


After witnessing the kid I just talked to rush towards the hostage to help...all the while I hesitated...because of the time limit that shackled my body.

'The kid moved to help...without hesitation...'

I'm pathetic.



But I will make it right!

But when I have just decided to move I halted my steps after a group of teens landed from just behind the kid.

In a matter of seconds, they solved everything. The ash-blonde pulled the hostage and the kid back to safety, the white and red-haired teen froze the villain, and the fox girl extinguished the flames with a thin blanket of ice...this amount of control...they didn't even affect the bystanders!

'Amazing! The new generation is coming in stronger', as I thought this I decided to wait for the green-haired kid since I wanted to speak to him, I just had a gut feeling about him.

Though while I waited, a heated discussion erupted, and the one leading it was the fox girl, she seems rather familiar though.

"Hey, aren't those three the Royals!?", one of the people near me stated out loud, which caught my interest but I didn't know the term since I'm not one for the internet.

"Oh! You're right!"

"My Goddess Kaga is there!"

"Tch! Himiko No. 1!"

"None of you appreciate Shoto Todoroki!"

"I still remember their video about the Sky Egg! And now I'm witnessing them!"

The people then started to clamor and talk about their opinions, then a sentence caught my ear, "Sky Egg.".

So those are the kids who solved the Sky Egg Incident and effectively saved 60,000 people...I still remember that incident in the back of my mind, if those kids weren't there, that incident would effectively be a black mark in Japan's history.

But all of a sudden, a short back and forth discussion happened when a Hero questioned them, which resulted in the fox girl now giving a lengthy admonishing to the Heroes who came to the scene.

"Our Goddess is right! If she didn't point this out the Heroes would have gotten credit for doing nothing!"

"Tch! That rookie Mt. Lady is just a credit stealer! I saw her this morning kicking the giant villain, which was already supposed to be handled by Kamui Woods! And now there was unnecessary property damage!"

"I wonder if I'm a hostage under a fairly strong villain, will these guys just stand and wait!?"


I wanted to speak up to defend the Heroes that came, but I couldn't, I too was a bystander. A holder of One For All was actually watching crime take place in front of them?

'Master, would be disappointed!'







My debut was heading to a great start, I apprehended a villain just this morning on the train station, and a giant one too!

I shamelessly took the last hit for that one though, but I was still credited for defeating it.

Throughout the day, I solved quite a few villains that I was able to help out on, and with my quirk that makes me a giant, I was able to gain the attention and fame I want and needed.

And just as I was about to call it a day, an emergency request was issued for the available Heroes in the area, it apparently regarded the slime villain that All Might was chasing earlier today!

'Maybe I can get more coverage if I apprehended the villain with All Might!', I thought and imagined all the cameras being pointed towards me.

I immediately accepted the emergency request and made my way there.

Upon my arrival, there was a large wave of fire that has spread towards the ground and buildings, then I noticed the supposed Sludge villain...with a hostage.

'Talk about lack of information on the emergency request!', I complained within my mind.

After the heroes gave their shot in trying to rescue the student, I gave my try too but noticed that it was a one-lane road.

"It's a no-go for me unless it's a two-lane street!", I said while I was gigantified, I could save the boy by forcefully squeezing through. But the amount of property damage isn't something I can tackle!

'If only I didn't have to pay for property damage, but my quirk does a lot of it...sigh', I thought and just decided to standby since there was still a large crowd watching, and they might get caught up in whatever stray debris.

Some time went by and there was still no sign of a hero with a proper quirk, and every one of us Heroes on the scene were only hoping for a better-suited hero to make their entry.

But to make the situation worse, a student ran to try and play Hero, quite fast too though. Then all of a sudden, three figures wearing school uniforms too from that Prestigious School, Kokusai Junior High, landed just behind the green-haired teen.

'What is up with students popping up out of nowhere?', I thought to myself.

