
Beneath Moonlight

**Celestia's Dairy**

Date: …..

This child gave me the reason to beam once again. I can't believe already a year has been passed. I was very happy when we celebrated his first birthday a few says ago. Though he seems to be growing up healthy and happy now but still looking at what happened a few months ago I've to keep a check on his health so I get him checked by a doctor make sure whether he's growing up healthy or not. And what should I do to keep him healthy? It was hard for him to analyse Joy as he never examined such creature before. But by some struggle he figured out something. He was growing up healthy and I was so happy to know that. He also figured out something more. I came to know that he's a bipedal and when he'll grow up a little more he could be able to walk on his hind legs. Second he was strong almost as an earth pony of his age. The thing to worry was that he was an omnivore creature. Mean he could eat both vegetables and… meat. Doctor told me that this is not a big worry because he can be fed only on vegetables and it'll not affect his health much. But to avoid malnutrition, as he'll grow up we'll be needed to feed him with a meal containing more proteins. Mostly food like eggs and beans. To make sure that he's growing up healthy I decided to keep him getting checked by doctor time to time.


A relieved Celestia


Date: ….

Today I'm so glad. I can't express my delight in words. After meeting my duties as a Princess, I was up to spend some more time with my son. As I held him in my hooves, he giggled and tried to mutter something in his sweet voice. He at last said that word 'mum… mam… mama…' I was almost fainted with a torrent of pleasure. This word echoed in my mind again and again. Tears started to flow from my eyes. My joy couldn't be expressed in words.


A very happy Mother


Date: …..

I'm feeling very grateful to Heart Sparkle. She is such a kind mare. Because of her not only I can attend my duties without being worried about my son, but also Joy has a friend, Bubble Heart. The bubble was almost a year older than Joy. My lovely son was also attached with Heart Sparkle so much. Two days ago when she came down with a bad flu. She was here, even in such an ill condition. I know how much she loves to take care of my son, but in this condition she wouldn't be able to do this. So I told her to rest and appointed another babysitter to take care of Joy and Bubble until she feel better. But that day I came to know that how hard are tasks that Heart do. Five temporary babysitters were appointed, one after another because no pony could stand more than two hours. I now appreciate her even more. I couldn't be able to raise my son on my own.


A thankful Celestia


Date: ….

Although two years and so has been passed since Joy my lovely son came into my life, but it still feels like yesterday was that day. He now toddles on his hind legs. Watching him shaky walk is the second cutest thing I have ever seen. Sometime when I called him to come towards me from a short distance, he tries to rush towards me. Sometimes he made it. Sometimes he was about to lose his balance when I hold him at the right time. My dear niece always looks forward to spend more time with his sweet little cousin and his babyhood friend Bubble. We celebrated his two birthdays. Blue-blood is still denying to accept him as his cousin. I'm so disappointed at him. I try to make him understand and hope that he'll stop being so self-centered. I would love to be him more like Cadence.


A worried Aunt


Date: …..

My dear sister Luna. I still miss her so much. But my son is always here to cheer me up with his sweet giggles and his baby talks. Every time he saw tears in my eyes, he wipes them away, kiss on my forehead and say 'this will make you alright mama'. This is what I did when he weeps or become cranky. I can't keep myself crying when he does this. In response I say to him 'Mama is alright sweetheart.' Being a mother is the greatest joy I ever felt. I am making preparations for his next birthday upcoming week. I hope he'll like the gifts I and Cadence has chosen for him.


A comforted mother


**End of Diary Entries**

"Wake up birthday boy? Rise and shine!" Joy heard the soft-pitch voice of his mother

He yawned and opened his eyes. He then recalled what his mother said 'Birthday!' He suddenly got so excited and got off the bed.

"My birthday! It's finally here!" he exclaimed.

Celestia giggled. "Yes, it's your birthday! Let's go now. Every pony is waiting for you."

She gave him a quick bath and dressed him up in a beautiful suit. A white T-shirt and blue jeans. On its chest there was a design shaped like his mother's cutie mark. On its sleeves there were zigzag light rainbow designs like his mother's mane. It was his favorite design since he was two and a half years old.

Celestia puts him on her back and both headed towards a room. As they were going towards that room Joy saw many royal servants and also some guards. Some of them stopped to pay greet to their Princess's Son.

"Happy Birthday Prince!" said a maid.

"Happy Birthday Prince Joy!" said a guard.

He passed a smile to them. He was so happy that ponies around him care about him so much. At least he was there. The light was dim in the room. When they reached their room was lighten up. 'SURPRISE' He saw that his favorite babysitter, best filly friend, and his cousin was waiting for him there. The room was decorated beautifully with streamers and balloons and banners. And the most attractive view was a dark brown chocolate cake.

He quickly went towards his filly friend. He got a sudden hug of excitement.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JOY!" she sang aloud a little in excitement.

"Thank you Bubble Heart!" she looked more excited even than Joy himself.

"I am happy that you like it," said Bubble Heart.

