
Chapter 20: Next X Step

Trace's hands were full, carrying three bags. One with the right hand and the two with another. Only a few coins that amount up to 3,000 [1-Kin] coins were left in his coin case.

What a peculiar shopping experience he had. All the shopkeepers put forward a high price then ended up giving him huge discounts. This was a good place to shop, Trace smiled while searching for the exit.

When his eyes landed on a pearl moon badge in the distance his expressions lessened. He remembered that a person carrying a full moon pearl badge was still following him. Trace was sure that Peerze was following him and him alone.

What do I do? I don't know the shortest path to the exit. Trace panicking went to a stall and asked directions for the exit. But the stall owner laughed as he had heard the funniest joke ever.

Trace asked a few more people but the result remained the same. Suddenly, the figure following him closed in. Trace jumped back as soon as a hand landed on him. It was as if he was preparing to dodge all along.

"There is no exit in the Perl Moon Market. For you there is no entry either," Peerze said in a plain voice.

"W-why?" hint of horror and panic was evident in Trace's voice.

"Follow me", Peerze said.

"Follow me if you want to get out from here", Peerze repeated when Trace did not move.

Trace's grip tightened on the bags in his hands as he took a step forward to follow Peerze. It wasn't long after Peerze stopped. Two men with a crescent mooon badge made of pearl immediately came closer to greet Peerze.

"Take him out of here," Peerze instructed.

'Show him out of here."

Peerze changed his instructions when he saw the two men's look darken when they looked towards Trace. Without waiting any further he left the group behind walking away.

A blindfold was removed and light slowly filled Trace's eyes. However, no sound was heard. It was as if the world had slipped into silence. The two men standing behind Trace soon disappeared into the lone alleyway.

Trace looked around and found out that it was not the same place where Ergon tied the blindfold. Despite being confused Trace still picked one direction and walked forward . After unknown amount of time, he finally saw lights of the open street.

Seeing the lively and bright road, Trace couldn't help but speed up. It felt like a completely different world to him. The air was so fresh and the sun felt so cozy. Trace's cold skin felt like it would melt under the warm sun.

Orange filled his eyes as he closed the eyelids and looked towards the sky. He couldn't get enough of his feeling when a carriage slowed down near him.

"Boy, you want a ride?"

Trace opened his eyes and an ordinary Binpark carriage appeared in his vision. His pupils adjusted soon enough and the world turned clearer. Trace looked that the coachman who a frown his face.

"Get on boy, and remove the mask."

Hurriedly Trace got inside the carriage after putting his hand on his face, only to feel a mask. He removed the mask and the gloves and kept them inside one of the bags. There was not much space but the thin mask and gloves easily slipped inside.

Trace collected his thoughts and picked the destination after guessing the time of the day. The coachman patiently waited as if this was not the first time he experienced this type of situation.

"Keneone Street, Westvank," Trace said after sliding a small slit that led to the coachman.

"My carriage will get locked before we reach there."

The coachman explained when he did not receive a further answer. Binpark Carriages have a mechanism that counts the distance and locks the wheels if the horses travel more distance that they are supposed to. I will have to change the horse in between if I want to go that far. But that will cost extra money and I am done for today.

"Can you take me to Coiling Cradle Street?" Trace asked after looking at the three bags.

"How much did it cost?" Trace said after getting out of the carriage.

"4 5-Cava coins," was the answer.

What?! Trace was utterly shocked by the price. 2 [5-Cava] coins amounted to 1 [1-Sherry coin]. After the shopping, Trace did not even have 1 [5-Sheery] coin left. 1 [5-Sherry] coin was the amount he was earing everyday only until the day before yesterday.

Now he only had coins that totaled up to roughly 3 [1-Sherry] coins. Reluctantly, Trace handed over 1 [2-Sherry] coins and after collecting three bags, he turned towards his home.

On the way home, Trace tried to use the gold card given to him by Ergon. Panic encompassed him when he did not find the card. He searched over and over again. A uneasy feeling gripped him through out the way.

But the pain in his heart was quickly subsided as he looked over. On the second floor of his house, the usual lettering that said 'Fortune Telling' was changed! On the glass windows of the second floor it was written-'Detective Agency X Fortune Telling'.

