
The road Downtown

It has been a week since Violet has started living with us, in the winter villa. And I must say at first things was very awkward for all of us, since we never had a guest living with us before and for violet, she was used to living all alone with the Viscount.

And there were many awkward and weird moments we have been through the last seven days, about which I would prefer not to talk about but right now we are all good. And unlike what I thought, violet prefers simple things and she doesn't like being around servants all the time.

Unlike the violet in the tea party, she is anti-social most of the time stuck in her room reading books or painting pictures. I always get worried that maybe she is bored but every time I look at her, she looks contained with what she has and at times like that she always has a smile on her face not a social smile but a real smile.

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