
Chapter 44: The Show Must Go On

A young man kept bumping into Jackie’s rear as he hopped around wildly with his girlfriend. She found it annoying but didn’t want to come across as a diva, so she just put up with it and moved with the crowd.

*Oh, Gawd! I can’t do this anymore!*

It only got worse -- Arno began to grind his hips against her, snapping his fingers and gyrating like he was performing the tango. He had that intense expression of a Latin lover on his face, and she could almost imagine him biting the stalk of a rose between his teeth. He then placed his hands on her waist, grooving rhythmically to the beat.

She took a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed by his suffocating presence.

*That’s it! I’m too old for this clubbing shit… I’ve gotta find a way out of here!*

She smiled apologetically, fanning her hand to her face to indicate it was hot and that she’d just had enough. Then she skillfully negotiated through the crowded dance floor, even as Arno plowed his way after her.

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