
Chapter 2

"Status" I say out loud.




Level: 1 (10% Exp)

Name: Sacaroth

Race: Human

Main Class: Mage

Secondary Class: Hunter

Stats: 15 Strength, 15 Endurance, 15 Agility, 15 Intelligence, 10 Charisma.

Skills: Zap, Toxin Resistance, Mana Well, Tame Animal, Bind, Snipe, Tame Lower Monster, Track, Mana Manipulation, Mana Manifesting, Mana Sight, and Mana Fusion.

Mana Stats: 150 Mana Capacity, 15 Mana Per Minute, or Mpm, Mana Well Capacity 150.


Huh. I'm guessing 1 Goblin mean 10% Exp currently. And no wisdom. Hmm. Might not be a stat.

( Level 1 Goblin is 1 Exp. 9 Exp till the next level. Last tip.)


I head outside, cook up some breakfast, and explore some more. After a few hours, I find a watering hole, where some animals are drinking from.

[Entered Safe Zone. If anything attacks anything, everything else will assist. Do not hunt here.]

All the animals face me when I walk up to the hole, and I cup my hands and take a drink. A tiger walks over, and I bow. It lifts it's chin higher, and returns to it's litter on the other side. I like it here. I bow to everything before leaving.

[Leaving Safe Area.]

After about 15 minutes of walking through the woods, I find a wolves den, and the occupants are home. 10 white wolves surround me, and I'm a little surprised.

[Battle Mode Activated.]

All of a sudden, their levels appear over their heads. 5 Lvl 1's. 3 Lvl 2's, and 2 Lvl 3's. I form Bone Blades running down the sides of my limbs, And make a sword. It's a good thing I had this magic before.

-50 Mana

I try to activate Tame Animal.

[Unable to activate. Requirements not met.]

"What are the requirements?" I ask, before a Level 1 jumps at me. I quickly bring the blade down, and it slices into it's brain.

+2 Exp. Now at 30%

"Damn, this sword is sharp." I comment, and then three jump at me. I jump between two of them, and slice the sword in between one of their jaws, slicing it's head open.

+2 Exp. Now 50%

I turn around, and launch Zap at the one still heading in my direction.

-10 Mana

"If my reflexes are this good, how good would the skill had made it?" I ask myself.

The last three Level 1's jump at me at the same time. I gather a decent amount of Fire mana, move it into my sword, and swing as hard as I can. It slices through them like butter, launching a wave of fire at the Level 2s.

- 15 Mana.

+ 2+2+2+5+5+5 Exp. Using 5 for Level Up. Holding the rest until done.

+ 2 to all Stats. 16 Exp remains. Extra Exp turned into 3 skill points, and one stat point. Given spell used. Flame Slice Spell gained. Bone Sword Spell gained.

Was not expecting that. I thought it would make fire around the blade. Oh well. The two Level 3s cower and try to run into the cave.

I put the stat point into dexterity, make a bow with bone, string it with metal thread, and make some metal arrows. I draw the string, heat up the arrow with fire magic, and launch into into one's thigh using Snipe. It goes through both of it's thighs.

-30 Mana

+Fusion Spell Super Heated Arrow, Spell Bone Bow Gained.

I use Snipe and shoot the other in the head.

+ 10 Exp. 30% Exp currently.

I go over to the one still alive. Wounds are cauterized. It whimpers, and shows it's belly. Respect's me. I just killed it's pack, and it tries this.

"Tame Animal" I grunt, looking further into the den.

[Success. Healing Pet. What would you like to name it?]

"Might as well go with Tray. Short for Traitor."

'Please forgive my actions, Master. I will make it up to you. I will show you where our pups are. I will be responsible for them.'

"Very well. I'll follow you."

Tray walks forward, and points into a small hole. He barks a few times and 7 Pups come out.

'Master, please accept them.'

[Your Pet had brought Seven Pets in. Do you accept? They will not take any of your slots.]

"Accept." I say, and they start wagging their tails.

Another full grown wolf comes around the corner, growls, but then Tray barks at it, and it comes over to me, and lays down.

[Do you accept this Pet? Female, and You have 7 slots left.]

"Accept. Name her Winter."

"Winter, Tray, please go hunt for food. I shall take the young back. Here's my scent, follow it back. Tray, tell Winter what happened."

The little ones start following me. The older two run off, and I form a basket to carry them back.

- 20 Mana.

I pet the little guy's, and start running back, holding it in front of me. It's about 8 PM when we get back.

