to be the oldest and had the most red skin stared at Enma with stunned eyes.

"This… it's real." The drake spoke a while later, in a deep voice that radiated the same English language as the other people in this continent, however, his next words were broken Japanese. "Enma, my friend! It's really you!"

If the appearance hadn't confirmed it by then, the Japanese greeting sure did. Emma's body shook a little as he smiled, finally seeing his old friend after so long.

"It seems so," Enma nodded. "It's been a long while, has it not, Kundras?"

In response, Kundras gave a loud laughter that soon infected Enma as well—while Kurai and the other drakes remained silent.

* * *

"Gyhahaha, to think that brat would grow so strong! You know, when I visited your place, he was but a snotty brat he was scared of even picking a fight, but this story you tell him of him speaks miles of his growth!"

"Indeed, indeed, I was surprised as well…!"

Fire Drake Kundras and Monkey King Emma were chattering amongst themselves, currently inside the Drakes' humble abort in one of the four mountains.

Right then, a sort of banquet was announced, and now food was served on top of banana leaves while in the open, where Kundras and his family took the left side of the leaves and Enma and Kurai took the right side.

Kundras and Enma were catching up to each other's lives, with the former's family giving Enma awed looks. Needless to say, Kundras never forgot his savior & friend and didn't shy away from preaching Enma's name far and wide, even amongst his family members.

Naturally, that made Kurai a thing of interest as well to these Lesser Dragons, as they knew no ordinary cat would travel with the Monkey Sage himself.

Of course, they were right, but Kurai still didn't particularly like how they were staring at her.

However, she recognized the situation was nice and lovely for Enma, so she didn't complain as that'd ruin the mood.

Shaking her head off these thoughts, Kurai ate the food—different kinds of meat cooked with high-temperature fire and sprayed with lots of spices—with a straight face, and even showing appreciation for the delicious taste from time to time. That seemed to impress the other Drakes too, perhaps because eating such hot and chilly stuff was seen as a sign of strength. Kurai didn't know, and neither did she care much. The food was good and that's all that mattered.

At one point, when Kurai was busy burying her face in a sort of fish that she had never tasted before, Enma finally brought up her subject.

"Speaking of which, I am not just here to pay you a visit, my friend," Enma said as his tail pointed at the busy Kurai. "This cat here, she is a God. Yes, a Divinity. I am here to help her with a cause."

A short silence fell on the whole area, with only Kurai continuing her feast, as all the Drakes looked at their leader first before giving a reaction. When they say that their leader, Kundras the Great Drake, had paled at the news, they quickly realized this wasn't a joke and gulped softly.

Enma acted naturally about it, but to them, this was big news.

A God.

A Divine Being.

Existences who can change the earth with a flip of their wrist, beings with the powers to do the impossible.

"Aha…" Kundras regained a bit of color when he caught Enma's reassuring gaze. "I see. That's good…? I suppose. Apologies to Kami-sama, I didn't know, I would have treated you some more if I did."

"It's okay," Kurai raised her face from the fish with an annoyed look. "I never said I don't like things as they are, did I? Continue as you were before, I am pleased here."

"Aha," Kundras sighed, coming out of his nostrils. "That's good, that's good. In that case, Enma my friend, what's the thing you are helping this little Goddess with?"

Kurai's body twitched a little at being called "little", with a part of her wanting to show them her peak size, but she just shook the thought off and decided to forgive them for the food.

"It's about a few people that she is looking for," Enma started and then began to explain the situation to Kundras.

The surrounding Drakes all listened attentively and some even exchanged glances. When it came to demonstration, Enma poked Kurai with his tail to interrupt her eating and ordered her to show everyone the appearances.

Kurai was pissed, making all the Drakes pale a bit, but in the end she just grunted it off and began using transformation Jutsu. A while later, she was done and the Drakes looked awed.

"They're all beautiful, enough to make them stand out from everyone else," Kundras said. "However, I have to disappoint you, I have never seen any of them." He took a look around to see the faces of his subject. "Neither did anyone else, it seems."

"That was within expectations," Enma said. "Would it be possible for you to help us in our search, though? Kurai's father is searching the eastern continent, and if any of the girls is there he would find her anyhow—so we just have to cover this side somehow."

Kundras exchanged glances with his family before nodding. "I am grateful to you, Enma, so this is but a small request. Don't worry, I will contact our allies to help in search as well. If they are indeed around here, we are sure to find them sooner or later."

"Thanks," Kurai gave a short nod. "I will continue my own search then, Enma can stay here to enjoy himself in the meanwhile–"

"That wouldn't be necessary, Kurai." Enma shook his head. "The way you have searched until now would be less effective, and even restricting the others if you do the same here too. Just enjoy yourself here, like a vacation."


Kurai frowned, chewing on her lips for a moment before she grunted. Kurai was about to speak again, but right then a drake–wearing an (X) seal on his shoulder, walked up to the area and looked at Kundras nervously.

"Ah, sorry to interrupt you like this but… the Princess has brought her summon partner, the human girl from abroad, with her via reverse summoning. I don't know how to handle this." the Drake, a soldier, reported as Kundras frowned with an angry look shadowing his expressions.

"Ah, Kundras, do not be mad at the younger generation." Enma patted him on the shoulders. "I suppose he was talking about your granddaughter when he said 'the princess'? No need to be mad at her just because I am here."

Kundras' expression melted as he sighed. "Alright then, since this has come to this anyway, come on—I will introduce her to you two. She is Raethiephol, The Champion, my granddaughter who will most likely take my place in the future."

The others around, including the children of Kundras who were on the dine here at the moment, all had their eyes widening at the words spoken. Kurai supposed this must be the first time this Drake had confirmed an heir, and that got her a bit interested in this 'Raethiephol' person.

Just how majestic must this girl be for her to receive such treatment, along with the title of 'The Champion'?

Kurai was excited.



