
The Night

"Eat your food that is placed just outside the door and further instruction will be told later on," she announced and left the room again with a pile of graded sheets.

At last, the nightmare is over for the time being…

Since all we had to do was to wait for her to come here again and pick a student for a reward. 

It was a good opportunity to reveal each other's marks but only if all of them were a group of friends and not a group of students. 

Not being close to each other they seemed a little bit hesitant revealing their score. 

Questions arose, 'what if they judge my score and me?', 'what if I have the lowest score?' 

Not knowing how good the other person is in academics their thoughts about revealing their scores didn't come up. 

Peter stood up and brought in the food the Principal placed just outside the door for us. 

Next chapter