
59 - Magic Surge

Dr. Gordon looked at them blankly. Ren allowed himself to be examined by the middle aged doctor, and was declared fit enough.

Ren indeed felt much better now after the three furballs had drained his excessive magic. And Fang felt better now that they knew what the problem with Ren had been...and that it could be treated.

Snow, Smoke and Shadow sat obediently and quietly while Ren was being examined. As soon as Dr. Gordon left, though, they pounced on Pax.

Uncle Pax! Treat! Treat!

Pax looked at Ren and Fang blankly as three childish voices burst into his mind.

"You're not hallucinating," Ren said with a chuckle. "They really are speaking with you."

"How...?" Pax couldn't even formulate a question properly.

Ren chuckled. "Well...I supposed it's time I share yet another secret with you..." he said, and quickly explained about his magic and the magic surge he'd been experiencing.

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