
A Rick Delivers...and Something Else

We're approaching the end of Power Trumps All guys. In a few more chapters this book will be complete. Enjoy.

(Jin's P.O.V)

I calmly ascended above the huge Gorillas making the jungle surrounding Wakanda home and the peaceful but dangerous looking Rhino's grazing around. 

The animals and even the vegetation in this area looked so…rich and healthy. It was totally different from how it was on the rest of the world and I was eager to find out just what other strange thing I could find here. 

The heart shaped herbs were a must of course. Anything to make my eventual body stronger and the things Zoren and I could do with a metal as miraculous as Vibranium almost made me cream my pants. 

I enjoyed walking on the jungle and seeing up close the different eco-system. Of course most animals and plants had decided to try and make me their meals but a quick ass kicking and they changed their minds.

I pushed the vines away and found myself in a village. Instantly, I bent the light hitting my form around me, making me disappear from sight and observed the Wakandans. Seems like they had only just decided to unify because the earth shaking technology they were known for wasn't present.

I toured the whole area and found many Panther statues and figurines. I also spotted the current Black Panther but my attention was stollen by the glowing caves where inside lay a blue ore, unrefined Vibranium. 

I bagged close to 5 tons of the ore and opened a discreet rift towards my planet. I didn't mine it of course that would have taken too much time (not really, I was just lazy) and created a lot of noise. So I just took advantage of the wooden carts containing the already mined ores then moved on. I made sure to take as little as possible, which lets you in on the fact that these guys had a lot of it.

Deeper into a cave behind the Black Panther's hut was a section closed off and guarded by two guards with spears. I passed them by and came across my other object of desire.

The Heart shaped herbs were infront of me. I carefully uprooted some and knocked out the two guards to not let them be mistaken as the ones responsible for this. 

I pulled away from the nation of Wakanda and waved at the huge Panther watching me from the peak of a mountain.

"Thanks for the light welcome Bast."

I said and teleported out.

She'd reluctantly allowed me to take the Vibranium and the other stuff fearing a confrontation. Bast was after all a young god as of now. Faith is essential for gods to grow and with the population of Wakanda as low as it was, Bast couldn't hope to defeat me, a Universal Lord.

I calmly walked out into the garage where Rick was now chugging down a bottle of Asgardian mead. Four empty bottles were lying on the ground. I'd teleported some over without an explanation right before the trip to Wakanda. A little bargaining chip for when we discussed what I wanted from him.

"This is..burp..some good stuff. Good stuff really."

I rose an eyebrow. 

"Did you drink all five bottles?"

"I don't know what you mean. Those were there when I came in. Only..burp..only empty."

He staggered from the table to a couch and fell on it. 

"Couch activate..burp..offence mode. Code name The Attack Attacker yaeger class…"

Another Rick appeared from a green portal and put a hole inside the drunk Rick's head with a blaster. 

"Ok what just happened?"

"You don't wanna know buddy. Short version, an AI goes..burp . rogue and creates a clone of me thinking..burp..thinking..buurp..that I'm the only thing strong enough to kill me, not knowing that I deal with Rick variants all the time..burp..that's all. Where's the rest of my booze?"

'That was the long version? I'm confused but let's just chalk it up to Rick and Morty's usual craziness.'

"I need you to do something for me first."

"Here." He threw over my data pad and I rose an eyebrow, "It's easy to see what you want. You're a physical being stuck in an energy form, your metabolic..burp.. habits still remain like breathing without..burp.. the need to, blinking your eyes and the movement of your body muscles when you're walking..burp.. you're creating a..burp..body. That's what the scanner is for. Now get the..burp..fuck out of..burp..my universe and leave the mead."

I didn't mind the rudeness as I'd already gotten what I'd been after. Plus, I'd rather get a body first before thinking of fighting this crazy fellow.

A rift opened up with the barrels of mead. I used my energy and lifted them, placing them gently near Rick.

"Go crazy you mad SOB."

The last sight I saw of him was a middle finger salute. I laughed as I exited out into my world right near the cabin. 

A few animals were grazing around and I took a second to breath in the fresh air. I looked over at Atlantis that was a bit far off into the distance and started walking there, just enjoying the view and taking a moment to plan my next move.

