
Ruled by these divine laws

The Drakonits were one of her finest creations but they were far too powerful for this world, she had created them directly from the Eternal Fire and she had given to them a superior intelligence.

She had also made sure to code their genes so that all new Drakonits would inherit the knowledge acquired by their ancestors.

And as for what form she had given to them, they were simply the evolution of dragons, a Drakonit when it reached its adult size was 3 times bigger than a dragon and 5 times more powerful, a real wonder.

The Eternal Fire in which she had created them allowed them to regenerate almost instantly, like phoenixes, and wherever they were, the fire particles would be automatically attracted to them and they would obey and protect them on their own will.

It was the same if someone tried to attack them with a fire spell, it could never hurt them, the fire would instinctively feel attracted to them and protect them from their enemies.

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