
Action-Reaction, Pt 3

The Spirit of Amelia flew over the serene and beautiful planet below them. It was among the few sanctuary planets in what used to be the Hegemony, and was also deep inside of Godeater’s ‘territory’. The ship surveyed the land just beneath, which was a massive rainforest with a sweeping tree canopy.

Because it was so thick, the corvette’s sensors could hardly pierce through to scan the forest bed.

Thankfully, there was a wide, raging river close by that cut the forest itself into two. The river itself was filled with various schools of fish and amphibians. Its banks were also teeming with all kinds of life, from various mammals to insects and pests.

The ship kept on going and followed the wide river all the way to the forest’s edge, and met rolling valleys filled with overgrown stalks of grass and flowers.

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