
Chapter 166 : Not an ideal team

Alex's body spun around until he could not make which was up and down anymore. He felt like he could understand somehow how it felt to be a sheet being washed in a washing machine. His body was poison-resistant but not immune to motion sickness. Alex felt like he could vomit anytime being tossed around like this.

Fortunately, his suffering was not for long because his body suddenly propelled forward. That dizzying sensation stopped altogether, followed by a loud thump caused by his body crashing onto the floor.


While Alex was coughing up violently, Aslan, who was startled because Alex suddenly fell out of nowhere above him, quickly checked on his condition. If it were not for his quick reflex, he might have been squashed under his older brother right now. As much as he cared about Alex's safety, he was not that eager to become a cushion.

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