
Red Light.

Ichiro jumped down from the office and landed on top of the destroyed puppet.

On top of the assembly line, Monster Puppet kept looking down, and even though it didn't have eyes, Ichiro felt its gaze grazing his flesh.


The Monster Puppet walked out of the assembly line, and when its muscular feet touched the ground, the room shook.

Ichiro went into his fighting stance but got no reaction from the Monster Puppet.


Out of nowhere, two holes started forming in Monster Puppet's head.

The holes were in stops where eyes would be, but they didn't look even remotely similar.

In the holes, two bright red dots were glowing.

The manufacturing room was already beeping in the color of red, but after the two ''eyes'' appeared, it became bright enough to make ordinary citizens blind.

Even Ichiro had to cover his face.


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