
Something about future

In this world there are three recognized status of people, the commoners who rank the lowest, the nobles, the Royals and the temple which acts as a balancer between them.

This three status holders live in this world peacefully and respectfully buy there is also another type of person who live in this world but unlike the three holders, they live hidden in the dark not because they are some kind of criminals but just because they are the magic holders which are totally opposite to that of the magic used by the royals and priests.

They are the dark magic holders. 


They look like normal people but nothing about them is normal thy are the worshipper of dark while everyone only preaches the light.

They are cruel and scary while the light bearers are full of empathy and sympathy.


But why? When both of them are magic holders though dark and light...why is there so much difference in between them? 

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