Though unlike what I expected, they swiftly dealt with everything that we heroes were struggling with. The villain? Trapped in ice. The fire? Blanketed in a teen sheet of ice. The hostage? Pulled to safety.

Though it seems the hostage is unconscious due to having his airways blocked by that sludge.

'What an easy job and I was able to make an appearance too with these reporters!'

Though I was immediately pulled out of my thoughts when the fox girl with nine tails suddenly began scolding us for our poor conduct.

I and the heroes who came to the scene were individually called out...and I was called a credit stealing hero, but overall we were labeled by the girl as Heroes who only gave excuses and didn't want to take responsibility.

I wanted to rebut but I couldn't since she only stated our actions and nothing else, especially the part where she called me a credit stealing hero...that was humiliating since I received numerous stares.

People even started talking amongst themselves about how we poorly performed and that if no one spoke about it, everyone would think the heroes actually did something.

Then to further rub mud onto our names she began saying how the green-haired kid was more Heroic since he actually tried saving the student without question or reason.

When we thought it was over...it wasn't...she called us clowns who played heroes, that was too much in my opinion, but I couldn't talk since it felt like she was right.

Then she went on about us to rethink our jobs as Heroes, that wearing a colorful suit, and studying for three years to become one will not cover our true selves.

But all of a sudden the heat was pointed towards me!

"Mt. Lady, will you also take credit for this? It's only your first day and you've already shown your true colors of wanting to steal credit, is this what they taught you in your Hero School?"

The girl said as she looked towards me with her cold piercing gaze and everyone beneath me stared at me too since I was still in my giant form. For the first time ever, I didn't want the attention anymore...not like this.

I didn't want to start and possibly end my career as a Hero labeled as someone who steals credit, granted I shamelessly took the spotlight away from Kamui Woods...but...sigh.

I could only look down in shame, I couldn't refute what she said since all she explained was what I projected...I could probably already imagine the news headlining later this evening or tomorrow.

'I'll just have to do better!', I thought to myself






I was just filming the incident like every other Hero Vs Villain moment that happens all around the world, nothing special, this one just has your typical hostage situation and is surrounded by Heroes.

Though I was wrong.

A green-haired kid ran trying to save the other student, his action caused many heroes to shout, but another set of students landed just right behind him.

'Something out of the ordinary happened!', I thought and began witnessing these newly arrived students wearing the uniform of that prestigious school of Kokusai Junior High School.

They then proceeded to handle the situation within seconds of their arrival, 'If these students wore suits, you would think it's a new Hero Team!', I thought to myself but couldn't help but find them familiar.

"Wahh! It's my Goddes Kaga!"

"The Royals are here!"

'AH RIGHT! Now I know why...though thanks to the crowd for making me remember', I thought to myself and began focusing on the stars of the young generation, maybe this video will just solidify it even further.

Though out of the blue, a hero came and started shouting at them for interfering in their work, 'Work? As if! You guys only stood!', is what I like to say but I don't want the hatred of a Hero aiming his sights at me.

But to my surprise, Kaga who was labeled as a Goddess of many with her beautiful voice and appearance started scolding the heroes back.

She began her lengthy scolding of how bad the heroes performed and she began stating each and every one of their excuses given earlier.

Now that she repeats it back, it does sound terrible, more footage for me and that oh-so-sweet promotion!

She finishes off her words by advising them to change their career, as they have shown their true selves under pressure, and most showed themselves as only giving excuses.

I felt pity for the Giantess though but...at the same time not. Stealing the credit of other hardworking Heroes has no place in society, eventually, you'll be found out if you can't back up further incidents with your skill.

Let's just see who will kneel to the pressure of their sudden hit in Public Image, would Mt. Lady still continue after her smooth but crashlanded debut, how about Kamui Woods with his declaration of passing the responsibility to someone better?

Hah...so many affected...so much juice to cover, 'Kaga-sama, I pray to you for giving me this opportunity!'

What? I became a fan just now!

Fight me!







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