"Joy, you became three years old today," said Heart Sparkle hugging him. He returned the hug and then he turned to his cousin.

Cadence came towards him and held her cousin in a hug. He returned the hug. She was smiling brightly to see her little cousin.

"I can't believe already three years have been passed. I still remember when you was like a new-born foal."

He looked around. Everypony was there. Everypony except one. He was still not there. He never attend his single birthday. Why he wasn't there? He felt so bad for this.

"Cadence, where's cousin Blueblood?"

"Sorry Joy, he was a little busy so…" Cadence said with a little disappointment

"No… problem Cadence, at least you all are here. I believe it must be something important," he was a little disappointed. Blue-blood always did his best to ignore him. He wanted to believe that blue-blood also had a good side with him and maybe one day he'll see that good side.

"Don't let it ruin your Birthday little cousin," Cadence said giving him a kiss on forehead

"Yes, sweetheart, enjoy your day. I've to go now. Have fun with your friends," said Celestia as she gave him a hug and went away to attend her duties as a ruler.

After this they all enjoyed the cake. After this gift was received by him. His cousin gave him a replica of knight armor to fit his shape.

"Wow, that's wonderful Cadence," he said looking at his gift.

"Glad you like it," replied Cadence.

The gift was by his babysitter and best friend was an electronic keyboard. He was always interested in musical instruments. He was so happy to have that gift. He embraced Heart with joy.

"Actually, it was Bubble's idea," said Heart looking towards her daughter.

"Really! I cannot wait to try it out," said Joy looking towards the keyboard "But I don't know how to play it."

"Don't worry, I'll help you!" Cadence said in reassurance and chuckled lightly.

He hugged his cousin in thanks. She returned the hug and released him.

"C'mon, let's play games," he said in excitement.

And then they played different games like pin the tail on a pony, hitting piñata, and some board games. Then they headed towards the royal gardens to enjoy the rest of the day. After they returned from gardens, Joy came across the blue-blood. He was happy to see his cousin after all the day. Blue-blood like always tried to ignore him.

"Hi Blueblood, how was your day?"

"It's none of your business!" He said coldly

"I wish you would be at the party," he said to his Unicorn cousin again.

"Look freak!" Joy was hurt by this cold behavior and tears came to his eyes

As Bubble saw this she came to his friend to hold him. She just couldn't look tears in his eyes. He was whining with pain he felt.

"I don't think…" He was interrupted by Bubble Heart who had already lost her temper


"Listen brat-!" he was again interrupted.

"Blueblood!" Cadence spoke angrily.

He looked Cadence in front of him. He huffed and looked away. He went away from them giving filly and his friend a look of anger. Cadence looked towards his cousin who was sobbing with sadness.

"Hey, don't worry, he'll not upset you again... at least for the day," his cousin gave him a hug while stroking his back softly "Now you should go to the terrace. Auntie is waiting for you."

"Al… alright Caddie," he said and looked at Bubble.

He saw some tears in her eyes as well. He wipes them away softly. After this they both share a hug for a minute. After this Bubble went towards her mother's quarter.

"Goodbye! See you tomorrow?" Joy said to her

"Goodbye my sweetie!" Bubble said and he blushed for a moment

Cadence giggled at this sweet moment. She knew why they were like that. Joy and Bubble were being together since they were foals and that's why they care for each other so much. Actually, they were very good friends. Celestia wanted Heart Sparkle to let both children to spend time with each other so Joy would have at least one friend of his own age. Now they'd become best friends of each other.

"I'm here mama," said Joy.

"Come here. It's time to lower the sun and bring the night," Celestia said.

Joy rushed up to her saw as the horn of his mother glow with golden light. Then he looked towards the sun. It started to go lower and lower. At last sun disappeared behind the mountains. He clapped his hand in joy.

"You like it. You see how mama did this!" said Celestia.

Now it was time to raise the moon. Her horn glow once again. And a giant silver ball appear from the horizon. Along with this giant ball sparkling dots also started to appear in the dark blue sky. A pony shaped dark spot was on the white surface of the moon. He always wondered what that was but he never asked his mother about this before. He only knew whenever his mother saw at the moon her face expressions became very sad.

"Mom, why there's a bonny face on the moon," he asked.

"Your… your aunt live on the moon my son," Celestia whined a little.

"Why she's there and not with us mama?"

"It's a very long story, my son. I'll tell you some… some other time," Celestia whined again.

"Will she ever return mama?" he asked with such innocence.

Celestia wrapped him in a hug and surrounded him with her wings. She whined and push him on her chest.

"Yes, my son, she'll return very soon. She'll return," both mother and son share some subs for some moments in the sparkling dark blue sky of the night under the beautiful moonlight. They sat there for a while and talk to each other till Joy went to a slumber resting his head on his mother's back. Celestia smiled to see this. She put him on her back and headed back to the bed chambers. She put him on the bed and whispered softly

"Goodnight my Joy."