Trace immediately rushed up the stairs and opened the door. On the wide glass window behind his master's desk, the letters were written in reverse. Usually, the glass was curtained but today the streets lights entered the room.

After talking with the master Trace found out that the lettering had been done by a guest. Trace also showed all the items he brought from the secret shops and narrated his whole day. The Everglowing lamp was also fitted up the wall, eliminating the whole room.

Trace did not inspect the lamp after paying such a huge amount for it. Looking at the bright room, with a few objects more objects than yesterday felt like it was worth to pay the price.

"Getting in a room alone with the stone is not as easy as you think," Master told Trace.

"But Ergon said I hold the future in my hands," Trace said in a low voice.

"Trade between gentlemen is fair, no free given, no free taken," Master said.

"What can I give him?" Trace eyes lit up.

"The rings on your hand." Master laughed

Trace was shocked to hear the reasoning behind his master's wise words. The more master explained, the clearer things got. Heavens!

"Master, but I can't make mana flow inside my body."

"You will never know until you try! You might become the first Sorcerer to reach Level 3 without the Federation's help," Master encouraged.

"What about the fake rings?"

"I had an old customer who owned surreal fake ring along with fake talismans. You can seek for his help."

"I will find him tomorrow, master. Can I go now?"

Trace's master immediately nodded. He knew what was in his apprentice's mind and did not stop him. Instead, if Trace did not go, Master would've encouraged him to go.

Swirls house carried a red halo bestowed by the evening sun. Trace was standing at the gate checking his pockets for the key. A silver key attached with a small entangled emerald vines opened the gate without any problem.

Trace made his way through the garden, going inside the house. The door was unlocked so he went inside. Walking past the hallway, he was ready to climb the stairs to the second floor. At the last room on the second floor, he slowly knocked.

Eimi Swirls opened the door and greeted Trace with a light smile. She took Trace's hands and gently pulled Trace's into the room. The room was well lit and emitted a cozy feeling.

At the corner of the room, Geena Swirls was sitting straight on the bed with her eyes closed. Although her face was still pale but Trace could tell that she was better than the last time he saw her.

"My mother is a lot better now."

Eimi said to Trace while walking down the stairs. They went over to the usual veranda and sat looking at the distance. The sky was dark now and a hint of coolness was in the air.

"Er- Miss Swirls".

Trace hand was warm though. Since, the moment upstairs Eimi had not let go of his hand. Suddenly, he was pulled by Eimi and crashed onto her. A vivid, mushy smell filled his nostrils with a cushy pile of petals embraced his crashing face.

This total unexpected turn of events lighted up Eimi's face to match the color of her emerald eyes. She pushed Trace back gently but it made him fall. Again, she was not expecting Trace to fly off so readily.

"Trace yo-you brat! You purposely crashed on me!"

Eimi said while looking away. Unsure of what to do, she folded her arms and taped her feet repetitively on the floor.

Trace couldn't help but smile wryly despite losing his breath for a second. He decided to lay back and close his eyes for a moment. Miss Swirls is really strong, he thought of the time she had subdued him in the middle of a street.

Can the stone at the Perl Moon Market help me reach Level 3? Trace questioned in his mind. Ergon had told me that there was a chance. Maybe, then I will also be able to make mana flow inside my body.

"Trace are you okay?", Eimi closed on to Trace.

This disturbed Trace train of thoughts and he opened his eyes. Eimi face was close to his and he could make out all the details clearly. The emerald eyes, little strained at the side. Neat black eyebrows and the wisps of hair on her face.

A memory for the past surfaced on Trace's mind and he couldn't help but stare at Eimi's pink lips. Unfortunately, he was pushed back again as soon as she noticed his gaze.

"Trace you brat", her voice resounded throughout the house after she left the room.

Trace walked outside the house and firmly locked the gate. He couldn't stop smiling wryly thinking about the situations from earlier. Only when he walked more than half the distance did his smile lessen.

End of Act 2

"Where do we go from here" ~

Tenshadesofwintercreators' thoughts
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