
Desperate Ambush, Pt 3

The nearly two dozen remaining Peacekeepers sped right up to the Photon Tether block, but stayed just outside the southern entrance. Even though they hadn’t yet gone inside, their systems and sensors already began to be somewhat suppressed and scrambled.

One of their scouts attempted to perform active sweeps inside the block itself, but the sheer density of energy in the air negated them completely.

Even their live feed sensors were somewhat disrupted - the images flickered on their screens and MFDs wildly.

“Sir, fighting in there would be suicide,” said an officer. “Our sensor clusters aren’t robust enough to fight under the full pressure of a pure photon r-”

“I don’t care,” That Idiot said. “If we can hardly fight in it, neither can they. We’ve got numbers. We’ve got firepower. And the will of law.”

“Wait!” said a scout. “Sensors are detecting a signal cluster! It’s gathered right at the center of the block. Potentially mecha. Can’t really tell.”

Next chapter