
Journey (1)

It's finally time to go back to the Palace.

It's been two whole months since Ignis left. Now, I will go back there. This time, by my free will.

Father has prepared two carriages for Marius and me, but we'll likely travel in one. Also, he will send our family's guards.

It seems he agreed about this with Ignis because none of the Royal Guards says anything.

«You won't be alone, and your uncle will come to the Palace soon after your coronation. He'll take the ministry and be your support there,» he explains. «Your brother will be your escort whenever you need to go somewhere. And your friends will also reach you soon.»

Dorotea and Melissa will be my ladies in waiting. They're sisters, daughters of a Count, noble enough to enter the Palace.

They accepted my proposal with excitement, for they never thought they would ever visit the capital, let alone work in the Palace for the Queen.

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