
Chapter 19

Their arrival in the town had not caused as much panic as the bottomless stomach of Bonney did. She kept eating and eating, running dry the only restaurant in the town. And even when the households joined hands to serve her, they too ended up running out of their rations.

The people wanted to cry tears of blood, as the food and alcohol they had consumed were worth a fortune. But no one dared to call them out on it and silently kept serving them.

Sin called a stop to their celebrations late in the evening, much to the relief of the people who looked ready to pass out of tiredness any moment now.

When Blackstar Crew left the place, the people of the town finally let out their tears. They lost their wealth yesterday at the hands of the Tiger Pirates, and today, they lost all of their rations. Luckily they were on a Spring Island, where there was no shortage of food, so they were not going to starve. But they could not help but feel sad at their loss.

Just when some of them voiced out how unfair life was, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck the middle of town, leaving a giant chest full of gold and jewels there. It was an amount that was much greater than everything the Tiger Pirates had looted from them, and they stood there in disbelief looking at it for quite some time.

Everyone knew who was responsible for it, and the fearful Devil suddenly became a magnanimous diety in their hearts.

The next morning when the Black Pearl set its sail, the inhabitants of the Island were present on the Docks to bid them a silent farewell to express their gratitude. It was a strange sight, with nearly a thousand people present on the Docks, and not one of them dared to chant out the name of the Crew in fear that it could upset the Devil.

Time passed, and the Black Pearl gallantly sailed through the rage of the Evil Sea for the next seven days, arriving on a tropical Island that seemed to have no civilization on it. But there were creatures on the Island that surprised everyone.

"They are..."


Nami and Nojiko exclaimed when a flock of the ancient predator birds flew past their ship, heading to the tall mountains of the Island. And it was not long before they heard the roars of the other ancient Predators.

"Dinosaurs!" Even Law, who was usually stoic, was visibly excited when he saw a head of Brachiosaurus peer through the crown of the tall trees.

"Robin..." Sin seriously looked at his sister.

"It should be Little Garden." She nodded to him.

"Little Garden?" Bonney curiously asked.

"A Tropical Prehistoric Island that survived the tests of time, never changing. It is one of the few Islands left in the Grandline where Ancient animals such as Dinosaurs, that have gone extinct in other parts of the world, still exist." Robin explained to her.

"But why is it called Little Garden? This place is huge!" She frowned and asked.

"A report was published in the newspapers around 85 years ago by a man named Louis Arnote, who happened to arrive at the Island by the ministrations of the Evil Sea. In his report, he called this place Little Garden because to those who inhabit it, this place is but a little garden. Little Gaden is an Island of Giants." Robin lightly smiled and answered her.

"What?!" Nami, Nojiko, Law, Hachi, Bepo, and Bonney exclaimed in shock.

"The report only mentions two Giants who arrived on this Island and initiated a Sacred Duel. And they were the infamous Pirate Captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates." Sin said as he recalled the information. "Both of them have Bounties of 100 Million Berries on their heads."

"Only 100 Million?" Kuina was surprised at how low it was.

"It was last updated 100 years ago. Bounties have drastically inflated in the last century, so do not think that they were not much of a threat back then." Hancock smiled at her and said. "Want to go see them?"

"Would they still be alive?"

"Maybe, maybe not. If one of them did win and left this place, we might still find the dead's Skeleton on the Island."

"But if they are alive... Won't they eat us?" Nami hid behind Bonney and fearfully asked. She had read in a book that Giants could live for more than 300 years, and her instincts were telling her that the two of them were still alive on this Island.

"Well, if they decide on it, I can always take you away from the place. Don't worry." Sin smirked at her and assured her.

Law and Bepo were the most excited of the lot, and they ran ahead into the Island to check out all the Dinosaurs. Nami got over her initial fears and started to take an interest in all the ancient animals that existed here, and since all of them were seeing these animals for the first time in their lives, they loved every moment of it and expressed no haste to search for the Giants.

The crew was lucky enough to witness a Tyrannosaurus hunt down an Edmontosaurus and even came across a Sabertooth that wanted to hunt one of the little girls in their crew. And right now, the poor Sabertooth was a ride for Nami and Nojiko. They did not have to beat it down to make it docile, Hancock only used her Conqueror's Haki to make it understand what it was up against, and the ferocious beast had lost all its will to fight them.

