
I'm not going anywhere without you

Kevin wasn't able to enjoy this small victory as his trap triggered the rage of this Ancient God and in his vision he saw Sliman eat 2 black pills at once.

Kevin's blood froze in his veins as his vision continued, and he saw Axel's body being lacerated with blows from that Divine sword whose blade was now covered in black flames.

His wounds left black marks all over his body, spreading further and further, and although Axel continued to fight, he was now finding it difficult to parry Sliman's sword blows, as he had become far too powerful for him.

Then, he saw Sliman pierce Axel's energy reserve as he had told him he would, and the vision ended there.

His vision had only been quick flashes of what was about to happen and only a few seconds had passed, but then Kevin shouted, forgetting that he was still in the cave: "AXEL, COME BACK!"

Next chapter