

Felix's POV

Two weeks later

I had left my office in a hurry; Kyle had called me back to my house citing that there was an emergency. Kyle had not given me information regarding the emergency and that made me panic the more. I knew that as a lawyer I had to remain calm at all times, but just thinking about Kyle's call set me on edge.

I had probably jumped every red light and ignored every road safety measures, including not wearing my car seat. I drove into my driveway and got out of my car, only to find Kyle standing there and waiting for me at the entrance of my door.

"What is it Kyle, that you had to make me rush out of my office like a mad man?" I asked Kyle but he simply smiled at me, this only infuriating me the more.

"Hey, hey don't get mad at me. I just brought your present home for you, the least you can do is to thank me" Kyle told me. I stared at him in anger, whilst my blood boiled in anger for Kyle.

"What present are you talking about?" I asked him, irritated that he had dragged me out of my office for something as meaningless as a present.

"You will just have to wait and see" Kyle answered but that was not the answer I wanted from him.

Kyle unlocked the door to my house, which left me wondering where he had gotten my keys from? However, I let it slide, hoping to revisit that matter some other time. Both Kyle and I entered my house, he lead me to my living room area.

When Kyle moved out of the way, I saw a young black woman. I did not know why she was in my house but she looked beat down. The young women wore a torn dress, was bare feet, her hair in a messy bun as though she had not washed it in days and she looked say. One last thing, her hand handcuffed to my window. I turned my attention to Kyle and pulled him aside.

"Who is she?" I asked my friend, Kyle and smiled at me.

"What do you mean who is she? She's your surprise" Kyle answered me but I was still lost in what he had just told me.

"What damn surprise are you talking about? Kyle if this is one of those exotic dancers, I suggest you pick out one that looks less like a beggar" I told him.

"Felix two weeks ago at Jenna Heart's party, you told me that you needed a woman to help you around the house, one that did not give you a headache and here she is" Kyle responded to me as though this entire situation was totally fine.

"Kyle was I in any case drunk?" I asked my friend, knowing the answer before he replied to me.

"Yeah you were, you should have seen the way you—".

"Then why the heck did you listen to me in the first!" I yelled at him, wondering how it was that I had managed to be his friend for this long.

"Hey! Was it not you who told me that, drunk words are often sober thoughts? And besides you don't even have to pay a thing for her, she works for free" Kyle informed me.

"You so— what do you mean I don't have to pay her nothing?" I asked my friend, wondering what it was that Kyle was trying to tell me. My friend smiled at me as if there was nothing completely wrong with the situation we found ourselves in.

"Well this guy—"

"What's his name?" I cut Kyle off. I did not know what his plans were but I had a bad feeling about what Kyle had done and there was still the question of who the woman in his living room was.

"I don't know, he said that he couldn't tell me. I met him in a private place and he showed different types of girls. I chose this one because she is quiet and I brought her for you. Happy birthday Felix!" Kyle jumped up and wished me.

I could feel my face redden with anger, the muscles in my face began to twitch and my hands began to sweat. I placed my back against my wall and began to slide down it until I was flat on the floor sitting.

"You've ruined me, Kyle" I told my friend in utter disbelief. It was all making sense to me now that Kyle had literally brought an entire human being. I was in utter disbelief; my friend had literally gotten us into trouble.

"Hey dude, I did you a sweet favor" Kyle tried to explain his reasoning for buying the young woman.

"Do you know the consequences of what you did? Kyle I am a human rights attorney for crying! What you just did is called human trafficking, modern day slavery. We could go to jail for a very long time" I yelled at Kyle but that did not seem to work or scare him.

"Oh please Felix, we'll probably just bribe some judge into letting us go free" I quickly got up from the floor, grabbed Kyle by the collar and pinned him to the wall.

"Bribe a judge? Are you crazy? Kyle I don't think that you understand how serious this is, if we are caught we could be facing twenty to life in prison!" I tried to explain this to Kyle but it seemed as though nothing made sense to him.

"Keep your voice down Felix, she might hear you" Kyle whispered to me. I turned my attention to the girl and she was looking right back at Kyle and I, she was mad. I focused my attention back to Kyle and he too looked at me.

"Kyle, we have to call the cops and report this matter, the sooner we do it the better it will be for us" I informed Kyle and his immediate reaction was to pull me back and slam my back onto the wall.

"No Felix you can't do that! Look, we have known each other all our lives, you cannot do this to me, and we are like brothers. I mean what would your mother say if she heard that you were the reason for me ending up in jail?" Kyle tried to justify what he had just done. I knew that Kyle was right and there was a good chance that he would have ended up in jail for participating in human trafficking. Kyle turned his attention away from me and placed his hands onto his hips, he was clearly out of ideas.

"Look Felix, I'm leaving so that I don't pressure you. And don't let her out of the house or we're both screwed" Kyle informed me, leaving me in utter disbelief.

I watched as Kyle left my house and suddenly the house became silent, but my thoughts still haunted and tortured every part of me. I walked over to the living room, the girl was still there, her hand still handcuffed to the window bars and she sat on the floor.

I did not know what to do, never have I been in such a situation and I hoped that this was truly the last. I walked into my living room and I sat onto the couch, looking right into her eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked her and she said nothing, leaving me to wonder if she understood English at all.

"I said what us your name?" I asked her once more, hoping that I would get an answer this time around


Finally giving up on the young woman talking, I stood up from the couch and walked over to my kitchen. I grabbed a glass of orange juice and a few biscuits on a plate and brought it to the young woman. I placed it onto the floor next to her and she just looked up at me.

"Here's your food. I hope it's enough, because I hardly eat at home" I cracked a joke and she did not laugh.

She took the food and immediately began eat as though she had not eaten in days. I sat down and watched her the entire time. I watched her eat her food and then later, neatly packed the empty plastic and glass onto the table nearby.

"Cindy" A voice came from out of nowhere, when I looked up it was here.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" I asked her, still surprised that she could speak English.

"I said my name is Cindy" She repeated herself. I got up from my couch and walked towards her but she stood up from the floor and moved further away from me.

"Look Cindy, you don't have to be afraid of me" I tried to reassure her.

"Why shouldn't I?" She asked me and she caught me off guard.

"Because I don't hit women and I won't hurt you, I promise"

"Yeah, just like your friend said before he hit me" Cindy confessed and this made me angry. Over the years, Kyle had proven to be aggressive, but to lay his hands on a woman was something that even I would not take from my friend.

Shit! Kyle would never change. I thought to myself.

"Look I won't hurt you at all okay. You can sleep in one of the guest rooms, on one condition; you don't try to escape okay" I asked her and nodded her head in agreement. I grabbed the key from underneath the flowerpot and walked over to her and I released her. I watched Cindy rub her wrist, the cuffs had been tight on her. She was quiet the entire time I walked her to the guest room.

"Here you go Cindy. You have a queen sized bed, shower with bath, cupboard and a TV"

"Thank you" She said. She walked into her room and I could hear that she had indeed locked the door with a key.

What the hell .It's not as if I am going to rape her. I thought but then it hit me, she might have been afraid.

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