At noon, when they were resting by the side of the lake, they felt some tremors spread through the ground and saw flocks of birds flying away from the centre of the Island where the Volcanic Mountains existed.

They were not far from the place and started moving towards it. Soon they could hear the loud clanks of metals, as well as the rigorous shouts of two warriors fighting against each other.

Kuina, Nojiko, and Nami were apprehensive, but everyone else was blooming in bright smiles as they pumped up the pace and rushed forward.

"Wow..." Bepo stared with wide eyes as he watched the two Giants duel it out.

"Dorry the Blue Ogre and Brogy the Red Ogre." Sin grinned and sat down by the side of Bepo, on top of a cliff. Soon everyone else gathered behind them and sat down as well, watching the fight with great interest.

"Gegyagyagyagya..." The Blue Ogre laughed in a booming voice. "You are going down, Brogy!"

"Gabababababa..." The Red Orge mockingly laughed at his words. "I am your death, Dorry!"

Dorry's rusty sword and Brogy's rusty axe clashed against each other, and soon both weapons started emanating Blue and Red Auras.

Both the Giants took a few steps back and then rushed at each other, a loud boom sounded out as the weapons clashed once more, but this time, a strong shock wave resulted and washed over all their surroundings.

Sin and Bonney immediately shielded Nami and Nojiko, and then apprehensively looked at the two Giants who had suddenly upped the intensity of their duel.

After nearly 100 years of constant fighting, the terrain under their feat was already barren, with signs of mass destruction all around it. Even some Volcanic Mountains were half caved in, showing how intense all their duels had been.

"That's not Conqueror's Haki." Robin narrowed her eyes as she looked at the Blue and Red Auras emanating from the bodies of Dorry and Brogy, which coated their weapons too.

Sin, Hancock, Augur, Law, and Bepo narrowed their eyes as well. It was not a phenomenon that they were familiar with, and they had never before seen people emanate Auras from their bodies.

The battle of the two Giants continued for another half an hour, and then both of them withdrew their weapons and looked each other in the eyes.



"It's a Draw!" They both said in unison.

"I will beat you in the evening." Dorry confidently said.

"It is your last day, Dorry, my friend." Brogy grinned back at him.

After they exchanged words, both of them suddenly turned to look at Sin and his Crew.

"We have some small folks on the Island today."

"They look pathetically weak."

Both of them started laughing after they said those words and then approached the Crew.

Seeing them approach made them all tense, but Sin could sense that the Giants held no animosity against them and gestured to his crew to stay calm.

"Hey, do you guys have booze on you?" Dorry asked when he came to a stop and looked at them closely. He was easily over 22 meters in height, and Broggy seemed only a meter shorter than him.

"Yup, we have booze on us." Sin smiled brightly and replied.

"Bring it out, bring it out!" Brogy happily laughed and sat down under the cliff, folding his hands and waiting for Sin to bring them the booze.

"Be right back." Sin said and disappeared in a bolt of lightning, and appeared a few seconds later with a dozen barrels of Rum and Honey Mead.

"I am Dorry the great Warrior of Elbaf!" The Blue Ogre picked up a couple of barrels and sat down by the side of Brogy, downing the liquor in one go.

"I am Brogy the great Warrior of Elbaf!" The Red Ogre introduced himself as well and happily enjoyed the drinks. "Can you tell us what year it is?"

"It's 1515." Sin informed him. "I am Black D. Sin, and this is my Crew." All of them introduced themselves one by one, and then they started happily chatting.

Within a few minutes, all the nervousness that was gripping the younger members of the crew disappeared, and they enthusiastically asked lots of questions.

Dorry and Brogy informed them that they had fought twice a day for the last 92 years, and all their duels had so far ended in a draw. What was surprising was that they did not remember the reason why they initiated the Sacred Duel, but they had no intention of giving it up as it was a matter of Pride for the Great warriors of Elbaf.

"What was that Red and Blue Aura emanating from your bodies?" Hancock couldn't help it and asked eventually, which made both the Giants narrow their eyes at her.

After a tense minute of silence, both the Giants started laughing heartily, much to the relief of the crew, who thought that their question had upset them.

"It was Haki," Dorry answered, and Brogy nodded his head before downing some more liquor.

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