
Chapter 10

[A/N:So Rosalie is added to the little group.]

After the fight with Volturi Hadrian knew his coven was now considered the strongest and many saw them as some sort of mythical figure.Volturi because of their power hungry attitude made a huge mistake,they never thought they would be defeated like this.Afer the incident some of the cold ones lost the fear they once had for Volturi.Add salt to injury they lost Marcus whose ability was very important for their coven,they couldn't do anything to get him back as both Marcus and Didyme took sanctuary under Hadrian who they feared.

Time flew by as Hadrian was now going on missions,it was not surprising when he found out the fact their was organizations or foundations that actually were able to capture vampires.It was not hard,they learned to fight fire with fire.

Utlapa, wanted to use this power to enslave neighboring tribes, the Hohs and the Makahs. Unwilling to use the warriors' powers for such monstrous purposes, his chief, Taha Aki banished him from the tribe. One day, the chief left his body in a hiding place to sweep through the valley in his spirit form, searching the area for anything that may pose a threat to the tribe. Utlapa followed him and possessed his body, then cut his own body's throat to prevent Taha Aki's return. The chief wandered for a while in spirit form, watching the thief do horrible things to his people.

Taha Aki couldn't believe this stranger could see his spirit form,Hadrian laughed seeing his descendants shocked state as he said"I am Hadrian Black, father of Sirius Black and your ancestor."

Taha Aki couldn't believe what he was hearing as he questioned"That can't be true ?"

Hadrian shook his head and summoned the wolf tooth necklace he had given his son,the sudden appearance shocked Taha Aki who knew the fact the necklace was special.It was always used as method to find the next chief,it would always come to those with good heart,but it would burn those who had ill intents.The wolf tooth necklace could never be forcefully taken as it would use disappear and reappear at hands of the person it thinks is worthy.

Another thing about the necklace was the fact it couldn't be touched by people other than their bloodline.Taha remembered the stories from his grandfather on how father of Sirius Black was an spirit,who had blessed their tribe with magic.

Hadrian amused by Taha Aki's thoughts,his son really passed down stories about him being an immortal spirit.

Hadrian spoke up"I was alerted by the necklace telling that one of my descendants where in trouble.I normally don't interfere with problems between your tribes,but it seems one of blood really went bad."

Taha Aki was hesitant,but he knew only this man could help him as he said"My people are in trouble,I need you help,Old one."

Hadrian nodded and muttered"I always told my son to warn his sons or daughters about the dangers of spirit walking."

Taha Aki was slightly embarrassed hearing his ancestor point out his mistake,as he saw is ancestor using magic.

Hadrian decided help arm the tribe with powers so that they can go toe to toe against cold ones.Hadrian saw a wolf he took it as base and actually fashioned a body for Taha Aki to poses.Taha Aki was awed seeing all this,when he possessed his new body it was actually stronger than his real one,he also noticed his body was hotter.

Hadrian seeing his descendant noticing the changes in the body,he decided to explain"As you can already see,I have increased your strength,speed and healing.In addition you will be able to turn onto giant wolf at will."

Taha Aki was confused,as he asked"Why give me all these powers."

Hadrian continued"I gave you these powers because there are beings in this world that will hunt you down for your powers."

Hadrian gave information about Cold ones and Children of the Moon,he made sure to let Taha Aki understand the fact that he had to keep his tribe's ability a secret.

Taha Aki agreed with his ancestor,he was still having hard time believe blood drinking demons were roaming this world.Taha Aki specially told not to attack anyone with specific symbol,which Taha Aki agreed as he was indebted to his

ancestor.Hadrian also has the ability to take away these ability too.

Taha Aki returned to his tribe and made sure oust Utlapa for his crime.Taha Aki actually transformed into his wolf form which was 6 feet tall golden wolf.Taha Aki tore apart Utlapa,Taha Aki was warned about the downsides of these new powers,which was his anger.

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