
Our Friendship

As an Introvert, it was really a surprise for me how I was so comfortable with them. I was never this close and this much comfortable with any other friends. Though basically Sud, Aom and I was close. I was not close with Sam. I really thought she was mean and I was not wrong.

We were friends by the time but not best friends, you know? A friend, with whom you feel comfortable, you can be yourself, you don't need to care about anything, and you can share anything, anytime.

I have had some trust issue. I cannot trust anyone so easily. Maybe that's the cause why I was holding myself back in everything that they were enjoying.

It was not until the date of our final competition. By this time only 6 of us were selected to perform in the final. When the competition began and we were asked to perform our individual acts first. It was my turn first and I got on to the stage and sung a song.

I forgot to tell again! I am a guitarist and I love to sing and write my own songs. The second competitor was Sud and he stage a dance and he was so good at that. I can say he was a natural dancer. I loved his performance. And the last one was Tony, he also performed a song. I don't like this guy not because of any personal grudge or anything, he has got attitudes and always like to show off which I hate from the bottom of my heart.

The Host called out the name of Aom. I was looking forward for her performance. She performed a beautiful traditional dance and both me and Sud love that. We cheer for her.

I found something interesting and new to me, we were all competitors but there was no competition between us. We were happy when another one was performing better than us. This is something that I never felt with any of my old classmate or friends!

I love this kind of relationship between friends, which I only found in the novels or in some dramas. It was my first time to feel something like this between friends. I was so emotional at this moment.

When I was lost in my thoughts, I noticed that Sud received a phone call and he suddenly become so sad. I don't know what's wrong with him, I never saw him this sad. He is usually a fun loving guy. As, I was going to ask him, I saw he was running towards the exit. So, without thinking anything I just went after him. And hold him by his arm.

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

I just noticed he was crying. I felt sad deep in my heart.

"My mom.....Accident...Hospital....."

He was not even able to form a sentence. But I got what might have happened. So, I decided not to let him be alone.

"I will go with you!"

His eyes were totally blank. I know he is not in a situation to think anything. I knew how much he loved his mom. He again was about to run, I hold him and told him to wait. I called my driver, as my home was so not far from my school.

"Wait, my car will be here in 5 mins. It will be faster than running."

I know I should not be saying like this. But in my whole life I have never faced such a situation. I don't know who to comfort someone in such a situation. I again took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Aom's number to tell her about everything. First I thought she would be angry and she should be as our couple performance was going to start soon and without me she cannot participate. But to my surprise she said, "Wait there. I will be coming with you."

It only took her a minute to reach us. She was wearing our couple performance costume, a long and beautiful grown. And she just came like that. I can say she was running through the whole way wearing her pencil heals. At the same time my car was also there. We got into the car. I asked her to sit with him in the back seat and I sat on the front sit. I asked the driver to drive fast.

"Where we are going young master?"

"Which hospital, Sud?"

As he was not replying, I just took his phone and dialed the last number to know the location.

"City hospital."

We reached there after half an hour. After asking in the desk and searching for some time, we finally found Sud's mom's room. She was in the ICU and Sud's father was waiting Infront of the room. As soon as Sud saw him, he run to him and hugged him tight. Tears were flowing like rain from his eyes. It was clear he was trying so hard to hold his tears back the whole way. It was my first time to see a big boy like him to cry like this. I was trying to notice uncle's reaction as well, he was also crying.

Maybe this is called the love between family. I decided to do everything in order to protect his family and ensure proper treatment for aunty. As, I knew that place well than Sud and his father.

So, I searched for the attending doctor. He told me that, "She is not in a good shape. Have some severe injuries in her head. Also, she bleed a lot. She needs a head surgery, but our surgeon is out of town. We are trying to call for help from the nearest hospital but they are not responding. I asked her husband to contract the blood bank. You should see if he got any help."

I was so angry at this doctor. I mean your hospital's surgeon is not in the town and you are not properly trying to contract any other surgeon. "I am trying to contract him!" What I saw he was not trying at all.

I need to control myself and my emotions. I cannot argue with a doctor at such a moment.

"Excuse me!" The doctor left me and I found that Aom and Sud were also listening to everything. Sud was so shocked after hearing his mom's critical condition.

"Don't worry bro! I won't let anything happen to her. You can have trust on me."

He just hugged me and started crying again. He was trying to say something to me but I didn't get any of them.

I called my dad. And as usual his phone was busy. Nothing new. So, I called his Secretary instead. He picked my phone on first call.

"What can I do for you Young Master?"

"Bring me the best neuro surgeons of the city as soon as you can."

"What happened young master? Are you alright? Do I need to tell master about it?"

"Just do what I am telling you. Also, prepare the VIP room in our hospital and send an ambulance to 'City Hospital'"

"Okay, Young Master. Give me 10 minutes. I'll prepare everything."

"5 minutes!"


I saw Aom, Sud and his father was looking at me blankly. I don't know what was my expression back then. But I can tell, it was not good, judging from their faces.

"Sorry Uncle, I decided to shift her without your permission."

"Dad! He is my friend, Aaron."

"No son, I think you know better hospital than this. Please save her. Please! I beg you."

"You don't need to. Please, don't say like that uncle. Sud is my friend and I will do everything that I can. Nothing will happen to her."

"Young Master!"

"Why you are here?"

"Master told me to be with you."

"Where's the ambulance?"

"It's waiting outside the gate."

"What are you waiting for than? Get the papers ready and take her to the hospital."

After saying this to my bodyguard I again look back and asked for permission!

"Uncle can I?"

"Yes, son."

"Go! Start the work"

I ordered my bodyguard! Glad he was here to deal with all formalities! As I hate to deal with that things!

The doctor and the ward boys came out of the ambulance and after talking with her doctor and doing some formalities they took her to the ambulance. It took us only 8 minutes to reach my family hospital. There I saw the director was waiting for us in front of the gate. We didn't need to do any formalities. The director asked me to wait in the Chamber as it will take a long time to diagnose her. But I decided to go with my friends. Don't know why I don't want to leave him alone.

After cross checking her situation and doing all the tests the head neurologist came to us and said that,

"She is not that much serious as her previous doctors said. But we need to perform a minor surgery to remove the dry blood. She is not having any internal bleeding so you not need to worry. I will perform the operation by myself. We are just waiting for B (-)ve blood, as you know it is a rare blood type. We will start the operation as soon as we get it. Please, go through the formalities."

"Do I need to call the manager to arrange the blood?"

"No, young master. We are trying our best. You can relax now."

"Thanks, Uncle."

"We will prepare the OT now. Please, sign the agreement form."

The nurse came with the agreement and give it to Sud, I saw his hand was all shaky. I put my hand on his solder and assure him nothing will happen to aunty. He signed the paper and the doctor began with the preparation. It took them nearly 2 hours to finish the operation.

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