I already had Anodite d.n.a from Ben 10 and Sif was around so the Asgardian d.n.a was taken care of. What I wanted to do is go for a body that is durable enough to channel huge amounts of energy at a moments notice. A body with a high perception as well due to the sort of opponents my new level of power would bring. 

Immense physical power to fall back on as a precaution and immortal as well. Basically I was going for broke. There wasn't a need to be shy about it or even afraid. My current powers would come in handy for not only fighting back against scary foes but also escaping when the need arose. 

So which characters do I need? 

By the time I'd arrived at Atlantis, I already had a list of world to visit. The huge gates swung open as I entered the conservatory and instantly heard the clash of blades from the courtyard.

Sif was parrying multiple swords that were swinging at her from different directions while trying to approach Zoren. Zoren on the other hand was reading a book, looking for all intents and purposes bored.

"So you're back?"

He observed while flipping a page. 

Concrete rose up and changed into a comfortable couch that I threw myself on and sighed happily. I waved a hand and a few more floating swords were formed near Sif before they instantly jumped into the fray and attacked her. 


My teacher added and I smiled at the pressured Sif. She had actually gotten better. I would rate her thrice as strong as she was when I last saw her which wasn't that long from my perspective.

I looked at Zoren in question and he shrugged.

"There's a time difference between this universe and the rest. It's been a day and a half for you but 2 months have already gone by. Oh and we have a magical tree now, and an elf."

I turned to stare at him with my full attention.

"I think the world stores an imprint of the beings who arrive in it and then uses those imprints to create more creatures when it's not hardwired to follow a certain path. The scary amounts of energy help."

Oh, okay. So my planet is basically a huge copy machine. 'Snicker'

Anyway, I spread out my awareness and a huge tree brimming with my universal energy appeared in my senses on the other side of the planet.

"I'll be back in a minute."

I told him and he waved me off.

I teleported above a huge jungle and observed that the tree was actually even bigger up close. It was  a couple of hundred meters tall and about 50 meters wide.

A dozen tree vines shot off menacingly towards me, dripping with a strange green liquid and thorns covering their whole lengths. 

They hit an energy shield and rebounded off. After a few minutes of them trying to skewer me I took control of them and they parted before me, revealing a girl dressed in a green flowing dress, with the usual elf ears and green eyes. 

She was beautiful. Like really beautiful. The thing that shocked me however was just how much she looked like Sif. Her features were gentler, but with a ferocity in her eyes that reminded me of Sif.

She strained her hands, trying to wrest the control of the vines back from me.

" Vile creature leave before you face the full wrath of the guardian of Yggdrassil."

Cute. Wait a minute did she say Yggdrassil?

As in the Norse Mythology Yggdrassil? Well we now know who the world copied the Imprint from. Now, how to break it to Sif that she has a clone/sister? 

I rose my hands up in a non-threatening way and floated calmly to stand before her.

"I think you're mistaken. I'm not a vile creature…well the jury's still out on that one but trust me I wouldn't hurt a single hair on you."

Her expression eased up but the distrust came back when she saw me staring at the golden fruits hanging from the branches of the huge tree in wonder. 

I quickly sucked out all the energy in a 5 mile radius once she went back to trying to attack me.

"Liar! I saw your eyes! you're here for the Eternal Fruits. Tell me did those vile dragons send you here?"

Ok. This is getting monotonous.

I stretched out my influence on the whole planet. No the whole universe and everything stilled as the full weight of my power came crashing down.

"I think you misunderstood me. I am the God, your God. The Supreme Entity of this whole existence. I created this planet and everything in it and the reason you and your precious tree are still around is due to my patience. Patience that is quickly dying out."

Even in a kneeling position, even awed at my full power, even with the well hidden fear deep in her eyes…she had the gall to look at me in defiance.

I contained my power and looked at her before bursting out in laughter.

She looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't mind. It was so refreshing. That ' you might be god-like but I still don't care for you' look she was giving me. I knew it was born out of ignorance of the real world but…I liked it and by extension I liked her as well.

I reached out my hand for a handshake.

"Let's start over. Call me Jin."

She looked at my hand funnily and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"It's called a handshake. You do it when you meet someone for the first time."

She frowned a little and gingerly reached out to grasp my hand.

Her dainty hand disappeared on my own and I noted how soft it actually was as I shook it. She smiled at the touch no doubt having never had contact with someone else before.

"Come, let me introduce you to some people."

Next chapter