[Entering Battle Mode.]

Oh, right, the goblins.

I look around for them, and there's three of them. All Level 3. I make a bow haagain, but make a fire arrow, and command it to split mid air, and to propel itself towards the target.

-30 Mana.

I fire the arrow, and it works somewhat. They were slow, and the goblins were distracted by the slowly moving orbs. Then they blew up in each of their faces.

+ Spell Splitting Exploding Arrow.

+ 15 Exp. 75% Exp currently.

I brought the pups inside, and exercised. I got the fire spit ready, because they should have been back soon.

I was right. Ten minutes later, they brought a boar back. I cooked it, and cut out enough meat for the pups, some for me, and left the rest for the older two.

I open Tray's status.


Name: Tray

Level: 3

Race: White Wolf

Stats: Strength 14, Endurance 13, Agility 15, Intelligence 12, And Charisma 17.

Skills: Hunt, Leadership, Bite, and Run.

Title: The Betraying Alpha


I open Winter's.


Name: Winter

Level: 7

Race: Winter Wolf

Stats: Strength 15, Endurance 18, Agility 20, Intelligence 17, Charisma ??

Skills: Parenting, Charge, Crazed Anger, Chomp, Tracking, Fast Reflexes

Titles: Mother of Five, True Alpha's Daughter, and Winter's Grace


"Hey Winter, how did I manage to tame you?"

'Father told me to listen to the next Alpha, and you seemed nice.' She replies, wagging her tail.

Tray's ears flatten to his head, like he's scared.

"What's wrong Tray?"

'Winters Parents were scary. All the strongest in the forest died in one day. Now we're all weak, and it's difficult to survive the new leaders. We were the weakest. Winter was a mother, so she couldn't fight. Winter's mate was the other leader.'

Winter wags her tail at that. Guess she didn't like him.

I have the puppers clean up the leftovers. After that, everyone comes inside, the puppers come up on top and cuddle me. It's good it's stairs and not a ladder, otherwise they could have fallen.

"Hey Winter, which of these little ones are yours?"

'The one at your foot, two at your chest, one on your back, and the one you're petting.'

"They're adorable, you know that, right?"

'Yes, Master. Will you play with them tomorrow? I'll bring you the Goblins you talked about, ready to be killed.'

"Very well."

In the morning, I play with the puppers for most of the day. When Winter brings me the four goblins, I made 8 tendrils with bladed claws, sprouting from my back. I slowly lifted myself up, and made boned joints.

-50 Mana

Huh. Cheapish.

I utilize a blade to lift one of the Goblins off the ground, and slam it down into the ground.

+10 Exp.

[Maximum experience threshold reached. Level Up. + 2 to all Stats.]

I kill the rest, with a swipe from a claw.

+30 Exp. 50% Exp.

I should have thought of these when I had this before. Plus, I can reinforce it using metal magic.

I cook the rest of the boar for lunch.

After that, I have Winter come hunt with me, and I have Tray watch the puppies in the room.

"Winter, can you find something a Level below you? I need to Level Up, so a near death level 6 should work."

'Understood. I will bring it back home for storage, afterward. Stay safe. Avoid Bears.' She say's, before running off.

I hunt on my own for a bit, but it seems I need to fight something of a somewhat significant strength. Like predators. Not the few rabbits I found. I remake the tendrils, form a backpack in the start of the tendrils, and use bone for the outside.

-60 Mana. 90 Left in the Mana Well.

I reach into the den I found, using the tendrils, and grab, pull them out, and kill them as I go. I place them into the backpack, and continue through the forest, staying off the ground.

I use the rest of the Mana Well for a bone shell over my body, and at my joints I use muscle. I make some holes for my eyes in the one over my face, and pad the inside of the shell with a small layer of inactive muscle.

If you're wondering how this feels, imagine just being inside your skin. Natural, Right? It doesn't gross me out, it just is. Like a layer of dead skin, you don't notice it.

I move around a bit, to get used to it.

[Title Gained: Arachnid Horror]


Is that because I basically made a carapace?

I look around, and there's a few predators around, staring at me, showing signs of fear.

They can't see it, but I smile. I make crossbows with tendril arrows. Make it able to retrieve easily. The arrows have hooks, to make it easier. They're located on my arms, one each.

I aim one at a Panther, and the other at a Bird headed, Wolf bodied, and Deer legged thing nearby.

+30 Exp. Level Up. +2 to all Stats.

Next chapter